Tuesday, December 20, 2005

BOMA meeting last night.

Wow! For those of you that attended, good for you. I know it took some stomach to witness a meeting last that long. Get used to it! Now we will have the BOMA looking over the shoulder of the Planning Commission on every issue. They must have a lot of time on their hands in order to look into every issue that comes before the commission. I think now we need to push for them to micro-manage every commission in this city. Between that and a role call vote on all 45 issues per meeting and we should move this to the morning, take a lunch break, and convene the Beer Board in the evening.

While I am joking a bit about the length of the meeting, it is extremely important that we attend! The mayor won't support his own ideas, and many members still seem to believe that there are not pressing issues that need to be addressed. Some even believe that because they are voted on by "all citizens" they represent all citizens. Forget that fact that they run un-opposed and can't be voted against because there is not another alternative.

Enjoy your holiday season, because after the first of the year we will begin getting to work persuading this board. I am sure there will be a few fights in front of us, so I hope that you are polishing up on your debate skills, and getting candidates ready to run against them in the next election!

Write letters! Take advantage of my links! Let our state reps know what is going on! A petition will begin circulation at the first of the year, but I would love to see all of you write in a start making your opinions known.

I will be taking a little down time this week, and you all should as well. Once the calendar switches, be energized and ready to make your #1 New Year's resolution be making a difference in this city of ours.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Gorilla for keeping us informed. Spring Hill is on the cusp of great things, so long as these things are well planned and their long-term impacts considered on the front-end.

On this issue of the Alderman reviewing the Planning Commission decisions, I'm unaware of anything in the TCA that permits such oversight. Unless the issue involves a rezoning or amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, the issues of subdivision approvals and regulations lie solely within the authority of the municipal planning commission. There must be something bizarre in our city charter. As many have stated before me, the BOMA should have other pressing concerns and not resort to second-guessing a commission that they have a hand in appointing.
I look forward to more citizen participation. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I will be attending the meeting once Christmas is over. I do not understand where the board thinks that they have the time to oversee every council.

Where is Mayor Leverette in all of this? Is the board going against all of his ideas? If so, maybe we need a new board.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Leverette voted against his own power to appoint members to the Planning Commission.

The vote came down 6-3. The only members that voted against the motion were Eliot Mitchell, Jonathan Duda, and Domingo Gallardo. In fact, Eliot and Jonathan made exceptional arguments for their position. I heard nothing from any of the others.....just a no vote.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I will continue to be there. One thing was clear to me last night, many in this city don't believe that we care. Oh, they know that we are there on the outside looking in, but I got the feeling last night that they really don't think that we care.................ah, the Gorilla in the corner... I get it now.
What about the Mayor and our aldermen, Mr. Duda and Mr. Mitchell? Why don't they take a bigger stand? What are they afraid of, a divided vote? Although I appreciate what they are trying to do, it's obvious that they aren't getting it done. If somebody asked me what are we doing to get some planning done in this city, I would have at least responded to their question.

Anybody know why the mayor voted 'yes' to limiting the powers of the planning commission? Doesn’t he know that limiting the powers of the planning commission is really limiting the powers of the Mayor's position? Come on now, am I the only one who saw that? (Apparently not, as Mr. Gallardo, Mr. Mithell and Mr. Duda actually did the right thing and voted 'No') What's next, is the board going to abolish all mayor appointed boards?

One other thing, Ms. Cantrell and Mr. Mc Culluch both said more than once that if citizens have concerns, they need to contact them. They even told the well spoken gentleman (don't know his name, lives in Wingate) who asked them to consider that their is a serious and obvious Maury and Williamson County issue to NOT keep contacting the Williamson County aldermen, but to contact them instead?!?!?! Use the links on this site. Contact each of the aldermen (not just the ones in our ward), go to the Tennessean website and send an email letter to the editor. Let's get our act together and get involved!!!!

Anonymous said...

From now on I will be passing out flyers in each mailbox in my neighborhood. People in this city need to read this blog, and show up to kick some butt on this board. I ask all of you reading this to get someone else involved. If Sharon thinks we need to speak up in ward 2, by God we will! I have started one of those annoying email forwards to all I know in Spring Hill. If we all do the same, they will hear our voice sooner or later.

Get your neighbors involved. In turn have them get someone else involved.

I am angry! What is this mayor doing? Have we seen his leadership yet in anything going on since his election?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 3:45,

Email the Gorilla. Heck, email the aldermen too.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 2:37,

What about 13-4-309:

"Nothing contained in this part shall be deemed to modify or supplant any provision of any special or private statute providing for a municipal planning commission; and the provisions of any such statute relating to the organization and powers of such commission..."

just curious

Anonymous said...

