Thursday, October 19, 2006

Introducing the Sharon Cantrell Bobble Head Doll!

Coming April 2007 to a store near you!

Sharon Cantrell - March 2006 BOMA Meeting:
"I think the issue is whether or not you reward those people who have worked for you. Everybody that I have ever dealt with has just been top notch. And I think that we end up providing this as a benefit... ...I would have hoped that you would have had those figures (the cost of the benefit) at the last work session. I know this is something that we have discussed for two months. I am very comfortable giving our employees this benefit."

Now the new and improved Sharon Cantrell (who seems to remember that she is running for re-election this Spring...)

Sharon Cantrell - October 2006 BOMA Work Session Meeting:
"If I'm hearing you right, this could be a very expensive proposition,'' said Alderman Sharon Cantrell.

"I have always supported funding retirees," Cantrell continued. "But that might not be fiscally responsible."

I seem to remember several alderman talking at length about the absurd cost associated with this particular retirement package. I also seem to remember many in the audience speaking out about irresponsible spending in this plan. Is the hatred of Jonathan Duda, Eliot Mitchell, and Mingo Gallardo such that now we are willing to approve MILLIONS in spending just to "teach them a lesson"?

You should NEVER be in such a hurry to push something through that you forget to look at ANY of the factors involved in the decision. We have now allowed employees to retire and accept this plan before you have even had a chance to see REAL numbers! Grow up...stop passing notes in public meetings to substitute for actually giving input...and review FACTS before trying to prove points to your colleagues.

IF you do indeed believe that our city employees DESERVE this all means itemize the expenditure, show the citizens what you are spending on the plan (in excess of $500,000 per year to start), and stand up for yourself. Stand your ground (with your mouth instead of your pencil and a notepad) and offer ideas instead of intimidation.


Anonymous said...

I love it! It is better than Cats! Who do I contact to preorder my very own Bobble Head Doll. Would love to give as Christmas gift. Anyway you think I could get one sooner than April 7?

Anonymous said...

I have been adverse to Duda in the hospital issue. However I admire him for standing up for what he believes is write and he deserves a pat on the back for calling out the nonsensical practice of passing notes in a public meeting. This seems to show that the persons are not convinced that their own point of view is correct. CA

Anonymous said...

Shame on you

Anonymous said...

It is a simple equation, good employees = good benefits. If you want top employees then you must have top benefits including retirement. That has alway been the trade off, if you work in government you did not make as much money but you had job security and a good retirement as opposed to the private sector.

"You should NEVER be in such a hurry to push something through that you forget to look at ANY of the factors involved in the decision."

"and review FACTS before trying to prove points to your colleagues."

Gorilla those are profound statements. THey also could apply to the ems issue. THey rushed R/M through without looking at all of the facts. They were trying to prove a point to Maury County, which is what it was all about from the start. Already they have not lived up to the terms of the aggrement, it looks to be November before they could start not the Oct start promised.

I hope passing notes etc. is the exception not the rule for future buisness.

be safe all
ole fire fighter

Anonymous said...

Ole fiefighter "let go".

You speak with a forked tongue. On one hand you advocate "hurry up and get it done in October" and the other hand "they didn't do their due diligence". You can't have it both ways.

The citizens of Spring Hill and the BOMA have been waiting and working on an ambulance service for over two years.

You, of all people, understand that Protocols, Mutual Aid agreements, and most importantly the hiring of quality, qualified staff may and in this case did take time. Which again flys in the face of your hurry up and get it done claim.

In fact, I remember the board moving forward with a completed service when Mayor Leverette again made contact with Williamson & Maury to further the debate. Which you know went no where because the two could not deliver what the BOMA and the citizens expected.

I, for one, feel much better that the standards required of the personel were not compromised and the BOMA did not rush the process.

The only point proven was that Williamson & Maury dropped the ball on this issue.

By the way, expect to see two Spring Hill Ambulances moving about the city on November 1st 2006 @ 07:00 am.

Another milestone reached in our wonderful City.

We will all be safer ole fire fighter.

Anonymous said...

Oh anon

It was not my hurry and get it done. R/M clearly set the start time for their operation for OCT. I knew they would not be off the ground in OCT. The lack of due diligence was during the selection process. Even the boma will tell you that they had no problem with wmc. This was all about anger with maury county. They set unrealistic expections in that wmc would take over the maury county operation. You can't stack the deck and then say they dropped the ball. The only thing we come close to being in agreement about would be the standards. I hope they were not lowered. The only way to know for sure would be to see what they all were.

As far as hiring and protocols go it should not have taken too long. R/M protocols should already been in place. I believe they approached wmc about mutual aid and were informed about the TN. Mutual Aid and Emergency Assistance Act of 2004. That would then not be a time factor. As far as hiring goes there is the problem. Lower pay, fewer benefits, and little job security compared to county services could have something to do with it. As far as medics flocking to R/M from wmc. I have not seen it happen. I believe there is something about not working for competitors. So I expect to see few part timers openly working for R/M.

The acid test will be when they hit the streets and we will see then. I hope for the best for all involved. If this works better than expected I will be the first to say I was wrong. The question is if this turns out like most people in the field are afraid it will, are you going to do the same?

be safe all
ole fire fighter

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