Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Petition Drive Results

For those of you interested, we have been involved in this petition drive for about 10 days and we have now topped the 1,100 signature mark! I still have 2 packets still out so it could climb even higher. To all of you that have helped in this adventure, thank you very much.

(To give you a little perspective, only around 1450 voted in the last mayoral election.)

236 in ward 1
932 in ward 2
159 in ward 3
113 in ward 4

How many is enough?

Now, attend this meeting tonight! Bring a friend or three!

7:00 PM at the Spring Hill City Hall.

See you there.


Anonymous said...

Tonight's meeting was very interesting to say the least. While it may be easy to make personal attacks, our issues/concerns are not meant to be directed at the board nor should our comments on this blog. I would discourage any personal comments towards the alderman and mayor as these statements will only lessen our mission.

Anonymous said...

I agree that personal attacks will get us no where, but in the same breath people are entitled to their opinion of the board and their actions, just keep them professional, I would think would be appropriate.
I do believe that some of the comments coming from specific members of the board were a bit out of line on the process that has been used to garner support and draw attention to issues such as the re-apportioning of the Wards. There was a bit of contradiction on when it came to her speaking about people voicing concerns to the aldermen about issues which would be brought to the board, yet the same is done by the citizens of Spring Hill at a state level and the Senator/Representative are "victims of a campaign".There seemed to be some personalization of this issue by some aldermen and the job they're doing, which isn't the case at all (at least in my eyes). This is how the "power of the people" is put to work at all levels of government, it just seems some have forgotten that.

I also appreciate Mr. Mitchell putting his foot down regarding the Insurance issue. I'm still in disbelief that it was passed.
Anyway, just my .02, I'll get off of my soap box now.

Anonymous said...

Alderman Mitchell said that this was a $8,000 annual benefit that someone could be eligible to get at age 55 for life...

Assuming we'll live to age 80, that's 25 years.

I wish somebody would give me $200,000 when I retire at age 55.

Why would anybody vote for that???

Anonymous said...

Look at the positives:

1) Recreation center is on track.

2) Harvey park on Hwy. 31 is on track.

3) Re-apportinment is heading in the right direction.

4) Master plan for the city is heading in the right direction.

5) Skate park is on track.

6) Planning commission is doing actual planning.

7) Two new elementary schools will be coming online in the near future.

8) Maury county is planning a middle & high school for the area.

It is often easy to focus on the few negatives and not see the progress occurring around us. Focusing on the frontal assault often leaves one's flanks open. Don't loose sight of the main goal.

Anonymous said...

Which is it - $200,000 when you retire or $8000 per year? Those are two VERY different figures. Your use of numbers when trying to make your point is misleading at best.

Anonymous said...

All except #4. It doesn't take a year to get a Master Plan done. Hire someone competent and get it done already.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 7:25:

8,000 a year for 25 years is 200,000...What's the difference?

Anonymous said...

I agree that there has been much done from a positive standpoint, I won't disagree with that one bit and I don't think many would. However there are still many concerns and issues that continue to need to be addressed (that go along side the positives) and so should be discussed on a regular basis so they don't get brushed to the back. Community involvement is how it's done and I think the BOMA will have to get used to it (and should be proud that the community that they represent wants to be heard and wants to be involved at this level). I would just hope that the Aldermen would understand that none of this is personal and is just a part of being in a leadership role of a political process.

Seperate question,
On the new Rec Center and school that is being built, will there be an access road generated off of the one that is currently being built to tie 31/duplex/old kedron together (sorry I don't recall the name). My concern is that I've read that they will extend Commonwealth Drive (entrance to Wakefield, in which I live) to 31 and I'm concerned about traffic on that road.
Just curious if anyone has any further information.

Thanks for your time

Anonymous said...

I was very happy that the BOMA voted against the GBT development on duplex and port royal. This area is already dangerous and the developer seemed to think that putting 600+ families and retail space there would make it better, without any real concern to traffic and safey. I wonder what their next proposal will look like, i know they will not stop here as i'm sure there are millions to be made. Personally, i feel this land should be left as open as possible, it is one of the last areas in ward 2 that is still open, why ruin it with another monolithic town homes and half empty strip stores. There are plenty of these eye sores already in the world, we have the opportinuty to make Spring Hill different that everywhere else.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 11:29

If only you were allowed to hear the whole story. This board does not have a problem placing homes all over that site, and they would do it tomorrow if it were presented by a different developer.