After another rousing & highly provoking round of Spring Hill’s Kangaroo Court, I was filled with a gut-wrenching, overwhelming feeling that we need to strike while the iron is hot and need as much support as possible from Spring Hill citizens stat. I encourage you all to talk to everyone you know, neighbors, friends, people you meet on the street in Spring Hill and encourage them to get involved with their City and be at the next meeting (it would be great to fill that room with concerned citizens in regard to the current zoning of ward members as well as the need for a city planner). It is theirs to help shape. They do have a voice and it desperately needs to be heard in order to let some of the BOA members know that they are going to have to be accountable to the people of SH for their decisions and that the disagreements amongst themselves as a BOA are trivial in comparison to the concerned citizens, who will be voicing their feelings in droves. The BOA was not elected to be czars. It is abundantly clear that some members on the board do not quite understand how a board of Alderman is suppose to run, nor the sense of urgency we should have in actively searching for a city planner (as one concerned citizen voiced last evening).

Bring back the taxes if it means that they go toward hiring a city planner who will make sure without a doubt our city has a comprehensive, master plan, which implements a 5 yr., 10 yr. , 20 yr. plan for the success of our city. Heck, based on a population of 20,000 people, everybody would just have to pitch in $3 a year to pay a full-time city planner $60,000. If the Alderman were elected by the public (which we were reminded of several times last evening even though some members ran un-opposed like Ms. Cantrell) they must not bite the hand that feeds them and should continue to listen to the citizens of Spring Hill instead of trying to use the board to build some sort of autonomy or dictatorship in order to fulfill personal agendas and tune concerned citizens out. It was quite disappointing to see such an injustice and act of ignorance on behalf of some of the BOA members when they voted to have the BOA approve every little thing from the Planning Commission.

The lack of urgency and foresight of the board was showcased during the discussion of expanding Duplex road. After an inadequate solution was giving by one of the board members to just put a stop light on duplex to solve the issue currently at hand and just wait and see if the State will do something without us putting down the $500,000 necessary to move forward, was stupefying. I could not help but think that if the City of Spring Hill were sued over a wrongful death case due to unsafe roads, the amount of dollars would be well over $500,000, not to mention all of the negative publicity it would receive, in turn making people think twice before moving to Spring Hill. The fact remains that no one has been baby-sitting the status of expanding Duplex Rd. (like it should be) in the eyes of the State. It sounds like this issue has fallen through the cracks and has just now resurfaced. In closing, the concerns Keith (from Wyngate Estates) expressed in regard to the current zoning of the Wards, in addition to the current Port Royal Rd repair issue proved to be the highlight of the evening. Thanks Keith!

Anonymous said...

I rather enjoyed the point in the meeting where Eliot Mitchel grilled Mr. McCulloch on many issues in rapid succession.
No answers! Never any answers!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 10:41:

Thanks for the TCA citation. 13-4-309 and 13-4-105 ancitipate that planning commissions created by private act or special statute (and I presume charter provisions of the creating entity) will not be supplanted or modified by these statutes.
Since I am learning about Spring Hill and its form of government, I would be curious to read any private acts or charter provisions relating to the municipal planning commission. Do you know if those are available online?

I'm just concerned that the BOMA would be acting outside of the scope of its authority.

Thanks for the info!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 10:00

Try this for info on Spring Hill's Government:

Here's a link to the charter:

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 10:13

Isn't the Planning Commission created in the City Code, Title 14, Chapter 1?

Spring Hill City Code

Anonymous said...

I appreciate everyone's strong concerns on this blog. I want to make a challenge to each and everyone of you. It is easy for us to get on here and post comments on our feelings, but the real challenge is to face the problems head on. Mayor Leverette is not living up to his campaign platform and is visibly scared of going against his old cronies. Furthermore, Sharon, Charles, Brandon, and Viola are not true "Elected Officials". They continue to make claims that they were elected by the people as "policymakers", but who did they defeat for their positions.

We have to make a stand against the ignorance on this Board and persevere to make Spring Hill what it can be.....rather than where it is headed. I say this in part jest and seriousness, but I can see it now----Neon signs, strip malls in neighborhoods, roads with pot holes, buildings without standards....Is this where we are headed? Since Danny cannot trust his own power on the Planning Commission, and his cronies need the "POWER" to overturn subdivision regulations, I believe we are in a bad spot.

