Monday, September 22, 2008

Name That School...

Williamson County Schools is building a new middle school in the Spring Hill/Thompson’s Station area to alleviate crowding at Heritage Middle School. The school, which will be located at Buckner Lane, is scheduled to open in August of 2010. While zoning has not been established, some students who attend elementary school at Chapman’s Retreat, Longview and Bethesda elementary schools will most likely attend the new school.

Under School Board policy 3.210 , community input on the school name will be gathered and shared with a committee which will then present three to five names to the School Board which will make the final selection. If you would like to submit a name suggestion, please complete the form at the following link.


DRM said...

This entire concept of naming public "stuff" needs to stop, now. All it turns into is a political back-scratching tool that ends up making SOMEONE mad AND costing the taxpayers more money in the process.

Here's an idea - just name it after the area where it is located.

Or a regionally native animal.

Or a tree for goodness sake.

Anonymous said...


LOL. I just submitted my name...

Spring Hill Middle School

DRM said...

Sounds absolutely perfect to me!

Anonymous said...

I just read in the Daily Hearld that the City Administrator received an "F" on his 6 month review.

6 months ago, they put this review process in place to insure they hired the right person. Well, an "F" sounds like the wrong person, so why are you keeping him ?

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