Monday, December 01, 2008

Keith Hudson

Ward 3 Alderman Candidate

Keith Hudson

Meet the candidates on video at the following link:
Thank you to the Tennessean for taking this initiative for our community.

Spring Hill Alternate Questionnaire

Keith Hudson has finished his questionnaire and it is posted below. Enjoy!

1. What specific event(s) sparked your interest to run for this position, at this time?

My desire to serve and bring new ideas to the table. I want to be an official that will provide a true voice for the citizens of Spring Hill. An elected official that will be approachable and open to all needs. So often times people become elected and transform into a recluse, and could care less about hearing the needs of the community. I want to change that. I volunteer my time as Chairman for the Economic Development Commission because I have a vested interest in this city and I will do whatever it takes to help make this city successful.

2. What are the 3 greatest achievements in our city during the past 4 years? Why?

-The Crossings- this added much needed revenue from sales tax to the city. It also gives the community a reason to stay home and shop, rather than drive to Franklin or Brentwood. It was well planned and although it is retail and restaurants, it is very appealing to the eye.

-The hiring of Jim Smith- This gave the city an experienced leader in the area of finance. Obviously this was lacking prior to Jim's hiring. It was a smart move by our current administration, but it makes me wonder how much financial planning was done prior to eliminating the property taxes.

-Attaining the Certificate of Need for the Hospital- This was a great achievement because it brought the community closer together for the attainment of a common goal. I remember how happy everyone was after the first initial ruling. I can still remember Mayor Leverette saying, "It's a good day for the City of Spring Hill.", and it was.

3. What are the 3 greatest failures of our city during the past 4 years? Why?

-Eliminating the property tax - I don't recall anyone complaining about the 19 cent property tax to begin with. The City eliminated property tax without a clear and concise plan as to how to replenish that portion of revenue.

-Poor financial planning and budgeting decisions for the city.

-Reinstatement of the property tax at 3 times the previous rate. This was a devastating blow to the citizens of Spring Hill. We knew the taxes would have to be returned for the sake of the city. But we weren't expecting to pay 3 times the previous rate.

4. Do you support the current HCA hospital coming to our city? Why or why not?

Yes, I support the current HCA hospital coming to the city. The new hospital will bring much needed jobs to the city. Positions will be needed for the hospital, and also for supporting medical services. It also has the potential to increase positive traffic flow into the city, thus generating additional sales tax revenue.

5. Do you believe that the Mayor and Aldermen are adequately compensated? If not, what should the compensation package be?


6. What are your feelings regarding the eligibility of elected officials to be included in the City of Spring Hill’s medical insurance plan free of charge?

I have no problem with the eligibility of elected officials to be included in the medical insurance plan free of charge. In my opinion, I don't think candidates seek local office for financial gain. I hope they seek local office for their will to serve the community.

7. In this economic downturn, where do you see additional income streams being generated to keep city services at our current level?

The city has increased property taxes, which should give some relief. However, the city still has to repay the money that was borrowed from the local water and sewer department. The City will also benefit from the Sales Tax revenue that is being generated from the businesses at the Crossing.

Affordable housing will also play a significant role with the generation of additonal revenue. I believe the housing market will make a positive turn, and it be beneficial for the City of Spring Hill.

I would also like to see the City hire a part time or temporary Grant Writer and Researcher to help the city locate funds that are available from the State or Federal Government. This person will pay for themselves ten fold.

8. If we need to begin cutting city expenses, where would you plan to trim the budget?

This question doesn't give facts or circumstances to make the appropriate decision. However, I would be completely against any reduction of staffing for the city. Especially our public safety officials. The city has contracts with outside services. In extreme circumstances, we could possibly look at the expense of outside contractors. For example, would it be cost effective (long term) for our Fire Fighters to perform the same tasks as Rural Metro?

9. Were you in favor of re-instating our city property tax?

Yes, but not at the present rate. As I stated earlier, we should have never eliminated it to begin with.

10. Do you see an immediate need for a tax increase? If so, to what rate?


11. What executive experience do you have that allows you to be qualified to lead our city?

I have over 15 years of Operations Management experience. This includes the position of Plant Manager for a manufacturing facility that staffs over 300 employees and p/l responsibility for a budget of $25 mil. I have sat on boards for St Columba Interfaith Schools, and also Musemax Entertainment.

