Monday, December 01, 2008

Les Cleveland

Ward 1 Alderman Candidate

Les Cleveland
(615) 330-8639

Meet the candidates on video at the following link:
Thank you to the Tennessean for taking this initiative for our community.

Spring Hill Alternate Questionnaire

1. What specific event(s) sparked your interest to run for this position, at this time?

There was not one event. I have been a resident for 7 years and I am very interested in what is going on in Spring Hill. I now have the time available to devote to the Board of Mayor and Alderman.

2. What are the 3 greatest achievements in our city during the past 4 years? Why?

-The opening of new businesses. There are now several places to shop and eat in Spring Hill withought traveling to Cool Springs. The new businesses also provide jobs.

-Citizen involvment. People are now organizing and expressing themselves. These include the Spring Hill Hospital citizen effors, the formation of the historical commission, and zoning change input. When people get involved, better decisions are made.

-Ambulance Contract. This is truly a life and death issue. Response time is better and the contract reflects a needed solution to a city that is located in 2 counties.

3. What are the 3 greatest failures of our city during the past 4 years? Why?

-Doing away with the city property tax. There is a need for citizens to pay some taxes to support city cervices. The tax rate was .19 then 0 and now .60. Changing the tax rate has lead to higher taxes and less revenue. Some of the financial problems might have been avoided, if the tax rate would have remained at a moderate level.

-Failure to develop an adequate reserve funds. This is related to number 1. When time were good the city could have put more money in a reserve fund for roads. A road reserve fund might have avoided part or all of the money borrowed for paving roads.

-Instability in the City Administrator position. After Mr. York's resignation, we found out about some of the financial problems. Then a new City Administrator was hired and allowed a few months to move to Spring Hill and then decided not to move and resigned. Now the city is again looking for a City Administrator. This is a very important position since that person is responsible for the day to day running of the city. Thank goodness for Mr. Smith is filling in as the Acting Administrator.

4. Do you support the current HCA hospital coming to our city? Why or why not?

I support the Hospital coming to our city. As a community of 25,000 and growing we will need the health care facilities. In addition, the hospital and developments related to the hospital will provide jobs.

5. Do you believe that the Mayor and Aldermen are adequately compensated? If not, what should the compensation package be?

I think the Mayor and Aldermen are adequately compensated. In fact, there are numerous cities around the county where aldermen receive significantly less that $450 a month. This may have to be looked at in light of some of the reductions in expenses that are being asked of other departments in Spring Hill.

6. What are your feelings regarding the eligibility of elected officials to be included in the City of Spring Hill’s medical insurance plan free of charge?

I do not feel that alderman should be included in the medical insureance plan free of charge. This is a very generous benefit.

7.In this economic downturn, where do you see additional income streams being generated to keep city services at our current level?

I do not believe that we should seek additional income streams. We need to balance the budget with current revenue.

8. If we need to begin cutting city expenses, where would you plan to trim the budget?

I think the process for cutting city expenses is the important part of where we cut. If we need to cut the budget, department heads should determine where those cuts should be made. The department heads,with the City Administrator talk to the Finance Committee (composed of Aldermen) and provide rationale for those cuts. Then if any changes need to be made they can be made at this time and ultimately approved by the Board. We have to respect the process and get input from all concerned, including citizens.

9. Were you in favor of re-instating our city property tax?

Yes. Spring Hill needs a city property tax. The tax should not have been eliminated a few years ago. The tax might not be at the level it is today if the tax would not have been eliminated a few years ago.

10. Do you see an immediate need for a tax increase? If so, to what rate?

No. I do not believe that we need at tax increase.

11. What experience do you have that allows you to be qualified to lead our city?

As a former urban planner, I have worked with numerous citites and regional goverments on tranportation and land use issues. I coordinated a major committee to address environmental issues in a large urban area in Illinois which involved working with the Chamber, major businesses and environmental groups. In addition I prepared the regional list of funded highway projects. I served on a Planning Commission in Illinois in a rapidly growing area which dealt with many of the type of issues that confront Spring Hill. As a 7 year Spring Hill resident I have studied the issues and seen the changes taking place in Spring Hill and I am well suited to help lead of those issues.

12. How many Board of Mayor and Alderman meetings have you attended in the past 2 years?


13. How many Planning Commission meetings have you attended in the past 2 years?


14. What specific qualities and ideas do you bring to the table that make you most qualified for this position (feel free to elaborate in at least a paragraph or two)?