One thing did come to mind at the meeting Monday night---does Danny have a spine? Not from what I witnessed.....He leans back in his chair and lets Sharon, Charles, Brandon, Miles (Mr. Contradictory), and Ken York run this city.......

Last thought--Mile Johnson says, "In all my years on the board, we have never had to overturn any of the planning commissions decisions." Alderman Johnson's vote for Planning Commission regulations to go before the BOMA before passing----YES..what a joke!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Anonymous at 10:13 and
Anonymous at 10:41

I looked over the Charter and City Code. I still don't see anything that alters state statute related to the BOMA's authority to review every decision of the planning commission. Yes, they can disagree with the roads, sewer, etc. Clearly within its authority, but not the subdivision plans or regulations. Zoning, absolutely.
Another curious note, the City Code in 14-103 states that the municipal planning commission is a regional planning commission. The City cannot just decide to be a regional, the state econ. dev. folks must do that. I'm curious now whether it is indeed a municipal or a regional. Very different animals.

I guess, as I learn, I just don't want our fair city to get into trouble doing things outside the scope of its authority and getting itself sued, which will only cost the City (i.e. taxpayers) money and tie up our officials from doing the other important work that lies before them.

I'll just keep watching and learning. But as I said before, I am grateful to Gorilla for starting this and grateful to the other participants for sharing their knowledge and opinions. Before now, I have been guilty of complacency.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...


I invite everyone to view this website. It is quite humorous what a politician will do to win an election....what a wasted vote!!

Funny how Danny's idea of policting is talking about his competitor's sex life while shaking a constituent's hand in the parking lot of the voting site.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 10:55 (1)
You are correct, until September 2003, the Spring Hill Planning Commission was designated a Regional Planning Commission. At that time, the Commission changed to a Municipal Planning Commission. I'm not sure how or why that occured.

Anonymous @ 10:55 (2)
Although you can post anything you like, don't you think that comments like that distract from the legitimacy of this blog?

Anonymous said...

Anybody see this letter to the editor in the Tennessean titled "Leverette is right to stand firm on sign"?


"He is often, unfortunately, a target for criticism, and rarely acknowledged for the many good things he is trying to accomplish for this city. As far as the sign controversy, it was wonderful to see Mayor Leverette stand firm."

I concur! We need to rally around him and ENCOURAGE him to lead!!!

Gorilla in the Corner said...

I believe that his email is posted along the right side of the blog. Anyone is welcome to "encourage" anyone that they like. I think that you are right. Danny needs to lead this city. He might be surprised that he finds support. I would love for him to call issues before the city for a vote! Make the aldermen take a stand. Make them show what they are all about.

Maybe you lose a vote or 2, but you will gain an enormous amount of respect. If you decide to read this blog Mr. Leverette, LEAD! People will follow the things that your ran on. LEAD NOW! I think that I read something on your website about hitting the ground running. Now is the time to run, no more waiting around!

Anonymous said...

How can we rally around a man who does not trust his own power and appointed planning commission? I will rally around a LEADER when I see one.....

Anonymous said...

I guess it’s about time that somebody sets the record straight about some of the things that some people are posting.

Fact A. Last time I checked, there were only about 5 or 6 of you who actually attended the meeting on Monday night. Do you really believe that a small group like that demonstrates a majority of the opinions about this place?

Fact B. I might be going on a limb here, but I suspect that it is the same few people who keep on posting, just under a different anonymous tag. If it weren’t that way, people would log in using their real names.

Fact C. It’s easy to complain when you are on the ‘outside looking in’. It’s even easier when you don’t have a financial stake in this city either. Besides your homes, which I would be willing to bet that most of you hardly ‘own’ (trust me, 0 down deals aren’t popular for any other reason), how can you honestly say that you know what is better for one person than another? As the saying goes, put your money where your mouth is.

Fact D. Your ‘leader’ mayor has turned out to be what many of us knew all along. Don’t complain to us because you were sold a bill of goods that couldn’t deliver. Thank goodness the term is only two years long.

Fact E. I don’t know about you, but I heard the entire room erupt in applause when an alderman stated that the planning commission needed to be reminded that it is the aldermen who have the power to set policy. Duda is too close to the planning commission to realize it and Mitchel has always shown that he’ll argue just to hear his own voice. Someone should ask Duda if he has a conflict of interest voting on this item because he is on the commission.

