Well quite frankly, I have been a little bit shocked at the number of emails that I have received wanting to know who was at the secret Best Western meeting last Wednesday night, so here are the people that I personally saw and can account for. There were another dozen or so people, but frankly I did not recognize all of them, so I will be doing a little more research to add a few more names with faces. Enjoy!
Roll Call!
Aldermen and candidates:
Sharon Cantrell (Ward 3 Alderman)
Brandon McCulloch (Ward 1 Alderman)
Jim Gabriel (Ward 2 Alderman Candidate)
Viola Pickard (Ward 4 Alderman)
Charles Raines (Ward 4 Alderman)
Donnie Cameron (Developer Autumn Ridge, Cameron Farms, Cherry Grove, etc)
Trey Pratt (Donnie Cameron's partner and developer of Autumn Ridge)
Pete Crutcher (Harvest Valley, aka Cleiborne Road Developer)
Local Politicos:
Cindy Williams (aka Ceja Kingsley)
John Murphy (State Representative runner up v. Glenn Casada)
Charlie Schoenbrodt
Carol Raines
Monica Raines, Varney, and the Hometown Realty crowd
Leigh Gillig of the Gillig Group and company, including Jeff Martin (Spring Hill Planning Commissioner)
Trudy Gabriel
Terry Cantrell
and a few other assorted people that I have yet to identify.
That looks like a pretty interesting list to me. Now you all know who is connected where. NOW, is there really any doubt at all in your mind about the Ken York depositions a few months ago. The Aldermen listed above still do not understand that city business absolutely should not be conducted in private. And it only gets more interesting from here.
A commenter under the previous post made the following observation that I really hadn't thought about until now:Not sure if anyone is aware, but the residents of Denning Lane - opposed to a proposed development on Denning Lane; have been very involved in the last year trying to come to a compromise with the city regarding the development. These same residents held a meeting the same night as the "secret meeting" and only ONE -only ONE current alderman had enough care & concern to attend. Jonathan Duda was out of town; and Eliot Mitchell was the only alderman that cared enough to attend and listen to citizens concerns over a proposed development.
Keep in mind that this meeting was advertised in the newspapers, flyers, emails and on the radio. All the alderman and candidates for alderman were invited. Six candidates for alderman showed up but only ONE current alderman. I guess this tells us where their priorities lie.
I'll tell you this...I'll think twice the next time I hear an Alderman say that she 'always listens to her constituents', considering the fact that she felt it more important to attend a developer and realtor held meeting for HER CAMPAIGN over a meeting of HER CONSTITUENTS.
More to come later!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Roll Call!
Posted by Gorilla in the Corner at 8:44 AM
Labels: Board of Mayor and Aldermen, Election 2007
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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is a series of personal opinions and is not meant to reflect an official position by the City of Spring Hill.
Isn't Sharon a teacher? Shouldn't she have learned the last time she did something like this?
Forget re-election, how about impeachment proceedings!
At least Sharon Doesn't lie when she says she cares about citizens in other wards. There were plenty of people at this meeting from other wards besides hers :)
I have a comment about your article on an alderman meeting at Best western. First it is obvious someone is worried about the fact that people are getting together to and try to break up the good ole boy network that you bumbling hicks call a city government. I mean what in the world gives the Mayor the right to extend his term by two years? Now I know that all you political Buford T. Pussers may not like it, but we are in America. People have the right to assemble! Check your Constitution !! Instead of making this meeting sound like a crime -why not come in and participate instead of hiding in your car taking names ? The meeting is democratic and open to anyone unlike your Spring Hill Version of the Harper Valley PTA. I have never seen a more closed, uncooperative self serving group of political fools in my life ! The reason that these alderman were asked to come to the meeting at the Best Western is that they are progressive and represent all the peoples interests of Spring Hill, Not just their own as the Gorilla Does !!! Wake up because the real gorilla is coming in the form of an election that will usher in the necessary changes to make this good ole boy network disappear. "Long Live Democracy"
Dude, do you know who is in the good ole boy network?? The exact same people who were at the secret meeting.
I am glad that you have a place to get that off your chest "tired of the political games".
Now, I hope that you enjoy the election because the good ol boys are definately on the way out.
anon. @ 13:44
I may have come in and participated if I had known the meeting was going to take place. The fact that the meeting was not advertised in any form of media clearly indicates that this "secret meeting" was for a select group of individuals that the Developers and Home Builders Association are supporting and want in office.
