Thursday, December 22, 2005

Letter from Mayor Leverette

I thought that this might be the time for everyone to mull over something while I was putting together a new entry for next week. I have had one of those that subscribes to this blog email the Mayor, and in turn he has now forwarded the response to me. I thought that if we are going to make comments about certain city officials, I would post responses from them that I deem relevant. I believe that this response has some importance, so here it is. Thank you for allowing me to post this GP.

(If you would like to subscribe to this blog, send me an email and I would be happy to send you postings as they happen.

Thank you for sending it to me. I am not a fan of anonymous websites. It is easy for individuals to jab and run.

I encourage citizens to attend all meetings of their local government. It is easy for individuals to criticize a leader. After all we make ourselves an easy target by stepping up to the plate. It is hard to respond without giving the impression of defending myself by I will attempt. I have been in office approx. 9 months. I follow an administration of six years. The landslide victory the citizens gave me clearly indicates their belief of and share in the direction I feel we need to take this great city. Change does not happen over night. Yes, I could draw lines in the sand and take the approach of all out war. But what does that accomplish? A leader pulls all together. In fact, while some say I am not accomplishing the items on ran on, would they also say he has created division and therefore another item “Create a sense of Community for All of Spring Hill” of my goals has not been accomplished. You get the picture.

The below is what I stood for during my election and a slice of what has been accomplished since.

• Recreation/Parks for all Citizens
1. Hired a parks and recreation director.
2. Partnered with Williamson County to build a Recreation Facility.
3. Requiring developer to aside 20’ easements in their developments along creek banks for walking trails (many developers have since included walking trails within their developments).
4. Park on Hwy 31 will soon be under construction
5. Skate park will be going out for bid soon.
6. Developers are offering up more land for parks within their communities and/or for public use.

• Improve City Infrastructure
1. Wastewater plant expansion to 5 million gallons is at the state.
2. A signed contract with TDOT for the re-construction of Duplex road has been sent to TDOT.
3. A new wastewater trunk line is in the planning stages for serving the eastside of I-65.
4. Many other infrastructure improvements are being made.

• Increase Community/Government Interaction
1. More citizens are attending meetings as the blog indicates.

• Define a Master Land Use Plan
1. Currently in the investigation/development stages. A solid plan takes months to implement.
• Increased Business Growth
1. Locally owned businesses, Home Depot, Lowes, Publix, etc. speak for itself.
2. Many other great announcements to come in the very near future.

• Create a sense of Community for All of Spring Hill
1. The toughest obstacle to overcome. However, I’m remain optimistic.
2. City Flag, Seal, & Emblem have been adopted.

• Conservative & Wise use of Citizens Tax Dollars
1. Tax Payer Bill of Rights

• Continued "Common Sense Decision Making"
1. I stand on that statement weeky!

Other items:
The sign ordinance has been and continues to be modified for the aesthetics of our community (something I believe in strongly).
We have limited the density of subdivisions.
The planning commission no longer gives rubber stamps.
Commercial developments are being required to increase their aesthetics (brick, landscaping etc.)
We are requiring more data be presented to the planning commission for better informed decisions.

There are others I will not take your time with. The City of Spring Hill is changing and that is what I wanted. I am, as I knew I would be, in office at this very critical time of our history. I am up to the task and will continue pointing that ship into the wind, with or without the blogs.

I do appreciate your sending me this e-mail.

Please continue to let me know your concerns and thoughts. As I said during my campaign, I believe in team work.


Danny M. Leverette
Mayor Spring Hill


Anonymous said...

I would agree that the mayor's motives are good. I also believe that the mayor wants to do good. I think that most of what he lists as accomplishments were already well under way, and I am afraid that the comment made about "rubber stamping by the Planning Commission" will come back to haunt him now that he voted against his own planning commission. The rubber stamp will return, because the Good ol' Boy network will return.

Kangaroo Court will be back in Session the middle of January. Mr Leverette needs to take this Board in a new direction, and it may take confronting a few people.

Anonymous said...

...and it may mean SUPPORTING Gallardo, Mitchel, and Duda for a change!

Silverback said...

I support the Mayor as well and will continue to do so.


After spending quite a bit of time reviewing all of the posts on this blog throughout today, I think I have been able to capture, in his own words, the source of some of the frustration many appear to have towards the mayor's recent actions.

"The landslide victory the citizens gave me clearly indicates their belief of and share in the direction I feel we need to take this great city. Change does not happen over night. Yes, I could draw lines in the sand and take the approach of all out war. But what does that accomplish? A leader pulls all together."