Fact F. The board voted last year to not rezone the wards. Where were your concerns back then? I’ll be willing to bet that you didn’t even live here. If that is the case, this is just a classic example of NIMBY (not in my back yard). You moved into a situation that has worked well for years, even creating the situation that drew you here to begin with and now you don’t like it?

Fact G. You can’t force people to run for office if they don’t want to. The aldermen on the board can’t help that, so why do you continue to blame them?

Fact H. Make no mistake, all of you moved to the north side of the city for one thing and one thing only, a Williamson County license plate. Call it schools, call it Franklin wannabe, call it whatever you like. You moved to the north side of Duplex road even when houses across the street sell for thirty thousand dollars less.

Fact I. People like you stir it up every so often, but you know what? I have said it before and I’ll mention it again you always eventually go away.

Anonymous said...

It is always tough to get an abundance of people to a meeting the week before Christmas. I cannot speak for everyone posting, but I have not ever attended a meeting. I didn't intend to ever attend a meeting until I ran across this blog. Now, I will be at the next meeting.

You could be right about this going away, but I would like to believe otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Wrong you are about the money issue---I own a large percentage of my home, so I do have a lot at stake. Furthermore, if you have not noticed, Williamson County schools rank fairly higher than lowly Maury---it has nothing to do with a license plate. Lastly, that applause came from the same crowd who has never ventured outside this city beyond a vacation to Panama City. Maybe I will not be here that long, but if I can make a difference during my time, it will be something I am proud of. Finally, it might have worked for many years, but with the growth moving the direction it is, it will not sustain.

Gorilla in the Corner said...

I'll respond, and put my name to it, how 'bout you???

Fact A. I think that you will be surprised at the level of interest in this community when they have a reason to be interested. I could be wrong, but the good thing is that we will all know very soon.

Fact B. What is your name? I think people do not want to take the time to register with blogspot in order to respond to something. Again, you could be correct, but I know for a fact that this is more than 1 person. I have received email from 13 different people. I know...only 13, but certainly more than 1. I also have contacted or been contacted by 47 people in the last week alone. I know, it is small, but things can grow quickly around here, we'll see soon enough.

Fact C. Again, I can't speak for everyone, but I know that I "own" far more than 20% of my house, and by living in this community, whether renting or "owning" I have a stake in it's future. I say that you go ahead and put your name on your post, and then say that if someone is only renting they have no say. We will see how that goes over. Good luck with that one!

Fact D. The term is now 4 years. We may have been sold a bill of goods, but again.....We will see soon enough.

Fact E. I absolutely believe that Duda has a conflict of interest. He is on the planning commission, and he is an alderman. I believe that his "conflict" is legal. I could make a case that Charles Raines does not have a "legal" conflict of interest. I could also make a case that he should not have ever been appointed to his position.

Fact F. You are correct! I did not live here. I know some that did, and were concerned. I also find it interesting that you believe this board of aldermen, as it is formed today, would ever vote to take power out of their hands. Moron. Frankly I have nothing else to say to you on this topic. Remove yourself from this situation and take a look at it from a reasonable perspective. Question...Should over 80% of the population have 25% of the representation? Should less than 20% of the population be able to control everything that goes on in this city?

Fact G. I do not blame them for running un-opposed. I do blame them for saying that they answer to all of the citizens when they have run un-opposed. Big difference! This next election, there will be new candidates to run for office. I will make sure of that if I have to go door-to-door.

Fact H. What does that have to do with anything? You are correct. I moved to be in Spring Hill....Williamson county. Is there anything wrong with that in your eyes. In fact, because I paid that extra $30k, I can sell if I choose to for that extra $30k or more.

Fact I. Watch and see. You don't know me, but I assure you that I do not just go away. In fact, responses like your motivate me to no end. I will put my $$$ where my mouth is when the time comes. Don't lose any sleep wondering about that.

Anonymous said...

The gorilla does not know what he is talking about. The mayor term WAS four years, now it is two. I was at the board meeting two years ago when it was changed.

Anonymous said...

You might have been at the meeting, but the City Attorney did not file the paper work in time, therefore the Mayor term is 4 Years...The Gorilla does know what he is talking about----

Anonymous said...


Since you spent so much time at the meeting, here is what was reported on the news. Again, the Gorilla knows all....

Anonymous said...

Correct...The mayor is not up for re-election until 2009. Call him and ask!

Anonymous said...

I voted on a ballot that said 'Mayor for 2 year Term'. How can that be legal?

Anonymous said...

anonymous @ 1:52 pm

Get a life.