Check out the "roll call", developers, builders, real estate people, an individual who wants to be in office, ex-mayors widow, sitting aldermen and one candidate who wants to hang with them. What a motley crew.
Boy, I sure feel "warm & fuzzy" or is it the sick feeling I get just thinking about it!
The "puppeteers" and their "puppets" are on the way out!
'Invitation Only' for Donnie Cameron is not a new thing:
'Invitation only' moves into public forum
There were three options for this meeting the way I see it.
1) It was a "secret meeting" to support their candidates.
2) It was a "secret meeting" because the organizers of the "secret meeting" did not want others to know of their intentions in order to play both sides of the fence with the other candidates.
3) It was a "secret meeting" because the organizers of the "secret meeting" are embarrassed to "openly" support incumbents and candidates that do not have a "pulse" on the community.
I have read the postings of this sight for months without posting a comment of my own. On this issue, I must say that the participants of this sight are right in queue with everything that is now going on in Spring Hill. If a few of the string pullers in this city would only come to know that their profit on their product would only increase if they would really listen to what the community was saying about what they want, this whole *Me* versus *Them* would really go away.
I am sorry that this sight has come down to finger pointing. I really don't have a dog in that hunt. However, if you really look at what I am saying is that a profit can be made by really listening to what people want around here..
To the organizers of these meetings:
Know this. There are people you are inviting to your meetings who are there to act as spies. Who you are and what you say are being reported back to your opponents and has been since the very first meeting. These are people who you trust and will deny it of course when asked.
You are being watched. You can assume that photos have been taken, meetings have been tape recorded and all of it will be exposed with or without the media's help to the public at large shortly.
This has really become sad. The Gorilla is certainly out of control. It seems that he now thinks he is James Bond. This meeting was no more secret than he and Jonathan Duda's secret meetings so that Mr. Duda can have his political agenda items addressed on this site. After all, have you ever seen The Gorilla disagree with Mr. Duda? Are we sure The Gorilla isn't Mr. Duda?
News Flash to The Gorilla: The elected leaders of Spring Hill do not have to get your clearance before they meet with the people they represent. Get over yourself.
What does your wife and family think about you running around town, hiding in your car, and spying on people? Does that make them proud? I am sure it does not. I hope you can find peace when you lay your head down at night, because maybe in some strange, deluded way, you feel you are doing the right thing.
Now who could that be? Charlie Schoenbrodt perhaps? Or is that you Cindy?
Anonymous @ 18 March 2007, 10:14 said: "News Flash to The Gorilla: The elected leaders of Spring Hill do not have to get your clearance before they meet with the people they represent. Get over yourself."
Exactly! They chose to go to a secret meeting with developers and builders (the people they represent), over a public meeting of concerned citizens being held at the same time.
That tells me all that I need to know.
Ah, back to what the post was all about.... Some aldermen represent the citizens, some represent the developers. 'nuf said!!
My vote is going to those that represent me, not the Good Old Boys I made rich by moving here.
As someone who attended the meeting at the Best Western, which at no time I knew was ever a “secret meeting”, I can tell you that it was nothing more than a meet and greet besides Charlie Schoenbrodt's short speech on where he thinks the city is financially. For the record I bet anyone could phone up Charlie and he would be glad to discuss anything he said that night with any of you.
Sharon, Viola, Brandon and Jim simply took a few moments and introduced themselves to the folks in the room.
In my opinion after reading your post this group of people only did *one thing wrong:
*The current alderman should have declined to attend based on the Denning Lane meeting. But then again I am not them so they are the only ones that know why they choose not to attend the Denning Lane meeting. Maybe they didn’t know about it. Maybe they wanted to make sure that they would remain in office so that they could better help the folks on Denning Lane. I am not a mind reader. Has anyone asked Sharon, Viola or Brandon?
All of us have a right to vote for whomever we want just like we all have a right to publicly support any of the candidates that we want. If builders, developers and realtors want to support a certain group of people…who can blame them?
I did not see a bouncer at the door turning folks away. The doors in the meeting room were not locked. What or whom defines this meeting as “secret”?
What or whom defines this meeting as “secret”?
Invitation Only and no Press.
By the way, Reporters were at the Denning Lane meeting.
Of course no one has talked to them. That would require The Gorilla to ask the tough questions face to face, and it would expose him to be Jonathan Duda.
You people's comments are absolutely ridiculous. Who cares who the gorilla is? I feel very much more informed after I read this post than before - and that goes for ideas, thoughts & concerns from both sides. I highly doubt that JD is the gorilla - he couldn't possibly have the time because he is busy actually researching agenda items and attending to the citizens. Some of you need to grow up & quit blaming and get back to the issues at hand.
