Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Campaign Event: Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce Luncheon

Sorry about the late notice, but the real Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce is holding their regular monthly luncheon this Thursday at the UAW at 11:30 AM. They have invited all candidates to a "Meet the Candidates" event. According to their website, the luncheon starts at 11:30am and the cost is $11 for members and $15 for nonmembers.

To make reservations e-mail or call 931-486-0625

Also, I have posted a new poll to the right for those that are curious and would like to participate. If there is any type of funny business (as was the case last fall during the State Rep Election), I'll have to take it down. Until then, enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Looks like Charlie S. has been voting....

Anonymous said...

Speaking of events?

I wonder where the fearsome foursome is meeting tonight? Considering that they were caught last week, this week will prob. be at a location a little more private.


Anonymous said...

Great turnout today!

Where were Viola Pickard, Jim Gabriel, Sharron Cantrel, Tim Holm and Ron DeFrancisco?

Never mind, the 200 or so votes there probably don't matter!?

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing what events that crew does and does not show up to?

Hopefully the real chamber of commerce will be much more influential at the polls and the luncheon.

Anonymous said...

anon. @ 21:00

I can tell you where three (Cantrell, Pickard, Gabriel) were not today. They certainly showed their true colors by not attending and speaking, they were all invited, at the Spring Hill Chamber luncheon today.

Unfortunately, they just snubbed an organization of 170+ business owners which are the backbone of our city.

Yet, they attend "secret meetings" being held by developers, builders, and real estate individuals. I had a tendency to give them the benefit of doubt but after today all doubts have been removed. They are clearly representing a select group of our community that wants to make money and leave the citizens holding the bag.

People get out and vote because this group supporting Cantrell, Pickard, McCulloch, & Gabriel want to control you and I through those four candidates.

Tim Holm said...

Spring Hill Citizens and Bloggers,

After reading the posts regarding the attendance of campaign events, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you all know that I have not been present at this week's campaign events due to my commitment to the military. I realize that this is a vital time in any candidate's campaign, but I will always perform my necessary duties to the best of my abilities and be there whenever my city, state, or country calls upon me to serve. Thank you for your time.

-Tim Holm

Anonymous said...

Some people have to work for a living, but that probably does not matter to some on this site. If they not support one or two at city hall all the time they must go, yes.

Anonymous said...

There are some events that you KNOW only 2 or 3 people will be at. There are other events that you KNOW over a hundred will be at. Why do some of the candidates choose to make all of the crowds of 2 or 3 and miss the one opportunity to speak in front of hundreds? It is not criminal, but very damaging to a campaign.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 23 March, 2007 08:35:

Some people have to work for a living, but that probably does not matter to some on this site.

And Viola????

Anonymous said...

I said some not all, get real!!!

Anonymous said...

Were you there Charlie?

Anonymous said...

Of course he wasn't. Charlie was too busy writing his next hit piece for the Informer. It must really suck to be so bitter.

Anonymous said...

anon. @ 08:35

Those that spoke at the Spring Hill Chamber on Thursday have to make a living by working as well.

I don't know what point your are attempting to make.

The difference being they respect and will represent the whole community not just the developers, builders, and real estate individuals.

Anonymous said...

Charlie S.

Main Entry: LOSER
Pronunciation: 'lü-z&r
Function: noun
1 : a person or thing that loses especially consistently
2 : a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed; also : something doomed to fail or disappoint

Related Words futility, uselessness; ineffectiveness, ineffectualness; deficiency, inadequacy, insufficiency; disappointment, letdown, setback.

Anonymous said...

As someone who was at this event, I would like to thank all the candidates that showed up. I thought Michael Dinwiddie's speech was extremely well-planned and delivered and probably won many votes. I thought Tommy Duncan's presentation was very original and will probably be the best remembered. Both Rick Graham and Bruce Hull's presentations were very professional and effective. Good job everyone.

These candidates also have jobs and cared enough about the city to take some time off. As a city, we are fortunate to have people like this who are willing to dedicate their time and energy to us.

Anonymous said...

I would like to add that I had a great time speaking to the Chamber on Thursday. I also had to leave my full-time job to attend this meeting and had to make arrangements for my absence from work, just like the men present. I am still amazed at the backward thinking some have toward the profession of full time mothering. Full time homemakers are the backbone of the retail taxes generated in this city and we have a great perspective to add to the board of Mayor and Alderman that shouldn't be overlooked just because we don't have a paycheck at the end of the week for our countless hours of work.

RunnerBoyMOG said...

You Go, Tammy!