Sounds like your one of the members of the developement crew sitting on the back row Monday night clapping for developer Alderman Charles Raines. Typical wanna be that thinks she has power. You need to recognize the whole City of Spring Hill and not just the little turf that was handed down to you.

Respose to Propaganda A.
Yes, majority grows by little groups orgainizing and being heard. I ask, do you think the group of Maury County Alderman fairly represent the opinions of 80% of the population living to the north?

Response to Propaganda B.
Your anonymous, I'm anonymous.

Response to Propaganda C.
Your "outside looking in" leads me to believe either your on the inside or you have been on the inside. Either way it is unfortunate that you do not believe that all citizens of Spring Hill have a financial stake in our community. What in the world does anyones financial capacity have to do with wanting a better community. You are obviously a person driven only by money which is quite concerning should you be "on the inside looking out". In fact, I believe your anonymity will be unveiled over time because of your financial motives.

Response to Propaganda D.
I suspect our "leader" Mayor Leverette whom won by a landslide will eventually overcome the "good ole' boy network" of Maury County. It would be hard for anyone to follow six years of that kind of politics. Individuals such as myself will continue to be a voice heard to help him. Whether I was sold a bill of goods or not Mayor Leverette was the best candidate to lead this city into the future. No he is not polished around the edges but he represents the community and not special interests groups. By the way he is serving a four year term. An Attorny Generals opinion, the last I heard, carries a big stick.

Response to Propaganda E.
Again, if you are someone "on the inside" your obviously hungry for "POWER". If you are on the "outside" you might want to ask your fake friends for a personal analysis. Granted they are probably power hungry too still ask and see what answers you get. The BOMA has the power to overturn any item voted on by the Planning Commission. The Monday night show was exactly that a show of power. The Planning Commission is attempting to rein in the "good ole' boy network " and the "good ole' boy network" is working hard on some of the "good ole' boys" to prevent it. Hence, we will assert our "POWER". Keep up the good work Mayor Leverette, Alderman Duda, Alderman Mitchell, & Alderman Gallardo.

Response to Propaganda F.
Back then! What in the world does back then have to do with here and now! The point is I DO LIVE HERE NOW! The wards are unjust no matter which way one spins it. Anytime you have 80% of the population represented by 3 of 8 Alderman there is a problem. You can spin it, paint it, hide it, ignore it or anything else with it. It is still unjust! Eventually, it will be challenged. Your mentality of "it has worked well for years" is very short sighted. This is the 21st Century if we were to live by your mentality we would still be living in the 18th Century. There are places in this country or foreign countries that you might consider relocating to that aren't has progressive as Spring Hill. It's not a matter of not liken it, it's a matter of making it a better community. Whether you want to admit it or not this community is changing with the likes of me moving in and I am here to stay.

Response to Propaganda G.
I am not blaming them. The system allows individuals to run unopposed. The question is, why are you so against realigning the wards? I suspect a few possibilities; loss of control, loss of power, afraid of change, "good ole' boy network" etc.

Response to Propaganda H.
Again, if you are on the "inside", this is scary. That is one of the reasons I voted for Mayor Leverette. He believes in building a single community not a split community. You obviously have lots of money or wished you had lots of money because the theme of your ramblings seems to be money, prestige, & power.

Response to Propaganda I.
WE ARE JUST BEGINNING TO STIR IT UP. Don't hold your breath!

Anonymous said...

This is all very humorous. Listening to all of you talk in circles is making me dizzy.

I knew that you would gang up on me, but you all at one point or another have proven my points exactly.

Fact A: I know about ninety percent of the people that attend the city meetings month in and month out by at least first name basis. These are the people that really do care about the community as time has shown. On monday, there were only 3 or 4 of you who I honestly had never seen before. Gorilla, people who get involved because they have a ‘reason’ are people that have an agenda which are people that never can be trusted. You would fair well to remember that little tidbit.

Fact B: You can’t prove me wrong here. Turn off the anonymous feature and you will see.

Fact C: It’s easy to throw stones at a glass house. Of course someone who has more invested in something has the right to protect whatever that something is. Communist? Not a chance. It’s called CAPITALISM. I never said that someone has more rights than anybody else. You all did.

Fact D: I have read the attorney general opinion. The term is two years. The will of the people when they voted on a ballot was to elect a mayor for a term of two years. I think that you will find that any court would agree.

Fact E: The people I saw in the back row were a business owner, a pizza shop owner, the president of the chamber of commerce, an elected county official and ONE developer. Sounds like a pretty good mix of community leaders to me. 12:59, here’s a friendly hint, the planning commission issue was not about the power of the planning commission and the mayor is too blind to see it because he voted for it. Again, Duda is the hypocrite here.