The alderman that were at the Best Western meeting were not at the Denning Lane meeting because they chose not to go. It is my understanding that an invitation was emailed to each and every one of them, the mayor, city attorney, city administrator, candidates and some planning commission members. An invitation to all citizens was also advertised on the radio & in the newspaper. EVERY ONE INTERESTED WAS INVITED. The people that showed - did so because they made the choice. See it for what it is. A choice based on priorities.
Or they could volunteer to defend themselves here. We know they read the posts. Their silence is damning.
Carol Raines will tell you who the Gorilla is
Here is the list of people who were invited to the Denning Lane meeting. As you can see, it includes all of the Aldermen and all of the candidates. It was sent at least a week in advance of the meeting.
mayor@springhilltn.org, ken@springhilltn.org, rbrandonmc50@aol.com,
mjohnson54@bellsouth.net, eliot.mitchell@gxs.com,
jonathan.duda@charter.net, gallardos6@aol.com,
cantrells@charter.net, craines0206@charter.net,
ron@voteronspringhill.com, mdinwiddie@charter.net,
jim.gabriel@eds.com, tommy@tommyduncan.us, rgcracker@charter.net,
tim.holm@us.army.mil, tamra@tamramezera.com,
bhulljr@bellsouth.net, evansg@k12.tn.us
in case you wear wondering
So much for the Jonathan Duda theory. Nice try though Charlie.
Tennessee's Open Meetings Act prohibits deliberation of public business in closed meetings or electronic communication.
Did Charlie Schoenbrodt's short speech on where he thinks the city is financially lead to any discussion by the Alderman in attendance? I can't believe some of our Alderman are so easily lead down the wrong paths and not recognize potential trouble. I wonder if any of the Alderman present provided Charlie with information on the city's financials?
Isn't the city budget coming up for a vote soon?
Charlie Schoenbrodt - who is he to be giving speeches on the citys financials! Someone might want to check with the Spring Hill Arts Center (SHAC) about their financials after the Schoenbrodt's left.
anon. @ 21:19
yes and Mrs. Cantrell even uttered the word "Budget" at the work session last Monday night. She must be ready to discuss after having closed discussions with three other alderman and a speech by Charlie. I cannot hardly write that without laughing.
It may not have been a secret meeting with a hidden agenda but perception is everything. I thing people are so disenchanted with politics that if it looks dishonest then it just reinforces a low expectation of politicians.
I could be wrong but I think many people are like me. I know that I am not heard at the state or national level but I want my little voice from my little house to be heard at city hall above developers with deep pockets.
ole fire fighter
To answer your question...Did Charlie Schoenbrodt's short speech on where he thinks the city is financially lead to any discussion by the Alderman in attendance?
The answer is no. He spoke and then sat down. No one asked a question and therefore there was absolutely no discussion on the issue.
As for any of the alderman providing Charlie with information…if you know Charlie then you know he is quite capable of getting his own information.
While I agree with most of what you said. I have comments about a couple of your points. The benefits for employees may not have been executed perfectly the intent was correct. The trade in government work has always been less money for benefits and job security. In the case of police and firefighters these are young persons jobs with limited working life spans. We have fought this battle in Franklin and I would say most cities do. That is why you see some governments set up special risk pensions. If spring hill cannot guarantee that after 20 or 25 years of work you can retire with a pension and insurance then you will have a hard time getting or keeping people. Is it more fiscally responsible to pay to train new police and fire every few years as they leave and go to Franklin or nashville or accept the cost up front as an investment in keeping good people?
Historical commissions are not bad things on the service. The problem becomes when they get out of control as they have done in Franklin. The comment was made by alderman Gallardo I believe that in effect that could be prevented because the BOMA would have the finale say. The problem I see is that this BOMA will not always be in office and once in place there is a chance that future BOMAS would give them a free hand.
ole fire fighter
I agree with you
There should be no tax payer money spent at city hall without the current costs and any future projections known before hand. It does not matter what it is being spent on. I would call that fiscal responsibility.
ole fire fighter
I wonder if one of the things discussed between Aldermen at the secret meeting was how they were going to hang Viola out to dry. Say goodbye Viola, tonight was your last full meeting in that chair. And you have your "friends" to thank for it.
I have wondered one thing---was Miles Johnson invited to the meeting? That would be a telling sign if he was not.
Miles was not involved.
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