I believe it is important to respect and work well with the Board of Mayor and Alderman, city employees, and the various commissions and committees. As an example, to find out about the financial issues facing the city, I attended the finance committee meetings and saw the Aldermen, acting Administrator and city department heads discussing budget information and providing citizen response time. It is so easy to criticize the financial decisions made by Aldermen, but I want to provide leadership to work with the Finance Committee, Department Heads, and the Board to make good, well thought out financial decisions. This applies to other committees and commissions as well. The Board needs to examine the committee and commission structure and responsibilities and possibly add citizens and evaluate how the committees and commisssions report to the Board.

I also believe it is important for governments at all levels to be as open and transparent as possible to all Spring Hill residents. I believe that all budget information should be placed on the web and a summary of budget information should be reviewed every month at a Board meeting. Better decisions are made when citizens are involved and have access to as much information as possible.

15. If you were going to ask 3 questions that all of your opponent(s) would have to answer, what would those questions be, and how would you answer them?

What do you think of the job the finance committee is doing? They are doing a good job of reviewing budgets and setting an example of a good procedure to follow in preparing budget information for the Board.

How should the city fund roads? The city should make the Department of Transportation aware of the needs for roads in Spring Hill and make sure a needed projects are placed on the transportation improvement plan. For city roads, the city should pursue developments which are able to provide road improvements as part of the project. A reserve fund for roads should also be a priority.

How would you handle a citizen group that demands that you as alderman oppose a rezoning request before tbefore the Plan Commission has made a decision? I will respond with informing the citizen group about the importance of voicing their concerns initially to the Plan Commission. However, I will not take a stand on the developement until the Plan Commission has made a decision. The Plan Commission is able to pull together detailed information which may address citizen concerns and will provide the alderman with better information.

16. What are your feelings regarding our current city commissions?

-Planning Commission

* Are you interested in drastically changing any aspects of the commission?

I would expand the Commission to include additional citizens.

* Who would you recommend and support as the representative from Board of Mayor and Alderman to the Planning Commission? Currently that appointment is held by Jonathan Duda.

I would recommend that Jonathan Duda continue as the Member.

* Do you feel that our current Adequate Facilities tax is in fact adequate considering the tough economic times ahead?

I do not want to raise any taxes that support the general fund.
* Do you believe that incoming developments should be responsible for road and infrastructure improvements associated with their development?


* Do you believe that there is a need for apartment buildings in our city? If so, where would you suggest that they be located?

Yes, if the buildings are part of a well conceived development and the Board ensures that the development will add amenities such as roads that will make the development an asset to the community. I believe that areas zoned for apartments in the current City Master Land Use Plan is adequate. However, this has to be constantly reviewed. For example, the Board has not approved the plan until Maury County completes their study. This was a good idea. Building locations and zoning concerning aprtments has to be reviewed frequently.

-Economic Development Commission * What do you believe is the city’s role in economic development?

The city needs to provide the land and infrastructure information and appropriate zoning to attract economic development.

* How would you recommend that we attract and recruit businesses and institutions that provide additional services (such as a community college)?

We should make sure that a parcel of land large enough is zoned for this use and show how the growth in the city will support heavy use of a facility.

-Historic Commission * The establishment of a Historic Commission was hotly debated in our city. Do you agree with the creation of the Historic Commission?


* What do you feel is the role of a Historic Commission in our city?

Promote preservation of historic areas and development which enhances the historical nature of these areas.

* In your opinion, what are the 3 most significant historical sites in our city?

Mr. Cleveland did not answer this question.

-Budget and Finance Committee * Have you been pleased with the progress made during the past year to bring transparency to our city’s financial problems?

Yes, the budget and finance committee is doing a good job of reviewing the budget line by line.

* What do you feel is the most important challenge our city will face in the next year from a financial point of view?

With the exception of local sales tax, other revenues are falling rather dramatically. The city will need to bring expenses in line with revenue.


Anonymous said...

Les is right!!! The ambulance contract was one (if not the) of the most important improvements to the city in the last four years.

Les sounds like a very sensible and thinking person. I agree with his point on not allowing a special interest group of citizens to force candidates into declaring how they would vote on a hypothetical development.

Any candidate who declares his vote on a hypothetical development should be treated as just a politician who is spinning answers for votes. That type of candidate is either not thinking or not being truthful. I want Aldermen who look at all the facts, follow the processes and make informed decisions. I don’t want Aldermen who allow themselves to be bullied into whatever NIMBY decision is being pushed today.

Anonymous said...

Les is definitely more than all the other candidates. He has my vote.

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