Fact F: Instead of calling me names, look at the facts. Any other system would create a turf war that would bring about issues related to location as opposed to ideas. Gorilla, ask yourself this, should eighty percent of the population have 6 out of 8 aldermen? That’s where you are heading with this. ABC, you sound like you are mad because you were not there. I was. The board acted on an item it felt necessary to address because Eliot Mitchell chose to run to the press and make an issue out of nothing.

Fact G: They answer to all citizens regardless of how you feel because they are voted at large. Growth is coming to all wards in the near future. There will be more choices at each election because of that and you can’t argue that.

Fact H: You all missed my point on this issue. I will spell it out for you very plainly. If you could afford to live in Franklin, you would. Because you can’t, you don’t.

Fact I: I won’t lose sleep over this because I know who makes the decisions around here. You seem like pretty smart people, it’s not too hard to figure out.

Anonymous said...

Donny Cameron----look at his reputation with the University of Tennessee, my alma mater. I would not consider that a very strong community leader. Furthermore, people are judged by the company they keep--everyone on the back row with him. A pizza shop owner being a community leader? That is a stretch. Why the hell did these community leaders sit back there and talk the whole time? That is what I look for in a community leader. Chamber of Commerce President--wait til real suits show up in Spring Hill and run circles around her. Please you are scared of everything around you. Franklin is a cluster, that is why I don't live there. It is impossible to get around, and I like the city I chose, except the fact the influence of Maury county. Furthermore, I know of many people who grew up in Franklin that now reside in Spring Hill. Wait til the word spreads on the outside---we will be a force to be reckoned with...

Anonymous said...

In order to be a community leader, is leather fake bake skin a prequalifier?

Gorilla in the Corner said...

"The people that get involved because they have a reason" are the people that change history. Those are the people that change the way things work in the world.

I am all for capitalism. I love choices. I think that markets determine industry, and regulations should not. I also believe that in the system that I have proposed, no ward would ever, under any circumstance, have more than a 5-3 advantage. If you include the mayor that could jump to 6-3. In case you are slow on the math side of the equasion, that is 67%. For over 80% of the population to have 67% of the vote is not out of the question. There are some big disagreements amongst the candidates that you would put out there, and that would create a very good conversation amongst people that would be willing to listen to arguments. I feel that this board is shut off from reasonable discussion on most issues.

I looked at homes in Franklin. I personally CHOSE to live in Spring Hill instead of Franklin because I believe that this community could surpass Franklin in time. I love being part of things early on, because that is where the most dynamic changes happen.

You have not yet seen the change in this city, and for my purposes I am happy for that. You will never what is coming your way until it is too late. The next BOMA meeting that you attend, I hope that you do not recognize 30%. Then in February you will not recognize half. Then at some point you will not recognize your city, and that will be a good day!

Spring Hill has greatness ahead of it, and some day you will see that even if we drag you kicking and screaming. Some day you will see true discussion on the BOMA, about real ideas. Then you will dream of the days that were filled with meetings explaining Roberts Rules to Aldermen. The days when the board was controlled by those who were easily controlled.

Anonymous said...

Anon. at 12:59 am

(The Planning Commission is attempting to rein in the "good ole' boy network " and the "good ole' boy network" is working hard on some of the "good ole' boys" to prevent it. Hence, we will assert our "POWER". Keep up the good work Mayor Leverette, Alderman Duda, Alderman Mitchell, & Alderman Gallardo.)

While I agree with you that they need to keep up the good work. Mayor Leverette voted against the issue. Duda, Mitchell, and Gallardo were the 3 that voted to keep the power of the planning commission.

Keep up the good work Aldermen Duda, Mitchell, and Gallardo.

Anonymous said...

Gorilla said:

"Then you will dream of the days that were filled with meetings explaining Roberts Rules to Aldermen."

Why do they roll call everything? Pretty soon they'll want to get rid of the consent agenda and roll call each item on that too................................................................................whoopsie, I almost fell asleep in the middle of my own post. Reminds me of "Bueler...Bueler...Bueler...", except Monday night it was "McCulloch...McCulloch...McCulloch..."

Anonymous said...

I don't get it.

Silverback said...

reality bites said:

I live on the Williamson county side of Spring Hill, but my renewal papers have Maury County on them.

Careful Reality Bites, the state made an error. It happened to me last year. If you go to the Maury County Clerk's office with those renewal papers, they'll turn you away and send you back to Williamson County.

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