Monday, March 13, 2006

Special Meeting Re-cap

Okay, for those of you that could not make it through the storm and traffic to attend the meeting on Thursday evening, here is a quick re-cap. Posted below are also links from our local papers.

Williamson AM article

Columbia Daily Herald article

There appears to be change happening and I am not entirely sure why, but so far the change has been positive. I will give you all the conclusion first, and then we can start looking into the why's.

At the meeting on Thursday night, the BOMA agreed to allow the city staff to do the following:
* Develop a map to show potential redrawing(s) of the 4 wards.
* Develop overlays to show growth in certain areas of the city to better predict population changes.
* Provide a final analysis of the current situation, and a solution in ordinace form for the city to vote on by mid April.
* The vote, being an ordinance, would take a simple majority and two readings.
* The city staff will look at the issue of redrawing the ward lines on a yearly basis to reflect as close as possible 25% population in each ward, and will go into effect well in advance of each 2 year election cycle.

This So far, this has all been pretty positive. Hopefully it continues along a peaceful path. We will see soon enough.

Other notes:
* We will be running around picking up yard signs in the next few days. If anything happens that could possibly de-rail this process you will see us all back out with another campaign to add more signatures and create more awareness. For now, we will pick up the signs.

* PJ MEZERA (County Commission Candidate) has provided a website for us to link. We will be putting together a questionnaire for all of the candidates this week, and will be able to shed a little light on this race in the near future. If any other candidates would like to provide information or websites, we would be happy to post those as well.

That is all for now...


Anonymous said...

Excellent Job!
There are many issues I'm sure that need to be kept in the forefront, nice to know that there is a dedicated group that will push to ensure that the community is heard and represented. I hope that this site doesn't die off after this major push, it's a great way to focus the effots.
Great Job!

Derek B

Anonymous said...

Surely, you are not suggesting that this blog is what pulled these aldermen together to discuss re-apportionment?!

Anonymous said...

This blog is not the cause, but the citizens who are educating themselves here along with many others are what pulled them together.

Unless you have another theory, which you are welcome to share.

Anonymous said...

To Anon: 13 March, 2006 23:15

Although I've tried, I can't phrase it any better than DRM said so I will let those words stand.

However, do you think the BOMA would've even considered it if not for the issue being brought to the forefront (at least in part) by this blog and the discussions it created? If you were at the meeting then surely you heard Cantrell's and Pickard's positions on the matter? I am also curious on your take.

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt that without the many citizens who showed up at the BOMA meetings, the signs all over town, phone calls and emails, and this website, that the present BOMA would not have responded.

Surely I AM SUGGESTING that this blog is one of many factors in waking up our aldermaen to the disparities of citizen apportionment in the four wards of Spring Hill.

Please keep our "concerned citizens" site and "group" alive. Don't be content with just reapportionment-let's keep the pressure on city hall to continue to do the right things!

Silverback said...

Derek B @ 22:33 Said:

"However, do you think the BOMA would've even considered it if not for the issue being brought to the forefront (at least in part) by this blog and the discussions it created?"


Gorilla in the Corner said...

Source: Speaking of Mrs. Cantrell's comments

I think that everyone knows where she stands on the issue, especially if you were at the meeting. You are all followers of a big campaign by "the gorilla." We are not capable of having these thoughts without being "victims of this campaign"

Anonymous said...

drm and derek b
Re-apportionment has been visited in the past and it was voted against. My theory is that the previous mayor had his thumb on most of the aldermen and controlled their votes most of the time. Mayor Leverette was on this committee and may have even chaired it so to act as though the only reason it is being discussed (and hopefully voted on)again is because of this blog is not giving Alderman Mitchell or Mayor Leverette any credit. I am confident this would have been discussed/voted on before the next city election because I have confidence in the Spring Hill's Williamson county leaders that have been elected.

Anonymous said...

The people want change, the people let their representatives know about that change, and the representatives are acting on that change.

This Blog and other discussions are the side effects of the people wanting change.

I think it is a beautiful thing!

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