It is this type of doublespeak that we are also seeing in action at the meetings. On the one hand, he clearly recognizes that he has the confidence of the citizens that elected him to his position. On the other hand, he feels the need to 'please all'.

We are left wondering, would he have voted differently on the Planning Commission issue if his vote was first?

Mayor Leverette, if you are indeed reviewing the posts on this blog, please heed the following advice: A leader leads by making a decision, regardless of how popular that decision may be. I voted for you because I believed in your vision. Your accomplishments over the past nine months are clear, but your actions of late are a bit concerning.

Many of the accomplishments that you have sited were accomplished through the action of the planning commission. Why would you vote to limit the power of the board that has been able to accomplish so much of your goals and alienate those aldermen (Duda, Gallardo and Mitchel) that share your vision?

In closing, I challenge all on this blog to continue the excellent dialog, focusing on the issues, and leave some of the other stuff for your favorite grocery store rag.

Merry Christmas everybody, I look forward to the new year and the opportunity to contribute and give a little something back to our community.

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody.

I wanted to come and say that I support the mayor and fellow Williamson County aldermen too. It's nice to be able to have a place like this to get some information so that we can make informed decisions.

I intend to get involved as much as I can, but with a husband that works nights and a couple of cuties at home, I'm pretty sure that I won't be able to come to any of the meetings. I'll be glad to spread the word! Please keep updating this site!

Silverback said...

Anybody see the article in the Williamson AM this morning?

Planning Commission power would be cut under new law

Compare Sharon Cantrell's opinion about her support for adding this new level of government intervention in the above article with her quote last month regarding her opposition to adding a new level of government intervention in the below article.

Plan to create Historic Commission finds little support

Ms. Cantrell, why the change of heart?

Because, as she says at the end of the first article, this issue is about power.

Mayor Leverette, are you listening?

Anonymous said...

Amen, brother!

Anonymous said...

Don't you think that this would be an invasion of the mayor's privacy?

Anonymous said...

What would be an invasion of privacy???

Anonymous said...

I think Mayor Leverette is doing a kick a$$ job.I believe he has the vision and the leadership ability to take Spring Hill to the next level. 2005 was a good year for Spring Hill, but 2006 is going to be even better. Keep up the good work Mayor!!

Anonymous said...

I guess the mayor is paying visits to the site now :)

Anonymous said...

wow...someone says something positive about the mayor and the good job he's doing and instantly they think the mayor himself wrote it. haha..get a life. Obviously you dont' like mayor Leverette and that's fine. He's in office and trying to do the best he can so either hop on board and support him or move elsewhere!(p.s. Don't let the door hit you on the way out)

Anonymous said...

I think that the smiley face points out the sarcasm? I like the mayor, but it does kind of look like his mom wrote the supporting post. :)

Again, smiley face indicates sarcasm

Anonymous said...

ok. I missed the smiley face. My apology. But please speak only positive things about my son....uh hum........I mean Mayor Leverette please. LOL :)

Anonymous said...

If any of you knew the mayor at all personally, you wouldn't be making these type of references.

Anonymous said...

sorry if I offended anybody including the mayor.

Anonymous said...

Like many friends/co-workers I have spoken with, I like the mayor and think he's doing a good job. Since in office, I have personally got to talk to the mayor a few times and believe he truly has the best interest of Spring Hill at heart in his decision making. He's down-to-earth, friendly, and from past conversations has a real passion for the city. He gets my stamp of approval.

Gorilla in the Corner said...

I will say that I believe the mayor is a very good man, and truly has the best interests of Spring Hill at heart. I had not seen much leadership from him until last evening and I greatly appreciate him showing some life.

I hope that some future victories will only bolster his desire to affect great change for the city. The big battles have yet to come. Hopefully we will continue to have a "leader" then.

Anonymous said...

I supported the Mayor during the election and I support him now too. Changes take time to implement, they don't take overnight!

Anonymous said...

Where'e Charlie when you need him?

Anonymous said...

Exactly where he belongs! Sitting on the sidelines licking his wounds.

Anonymous said...

It seems as if the creators of this website are bitter for not getting a city Mayor or Alderman position......

Gorilla in the Corner said...

Actually, speaking as a "creator"

Most of our group members were pretty solidly behind Mayor Leverette. We did hope that he might be a little more supportive thus far of his own campaign issues, but it is still a little early to be completely unhappy with his progress. I think we might withhold judgement on that for a few more days :)

Those days are becomming numbered however...

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