Tuesday, November 01, 2005

General Information About the Blog

General Information About Spring Hill Alternate

About Spring Hill Alternate
Spring Hill is one of the fastest growing cities in the United States, and five years from now it will be an entirely different place than what it is today. Hopefully, it is for the better, but that will not be possible without concerned citizens rising up to be heard now. Many things are going on today that directly influence the way in which we as citizens will conduct our lives in the coming months and years. I ask you to join with me in letting our local elected officials know what we think and how we want our city to grown and evolve. I have started this dialogue to help all of us better understand how our city government works and what they are doing right or wrong.

Here is how you can get involved:

* Meeting attendance. Click Here to go to a page that lists the meeting schedule for the City of Spring Hill Planning Commission and Board of Mayor and Aldermen.

* E-mail friends. Help spread the word and explore this website.

* Use the links that I have provided on the right to E-mail our local officials.

* Inform yourself. Read and subscribe to this site. Attend meetings to verify this information.

* E-mail the Gorilla if you would like to participate in any way.

I look forward to all of your comments in the coming days, weeks and months!

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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is a series of personal opinions and is not meant to reflect an official position by the City of Spring Hill.

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