My wife is a full time mom and full time home school teacher. It's much harder to find someone to cover for her job when she is absent than to find someone to cover for me when I am absent from my corporate job.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the kind words. ALL of the candidates did well. It is quite stressful standing up in front of a room full of
poker-faced, successful entrepreneurs and explaining your thoughts on business.

If anyone else was at the meeting, I really need your vote. This election will literally be decided on just a handful of votes so (even though it's a bit cliche), your vote really does matter and it could actually be THE deciding vote. Please take the few minutes to go vote.

Anyone not able to attend the luncheon and who would like a transcript of the speech I gave, email me at and I will send you a copy.

I would like to thank BOTH Chambers for having us. While it would have been nice to have a bigger crowd at the first event, they did at least invite all of us rather than just the four they support and I did appreciate being able to share my ideas.

I believe Tamra probably has the hardest job of any person in this entire city. Most of us have time clocks and days off. She is on the clock 24 hours per day, 7 days per week whether she is wants to be or not. If any of you have kids, you know that ONE can be a challenge - try to imagine managing NINE of them at the same time. I have two kids of my own and get to see first-hand the stress my wife handles while I am away campaigning all day. I can't even begin to imagine the workload associated with nine kids plus a campaign.

In 19 days this will all be over. Thank God

Anonymous said...

I dunno, from what I heard about the crowd that showed up to vote on Friday and Saturday, the 'Gorilla Caucus' needs to get going and get people out to vote or we will have the same people at city hall for another four years.

Gorilla, what are you going to do to get people out to vote? I can't bear to think of another four years of D.C. control.

Anonymous said...

This is the calm before the storm... It's coming. Be patient. I don't know exactly who you spoke to about the voter turnout, but I can tell you the majority was not for the fearsome foursome.

RunnerBoyMOG said...

I early-voted today. I was the only one there when I voted. I think there have been around 30 or so voters today. The volunteer said that turnout on Friday was somewhere in the 50's and turnout on Saturday was in the 80's. I guess that's better than nothing.

Anonymous said...

Friday and Saturday brought in about 130 total. When I left today for lunch, there had been only 10. I guess some of the seniors voted since they had their meeting today so that brought the number up.

Anonymous said...

I spent lunch at Evans park and there were about 8 people voting during the lunch hours. EM

Anonymous said...

Come on. Enough with the girl power. That is just what we need. How about all of those women who do your job and work? You choose not to work and stay at home. Let's hear it for the single parents who work full time inside and outside the home.

Anonymous said...

Come on. Enough with the girl power. That is just what we need. How about all of those women who do your job and work? You choose not to work and stay at home. Let's hear it for the single parents who work full time inside and outside the home.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, let strangers at some daycare raise your children. Some tough job you've got...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 20:45

I was raised by a single parent who happens to applaud what I do and who would be offended that you perceive that stay at home mothers don't work. Your comments really do not merit an answer but, I wanted to make sure that the single parents know that they have my support and I do not judge them for needing to have to put their children in daycare. Single mothers (AND fathers) have a tough job and are often torn between having to work outside the home and wanting more time with their children. That is a very good reason for bringing more high paying jobs to Spring Hill. We need to take this "most business friendly city" award and use it to attract good jobs to our city so we can keep more parents in town to be near their children.

Anonymous said...

Girl power... Are you saying that if you are elected, you will ask that the mayor include on site daycare as a requirement for new business? Obviously he cannot require anything, but he can certainly "feel strongly" about it. It seems to me that you would add this to your agenda.

Would you also ask that home schooled children have more opportunities?

What about having the school system provide wellness checks for home schooled children, such as vision and hearing screening, so that they receive the same opportunities as school enrolled children?

Step up. Be our hero.

Anonymous said...

Where did you go Tammy? I guess when it is time to stand up for an issue, you are speechless! You will fit right in on the BOMA.

Anonymous said...

Higher paying jobs can help pay for daycare. There are large companies who offer daycare. Washington Mutual Bank is one of them. If that's the kind of corporation you would like to see in Spring Hill then, if elected, I would do my best to lobby that kind of business to relocate to our city. That is also a great point for the Economic Development commission to be aware of. The BOMA cannot require any business to offer daycare, nor does the BOMA have any power over what the COUNTY run schools offer to students from the money budgeted to them. I home schooled for all of those years knowing the cost. When you choose a private or home education for your children you also forfeit what you would have gotten from public education. If you need those services you mentioned and you cannot afford them please write to me at and I will direct you to some organizations who can help you with that.

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