Friday, February 17, 2006

"Gorilla Tactics"

If anyone is interested, the gorilla had an interview yesterday.
For those of you that have not yet read the Williamson AM this morning, have a peek.

Gorilla Tactics

First of all, I applaud Miles Johnson for stating that he would not be opposed to re-apportionment. I would ask Mr. Johnson (or anyone else that views this site) what specifically has been stated incorrectly on this site? We do not have a hidden agenda, and we would welcome other opinions of the current situation.

I encourage discussion on this post to point out any possible statements of untruth. I really want to know what has been stated incorrectly.

Enjoy, and talk amongst yourselves.


Anonymous said...

Great photo! It is nice that the city might finally begin taking notice.

Anonymous said...

All aldermen are elected by all of the citizens in the city.

The citizens have 8 aldermen and the mayor (9) who represent them, not just the aldermen from their ward.

If you have a problem with one of the aldermen and don't live in their ward, you can get someone to run against them.

I don't know how it could it be more fair.

Anonymous said...

"If you have a problem with one of the aldermen and don't live in their ward, you can get someone to run against them."
"I don't know how it could it be more fair."

It would be "more fair" if we as citizens were able to run against someone directly. Why should we have to go talk someone into running?

What if 4 Aldermen came from a specific ward, and 4 Aldermen were voted on at large. Then you would see a solution closer to "One Person, One Vote" as defined by the Supreme Court.

I could give you 10 ways that it would be "more fair"

Do you really not see this as the right thing to do?

Anonymous said...

I don't see how anyone can be against one from each ward (4) and 4 at-large...

Oh, and Gorilla, I see they shot your "good side" - lol

Silverback said...

DRM said...

"I don't see how anyone can be against one from each ward (4) and 4 at-large..."

Plus, it's a system that has worked well in Franklin for years.

You don't have 'turf wars' or squabbling over wards as they change in population over time.

There are things in Franklin that we need to run away from, but there are also things in Franklin that have worked well.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 09:55 said:
"If you have a problem with one of the aldermen and don't live in their ward, you can get someone to run against them.

I don't know how it could it be more fair"

Lets say that people from ward 4 is happy with his councilman, so nobody will run for his seat. and at the same time, all the citizens from ward 2 are not happy with him. Since nobody from his ward will run against him, the will of 13 thousand citizens is nullify by the will of 866. Is this fair???

Anonymous said...

You think those of us in Bethesda who are concerned we may be included in an amended Spring Hill urban growth boundary should join the fight for re-apportionment? After all - if the Gorilla stays chained they may get their way...

Anonymous said...

I'll be there on Tuesday night to supprot Sen Bryson and Rep Casada.

We need to show them our support by coming to the BOMA meeting!

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