GBT Realty was going to take care of all traffic concerns, and address some considerable safety concerns that this city will not be able to adress on it's own for years, unless TDOT decides to start running efficiently.

That entire area around this property is already zoned commercial, and at some point in the very near future, that whole corner will be more commercial than you would ever want to see. Like it or not, this board has no problem filling that area with homes and business, it just seems that in this case GBT Realty was not in their plans.

Anonymous said...

Take $200,000, invest it and see what you come up with in 25 years. Is it any larger than $8000 per year for 25 years which will more than likely be spent instead of invested (at the age of 55 you can still afford to invest unexpected money)? Do you still think the two values are the same?

Anonymous said...

GBT Realty was going to take care of all traffic concerns, and address some considerable safety concerns that this city will not be able to adress on it's own for years, unless TDOT decides to start running efficiently.

They were going to do that in exchange of the contract?

Isn't that called quid pro quo? Isn't that illegal? Probably not to you guys, but to the rest of the country it is (ie. Jack Abramoff).

Anonymous said...

Anon at 12:52

I am not sure that it is in exchange for anything. It is called an improvement that comes along with a development.

If you want to talk about "exchanges," why don't you go look at some of this city's history with developing property. You might google land sales within city limits. I would probably also google various Recreaction Center sites. When you are done researching that, let us know what you find and I will have some more stuff for you to go find.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 22 February, 2006 00:28

I would love to look at the positives, and I do often, but let's go over your list a little...

1) Recreation center is on track.
---correct, now that we have a new site.

2) Harvey park on Hwy. 31 is on track.

3) Re-apportinment is heading in the right direction.
---maybe. There is still a long way to go on that one. The citizens have put in a lot of work to get very little back from the city {I know because I was one of those involved}. Do you really think that this BOMA will address the issue? After watching last night, I am not even sure that the mayor supports this, and it will probably lead to him not being re-elected.

4) Master plan for the city is heading in the right direction.
---to be determined.

5) Skate park is on track.
---this city has no intention of completing that skate park. To do it right it will cost more than Mr. York is willing to spend. To do in halfway is not worth it.

6) Planning commission is doing actual planning.
---we'll see. It seems that the planning commission has a few people looking over it's shoulder.

7) Two new elementary schools will be coming online in the near future.

8) Maury county is planning a middle & high school for the area.
---correct. I wonder if Williamson County is planning anything in the area?

Anonymous said...

To the question of accessing the new school and rec center.
Of course one of it's main entrances is going to be off of Commonwealth through Wakefield. But at least the developer makes a main throughfare in his development.
Now where are the other entrances.... one will most likely be through Ridgeport where Portview and Portway cross just south of Burgess. That is where Campbell Station will tie into Ridgeport at. The other entrance may be off of Hwy 31... I don't think they have a right of way through the remaining portion of the property still for sale. I also recall someone from the county not wanting to have to utilize Hwy 31 if possible.

Anonymous said...

Teach13 @13:34:

The elementary schools coming on board have little to do with the city and the city should receive little credit for getting them going. Yes, the city has agreed to provide some infrastructure, and the schools are the responsibility of the respective counties, but credit to the city should be minimal.

I thought that I heard Ken York say at the BOMA work session that the City had waived close to $75,000 in building permit and impact fees as well as provided water and sewer to the site. The city also agreed to spend about $300,000 to design and pave a road to the new Maury County Elementary School.

Sounds like the city is indirectly giving Maury County $375,000.

Anonymous said...

I find it crazy that they wouldn't want to tie 31 (or whatever the road that they're tieing 31 with Duplex together with) as a major entrance to the Rec Center/School.
Knowing what these "major thouroghfares" look like going through neighborhoods coming from FL, it tends to be a traffic nightmare getting in/out durring the morning and afternoon. You can guarantee people will zip down that road at 40+ (regardless of the posted speed limit) with no concern for the saftey of the residents (kids) in who's neighborhood they are driving through. Looks like my stay in this neighborhood might be shorter than anticipated, we'll have to see.

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