Definitions of Terms Used by Gorilla In The Corner
BOMA - Board of Mayor and Aldermen
CON - Certificate Of Need
The Tennessee Health Services and Development Agency is responsible for regulating the health care industry in Tennessee through the Certificate of Need Program. A Certificate of Need (“CON”) is a permit for the establishment or modification of a health care institution, facility or service at a designated location. The CON program assures that health care projects are accomplished in an orderly, economical manner, consistent with the development of adequate and effective healthcare for the people of Tennessee.
HCA - Hospital Corporation of America (Parent Company of TriStar Health System)
HSDA - Tennessee Health Services Development Agency
Impact Fees - One-time charges applied to offset the additional public-service costs of new development. They are applied at the time a building permit is issued and are dedicated to provision of additional services, such as water and sewer systems, roads, schools, libraries, and parks and recreation facilities, made necessary by the presence of new residents in the area. The funds collected cannot be used for operation, maintenance, repair, alteration, or replacement of existing capital facilities and cannot just be added to general revenue.
MRH - Maury Regional Hospital
Re-Apportionment - In simplest terms, "Re-Apportionment" is the process of periodically redrawing the 4 voting wards (or districts) of Spring Hill.
Subdivision Regulations - The document that the Planning Commission establishes through the authority of Tennessee state law to develop standards for streets, drainage ways, sewage disposal, water systems, and other aspects of public welfare. These regulations ensure adequate lot size, public access, and the availability of public services to each lot created. They also help to conserve natural, scenic, historic, and recreational areas.
TABOR - Tax Payors' Bill of Rights - In the event of a surplus at the end of a fiscal year, provides for a property tax decrease in the following fiscal year to offset the previous year surplus. Also requires any proposed increase in property tax to come before the public in the form of a referendum.
Ward - Area or district of the city
WMC - Williamson Medical Center
Zoning Ordinance - Land use regulations enacted by the city, through the Board of Mayor and Aldermen to create districts or zones that establish permitted and special uses within those zones. Land uses in each district are regulated according to type, density, height, lot size, placement, building bulk, and other development standards. The ordinances include procedures for changing the status of land use and the physical development standards too.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Posted by Gorilla in the Corner at 1:21 PM
Labels: Definitions
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