Ward 3 Alderman Candidate
David Williford
Meet the candidates on video at the following link:
Thank you to the Tennessean for taking this initiative for our community.
Spring Hill Alternate Questionnaire
1. What specific event(s) sparked your interest to run for this position, at this time?
Improprieties shown in the Audit.
Ken York's severance ($20,000)
Hiring and termination of Ken Weaver.
2. What are the 3 greatest achievements in our city during the past 4 years? Why?
-Increased number of schools.
-Bringing in the "big box" stores at the Crossings.
3. What are the 3 greatest failures of our city during the past 4 years? Why?
-Eliminating city property taxes; then having to revive them at a much higher rate.
-Failure to plan city's growth adequately.
-Hiring a City Manager who has had so many positions over the years, without taking that into account.
4. Do you support the current HCA hospital coming to our city? Why or why not?
I support a hospital coming to our city. By the time the hosital is completed, there will be very much a need, considering even minimum population growth. A hospital will bring with it many other Physicians, clinics, specialty offices, etc. These are all high income positions, which will create a higher economy throughout the city.
5. Do you believe that the Mayor and Aldermen are adequately compensated? If not, what should the compensation package be?
6. What are your feelings regarding the eligibility of elected officials to be included in the City of Spring Hill’s medical insurance plan free of charge?
Never heard of any city providing paid medical insurance for part-time elected officials; but with the minimum pay provided, I do not have a problem providing group insurance options to them. As far as providing paid "family" medical insurance, it's just not right.
7. In this economic downturn, where do you see additional income streams being generated to keep city services at our current level?
Increased "court costs" in our city court. Charge for "junk" pick-up. Charge (fines) for unnecessary fire and police calls. Create a license for people to have yard sales, garage sales. (Allow only a limited number per year, per residence). If Fire apparatus makes appearances at birthday parties, charge a fee.
8. If we need to begin cutting city expenses, where would you plan to trim the budget?
Evaluate every department individually, to see that we are working within our "needs".
9. Were you in favor of re-instating our city property tax?
I was against eliminating the property tax. Our property tax was very low to begin with. Every city has to have taxes to operate and maintain the different departments. As much as I dislike taxes, we had to re-instate a tax to survive.
10. Do you see an immediate need for a tax increase? If so, to what rate?
No. We need to determine the difference between our "wants" and our "needs". For now, we must set our "wants" aside, and operate on a budget. Tax increase to the individual is a last resort.
11. What executive experience do you have that allows you to be qualified to lead our city?
I have served as Assistant Chief of Police in two cities. I have owned my own business. I am currently a Realtor. I am in daily conversations with other business owners in my position of sales "business to business".
12. How many Board of Mayor and Alderman meetings have you attended in the past 2 years?
Approx. 20.
13. How many Planning Commission meetings have you attended in the past 2 years?
Less than 10.
14. What specific qualities and ideas do you bring to the table that make you most qualified for this position (feel free to elaborate in at least a paragraph or two)?
I come from a different perspective than any other candidate, or even past aldermen. Through the years, I have been involve with several different professions, both vocations and avocations. This combination of experience allows me to bring more
I have 15 years experience in a Law Enforcement / Public Safety background, allowing me to understand the issues involved with both the Police Department and Fire Department. I understand both the budgetary issues, as well as personnel issues, training, and officer retention.
I have been a Realtor for several years, allowing me to have a better education and understanding than most in regard to housing issues, development, residential commercial properties, planning of communities, and the community.
My wife and I managed apartment communities for years, and understand the issues of "high density" housing developments, the issues that go with them.
I work daily in "business to business" sales. I talk daily with the local business owners about their issues, their complaints about city government, and what they would change about the operations of city government.
I have been a children's entertainer. I have been married to the same person, Linda, for 38 years. I have two children and four grandchildren. I understand that children are our future. I understand that it is imperative that we protect and nurture them, as well as do all we can to protect the family unit. I understand the importance of parks and green space. I understand that if teens are not provided some type of recreational opportunities, they will "make" their own recreation, some of which is not in the best interest of them nor the community.
15. If you were going to ask 3 questions that all of your opponent(s) would have to answer, what would those questions be, and how would you answer them?
16. What are your feelings regarding our current city commissions?
-Planning Commission
* Are you interested in drastically changing any aspects of the commission?
Key change would be in developing more long-range planning.
* Who would you recommend and support as the representative from Board of Mayor and Alderman to the Planning Commission?
Rick Graham.
* Do you feel that our current Adequate Facilities tax is in fact adequate considering the tough economic times ahead?
It is adequate only if we are able to maintain our spending within our budget.
* Do you believe that incoming developments should be responsible for road and infrastructure improvements associated with their development?
I think that the development of properties is totally the expense of the developer. I understand that increasing those costs increase the housing prices, but since Spring Hill's average housing prices are lower than most areas of Middle Tennessee, it can increase slightly.
* Do you believe that there is a need for apartment buildings in our city? If so, where would you suggest that they be located?
There is a need for apartment buildings in all cities. There are a lot of people who just "aren't ready" for home ownership for a multitude of reasons. Whether we need more at this time is another issue. As we currently have a high vacancy rate, we apparently have plenty at this time.
Apartment buildings should only be developed now in areas where the traffic can bear the significant increase. But until Spring Hill's infra-structure is significantly increased, I am opposed to the addition to high density housing of any kind.
Currently, we have heavy traffic issues which causes significant back-ups on Hwy 31 particularly. We are 2 Firefighters short of full staff; and we are 2 Police Officers short of full staff. The infrastructure is lacking at this time.
-Economic Development Commission
* What do you believe is the city’s role in economic development?
It is imperative that the city become the driving force in economic development.
* How would you recommend that we attract and recruit businesses and institutions that provide additional services (such as a community college)?
I feel that there should be a joint effort with the Economic Development Commission, The Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce, and the BOMA to attract and recruit businesses.
We need to create a better relationship with State government, so as to create alliances there to bring higher education to Spring Hill.
We need to work closely with GM and the UAW, in attempts to bring in their product providers to this area.
-Historic Commission
* The establishment of a Historic Commission was hotly debated in our city. Do you agree with the creation of the Historic Commission?
I think that Spring Hill is a city filled with history. Yes.
* What do you feel is the role of a Historic Commission in our city?
It is important that the Historic Commission work with individuals and groups to preserve the history of Spring Hill, keeping those areas in great shape, so as to attract visitor to our area, as well as for our enjoyment. Parks and Battlefields. Historic home preservation. Historic church preservation.
* In your opinion, what are the 3 most significant historical sites in our city?
-The Battlefield on Kedron.
-The Episcopal Church on Hwy 31.
-Denning Lane.
-Rippavilla, although not in our city.
-Budget and Finance Committee
* Have you been pleased with the progress made during the past year to bring transparency to our city’s financial problems?
I am pleased to see progress in that area. I have yet to see total transparency.
* What do you feel is the most important challenge our city will face in the next year from a financial point of view?
-National economy in general.
-Stabilizing the growth and sustainability of small business.
-Developing the infrastructure (roads, fire, police).
-Maintaining our current "lifestyle", without tax increases.
Monday, December 01, 2008
David Williford
Posted by Gorilla in the Corner at 12:04 AM
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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is a series of personal opinions and is not meant to reflect an official position by the City of Spring Hill.
Mr. Williford would be a great addition to the BOMA. His experience as a former Chief of Police would bring a lot of value to the board and help insure our safety is not taken for granted.
Mr. Williford is the clear choice in this race.
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