12. How many Board of Mayor and Alderman meetings have you attended in the past 2 years?


13. How many Planning Commission meetings have you attended in the past 2 years?


14. What specific qualities and ideas do you bring to the table that make you most qualified for this position (feel free to elaborate in at least a paragraph or two)?

I bring to the table the desire and will to serve my community. My passion to serve my city has already been proven through my years of community involvement. I have volunteered my time in the City of Spring Hill for over six years. I give time to the city, because I have vested interest in this community, and I will do whatever it takes to help make this city successful.

I currently volunteer my time as Chairman for the Economic Development Commission. I presently sit on committees for the Kiwanis Club and the Rotary, to raise money to benefit the children of our community. I have also spent the past year as a board member and coach for the Spring Hill Youth Football Association. The list could continue, but the point that I'm trying to make is that I have a genuine desire to enhance my community. I also have the ability to orchestrate and effectively communicate with people to get things done.

One of the ideas that I would bring to the table is the position of a Grant Writer and Researcher to the city. This person would be responsible for researching and finding all grants that are applicable to the city. These grants could easily include: parks and recreation, uniforms and equipment for our safety officials, workforce development, sidewalks, and improvements for infrastructure through water and sewer.

15. If you were going to ask 3 questions that all of your opponent(s) would have to answer, what would those questions be, and how would you answer them?

16. What are your feelings regarding our current city commissions?
-Planning Commission
* Are you interested in drastically changing any aspects of the commission?

No, I don't think there should be any drastic changes to the commission. However, I think there have been some instances where the commission could have done a better job with communicating to citizens that would be affected by their suggestions. I'm sure that problem has been taken care of.

* Who would you recommend and support as the representative from Board of Mayor and Alderman to the Planning Commission?

Johnathan Duda is doing a great job. He is passionate and committed to what he does.

* Do you feel that our current Adequate Facilities tax is in fact adequate considering the tough economic times ahead?

I believe tough times will change soon, and when it does the City of Spring Hill will need to be ready. Affordable housing in the city will be beneficial for the developers as well as the city.

* Do you believe that incoming developments should be responsible for road and infrastructure improvements associated with their development?

Yes, I do believe that incoming developments should be responsible for roads that are affiliated with their developments. I also believe that when these developers are generous with services such as the donation of land for schools, then the city should reach out in courtesy to assist (within reason) for the benefit of the community.

* Do you believe that there is a need for apartment buildings in our city? If so, where would you suggest that they be located?

I don't think the apartments that we currently have in our city are completely occupied. However, with any growing city, there will be apartments. We as a city have to plan where we want them to be placed.

-Economic Development Commission
* What do you believe is the city’s role in economic development?

The city should set aside funding (if available) to actively market the City of Spring Hill. Research will be needed to determine what attracts businesses to cities in these tough times. It is easy to say jobs are needed in Spring Hill. But the research, marketing and time needed to actively achieve this task wont be cheap.

* How would you recommend that we attract and recruit businesses and institutions that provide additional services (such as a community college)?

The EDC is currently working with neighboring colleges in an effort to create inexpensive alternatives for marketability of the city. Community colleges tend to follow areas where jobs may need work force development. We have to show there is a need by asking the colleges to have satellite courses here in Spring Hill for adult continuous learning.

-Historic Commission
* The establishment of a Historic Commission was hotly debated in our city. Do you agree with the creation of the Historic Commission?

Yes, I think it is needed to help preserve the rich history of Spring Hill.

* What do you feel is the role of a Historic Commission in our city?

In my opinion, the role of the Historic Commission is to identify Historic landmarks and property, and assist in the process of registration. In other words, to protect the historical land marks of the city.

* In your opinion, what are the 3 most significant historical sites in our city?

The Childrens Home

-Budget and Finance Committee
* Have you been pleased with the progress made during the past year to bring transparency to our city’s financial problems?

Yes, I have been very pleased with the city administration's transparency in dealing with our financial problems. It will be important to the citizens of Spring Hill for this effort to continue.

* What do you feel is the most important challenge our city will face in the next year from a financial point of view?

The city will have to make some tough decisions in the next year to determine its priorities from a spending perspective. The revenue may not be available to cover everything that is needed. Money that was borrowed from our water department, still has to be repaid. Creative thinking will play a huge part in how the city can generate additional revenue.

It will take a strong core group of leaders with the ability to be creative, and think outside of the box.

In Him,

Keith Hudson

"Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: A desire, a dream, a vision. The will must be stronger than the skill".

- Muhammad Ali -


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