Okay everyone, get out your markers. Here are a few of my thoughts on the subject: * How about planning a large park, maybe in conjunction with the tennis court park that is already planned. How about including sidewalks.....or better yet.....walking trails that connect neighborhoods, greenbelts and parks. * I have heard a lot of talk about a municipal airport in Williamson County. What about one in Spring Hill? I don't know what I personally think about the issue, but I would enjoy a little bit of discussion on the topic. * I have heard quite a bit of talk about a mall, but it does not seem that anyone has taken that into account when considering neighborhoods. The site that I have been directed to as the proposed mall seems to be flanked on one side (so far) with neighborhoods. I wonder how they will feel when a mall is proposed literally in their back yard. I guess we could ask Tanyard Springs what they feel about an AutoZone being placed in their back yard. Again, does there seem to be a rhyme or reason with the current placement of neighborhoods and commercial districts. * What about incentives for private business to create a downtown district? How nice would it be to park in an area and have walking access to a number of stores, restaurants, etc. Again, we have a blank slate here, all ideas should be on the table. Frankly I could go on all day. In our current situation, with our current city administrator and BOMA, we will really enjoy our urban sprawl in years to come. Nothing better than a shopping center in everyone's back yard because there was not a plan to be found in the early stages of the city. Stand up! Speak out!
Let's take a look at the current zoning map of Spring Hill. Remember, we are growing so fast that this is out of date every month. We are annexing land quickly on the east side of I-65, so I am not sure if the map will ever really be close to "up to date." I have scribbled in the east side of I-65 to show the general idea behind our future growth plan.
Anyway, promises made by Danny Leverette in the most recent campaign seem to have been "forgotten." We are currently in a process of building a beautiful array of track homes as far as the eye can see. We will also soon be able to shop at Target, Lowes, Home Depot, etc. In all of this commercial convenience, do we have a plan for creating anything for those that would like to enjoy some of what brought us to Spring Hill in the first place?
Here are a couple of maps to look at. Feel free to click on them to enlarge. Get out your pencil and scribble in what you might like to see in this city, before it is entirely built.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
City Planner....City Plan.....What is that????
Posted by Gorilla in the Corner at 3:24 PM
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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is a series of personal opinions and is not meant to reflect an official position by the City of Spring Hill.
Hasn't there been talk for some time in this town about a downtown area? How do you give incentives to businesses to develop one?
Also, do you have any idea how much it would cost for the city to buy the property in order to create this type of district?
Why should the city buy it? I can think of a ton more things that the city should be doing like building parks and roads instead of building a downtown that does not exist.
The area between Depot-Main-Beechcroft has 17 trailers on it. Hello!
Look at the zoning map. How can you not say there isn't a plan in place? All of the commercial is along the main roads like Hwy31 and Kedron. All of the Residential fans out from there. Everybody knows that is where that type of growth will go. Why does it need to be in writing if everybody already knows what is in place and what is coming in? City Planner, City Plan, Land Use Plan, Comprehensive Plan, are all buzz words that won somebody an election. If you take time to create a plan, won't it be out of date the moment you complete it? I have seen too many communities limit themselves by creating a plan. Please don't fall into this trap.
If there is a city plan in place, and everyone can see it, why are we so REACTIVE with our planning of roads. I have also not seen any kind of plan whatsoever for east of I-65. Is that going to be a nice mix like everything else?
Thompson's Station is creating a plan
Previously, the mayor has been publicly non-committal when the subject of hiring a city planner has been brought up. However, there appears to be some sign of a commitment from the mayor on this issue according to this paragraph, tucked at the end of this
Columbia Daily Herald Article on December 29:
“Leverette said Spring Hill could start the new year with discussion of creating a city planner’s position. He said city officials could come to an agreement in January or February.”
It's a little reassuring to see that others are interested in the development of a "downtown area". I travel for a living and have had the pleasure of seeing some communities who have developed these kinds of areas. I worry spring hill will end up with no personality or character.
From what i can see the city started out right with the area around city hall, however letting Home Depot move in there and allowing homes to be built there is destroying any possiblity of this becoming a true town center. We need a master plan ASAP to stop this haphazard approach to development. Commercial, public and residential zones are just too close together, making for a thrown together look. Why not plan things out and set standards for building now instead of after all is said and done.
I would like to see the master plan start with the roads. Roads need to be planned and built first! If roads are built after development is done you end up with roads in everyones yards and what were quiet dead end neighborhood roads becoming heavily traveled through streets. Just look at Duplex and where the road and sidewalks will run when widened. Then look at the mess New Port Royal has become. You cannot build a home without a foundation, the same goes for a city.
Businesses need to be placed on roads other than 31, that whole area is going to be an accident waiting to happen in a year or two. Highway 31 should be widened to four lanes as it is one of only three ways to get to Spring Hill from Franklin and Nashville. Anyone sitting at the 200 car backup at Thomsons Station can attest to this. Planners need to think about how people are going to get to work in a timely fashion, most folks living in Spring Hill commute to Franklin or Nashville, i am one of them. Once there are 40,000+ residents this will be a nightmare. The current roads WILL NOT handle the traffic and it scares me that the Mayor himself is of the opinion that the roads should not be built until construction is complete as the comstruction traffic will tear them up. Development needs to be restrained until the infastructure is in place to handle it. I moved from a town that just had too many people, too much traffic and too much road rage, mostly due to poor traffic control and constant road construction as the city was trying to catch up (20 years behind) with development. Widening Duplex road today would be a MAJOR headache for everyone living along it. Can you imagine what it would be like when twice as many cars travel the road? Much less trying to evacuate the population in an emergency with the current road system, good luck.
Also, how about the surrounding citys and residents who now have a stream of traffic passing by their once quiet homes. Critz road is a complete mess now, strewn with pot holes and speeding commuters during rush hour... why is this the best way to get to neighborhoods on Buckner road? POOR PLANNING! That is all.
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