So...It is that time of year and I think it is about time that we get this forum rolling again. Thanks to Re-Apportionment, our city has contested races in every ward and a real choice in the direction for the next 4 years. Starting today, everyone has an even playing field, so let's see where this goes in the coming months.
I will be sending out a questionairre to all the candidates very shortly discussing all possible topics in great detail. Let's start sorting through these 20 candidates!
Let's kick off the discussion with an article from "The Advertiser" to give us all a little background from the Mayoral candidates.
Candidates Announced for Mayor and Alderman Races
A list of 20 candidates for mayor and alderman in the city’s upcoming election have been announced. The April 9 election will be host to five different races-one for mayor and one alderman in each of the city’s four wards.
Out of five officials, Ward 2 Alderman Jonathan Duda is the only incumbent seeking re-election. Mayor Danny Leverette, Vice Mayor Miles Johnson, Aldermen Domingo Gallardo and Charles Raines all said they would not run for another term because they wanted to spend more time with family.
Vying for mayor are Cindy Jobe Alderman Michael Dinwiddie and Derek Merrill.
Derek Merrill
Derek Merrill says his campaign motto is “Sold on Spring Hill”. Merrill brings 12 years experience in real estate sales and marketing to his mayoral campaign and said he believes that Spring Hill needs to be promoted individually as well as corporately. Merrill has watched the tremendous growth since he moved to the Spring Hill 14 years ago.
“I believe we need to create the heart of Spring Hill,” Merrill says. “We need to create a town center. I agree that the overlay is there now and is headed in the right direction. The future land use map has been approved and growth boundary areas have been established.
“Within those overlays where commercial and industrial has been designed, I’d like to see a creation of town center to become the heart of Spring Hill.”
People have got to get excited and sold on Spring Hill. It’s the best thing we can do for the community, both old and young residetns. Starting with the recognizing Old Town, which is historical Main Street.
Property is set aside and with the historic creation, the historic old town boundaries have been established, three or four blocks on Main Street. Most of what we are dealing with is recreating.
“I’ve been serving in the community for a long time I was a part of the original Merchants of Spring Hill that used to meet around a table at the Old School caf/,
I was also honored to serve on the original Board of Directors for the first Chamber of Commerce in Spring Hill. Additionally, improving the quality of life in our community through the Arts has always been a passion of mine. Throughout the years I have supported and helped to build up the Performing and Visual Arts in our city such as serving on the board for Spring Hill Art Center otherwise known as SHAC.”
Merrill previously owned a restaurant called Gallery Caf/ on Main Street.
He said as a previous business owner, “I have the personal knowledge of the growing pains and pitfalls of owning a business in this city.”
His goals, if elected, are for the city’s finances to be in order.
“I understand that finances are a concern on everybody’s mind and the city must be fiscally responsible,” he said.
Merrill said he believes that building a city is very much like building a custom home.
“To ’Build the City of Our Dreams’ we must know what we want, and do it now while we still have time,” Merrill said. He added that he’s always been a visionary, which he believes is critical for Spring Hill’s future. “We must be willing to look 20 to 50 years from now.”
To contact Derek Merrill, email or call (615) 513-2991.
Cindy Jobe
Cindy Jobe was the first candidate to qualify for the municipal race in October of 2008.
She previously served as the senior government relations specialist for the Tennessee Municipal League(TML) for over 6 years, advocating on behalf of the 341 cities in Tennessee. Her term as Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce ended in December 2008. She was the lead organizer for the Citizens For Spring Hill Hospital, a grassroots community group that gathered over 10,000 signatures in support of the proposed TriStar Hospital.
Jobe is also a consultant with Jobe Neisler Consulting, which specializes in local government and state government relations. She brings more than eight years experience dealing with local government issues.
“To say I’m passionate about Spring Hill is an understatement,” she said. “I have fundamental principles that I’m running on.”
She explained the city’s finances are her No. 1 priority.
“I believe in a pay-as-you go mentality and not spending money we don’t have,” she said, adding that everything is intertwined in a city. “With rooftops, come retail and with retail comes infrastructure. Our rainy day fund has to be replenished so that during times of an economic downturn, the City will not struggle and be forced to cut essential services.”
She added in a recent statement, “Spring Hill can rec-ognize its full potential, but not until we have a consensus builder assuming the role of Mayor who can bring everyone to the table. Ultimately, I believe everyone wants what is best for our City but we all must come together, get past our differences and focus on realistic, long-term strategic goals.”
Contact Cindy Jobe at or call (615) 481-2060.
Michael Dinwiddie
Alderman Mike Dinwiddie says he has big plans for Spring Hill and thinks he is the man to make it happen. Dinwiddie, 37, has lived in Spring Hill for seven years. He has spent the last two of those serving as an alderman. It is this history of service and experience in governing that Dinwiddie said gives him an edge in the mayoral race. Dinwiddie has three major areas of concern he will focus on if elected mayor: the economy, affordable single-family homes and education.
Dinwiddie’s first run for mayor was in 2005. He lost the election but feels he did accomplish something important. It was during this campaign he says he started pushing for a hospital in Spring Hill. The initiative was picked up by others and has made considerable progress according to Dinwiddie. Dinwiddie has an additional list of accomplishments during his time as an alderman.
“I am proud of Movie Night in the park,” says Dinwiddie. “Some people scoffed at the idea but we made it happen and it has been great for the city.”
Another significant accomplishment according to Dinwiddie is the construction of a school in Maury County. Dinwiddie says he initially opposed the construction but later realized the need for a school for families in the outlying parts of the county.
The economy also concerns Dinwiddie.
“We need to protect ourselves from the national and international economy...(as mayor) I will aggressively recruit a company to bring in new jobs,” Dinwiddie said.
Dinwiddie said he wants to use the Mayor’s office to continue to promote smart growth in Spring Hill. To him, that means encouraging the construction of more single family, affordable homes.
“Affordable homes are $200,000 and under,” said Dinwiddie.
While he sees room for apartments and multi-family housing, Dinwiddie feels the city must be very careful about the types of residential construction it approves.
“We’ve got to get back to what made us,” said Dinwiddie. “That’s single-family, affordable homes.”
Dinwiddie also sees room to improve Spring Hill’s educational offerings and said he will push for “more elementary, middle, and high schools”. Dinwiddie also wants to see a secondary education institution take roots in the city. He thinks a vocational school or community college would provide educational opportunities for high school graduates who do not choose pursue a traditional degree.
Contact Michael Dinwiddie at
Staff Writers Ashley Bone, D F Smith and Cole Wakefield contributed to this report.
Buy Houses In Houston
Is Your Vegetation gastrointestinal disorder You?
An unfamiliar triviality in problem and also federal authorities demands
has really been in fact knowled...
6 years ago
Are you kidding me? Your blog is dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Your blog is, as we say you are.. irrelevant.
What an appropriate time for you to get back in the saddle. It appears, with the comment above, one of the Mayoral candidates is trying to water down the information you will be sharing with us. I look forward to your future informative posts that will help the citizens make an informed decision when they go to the polls in April.
I agree. Your blog was very helpful in the city election two years ago. I am anxious to hear what you have to say and who people are wanting to vote for.
That's the truth ruth...
And Fix Spring Hill now is alive and well? kettle.
I have a feeling that the gorilla will be getting involved again on this site very quickly.
I find it ironic that Mrs. Jobe, as President of the Spring Hill Chamber and a three year resident (non-resident at time of Rec. center discussions), lobbied the Board of Mayor and Alderman during last years budget cycle for a considerable infusion of citizens tax dollars to help prop up the Chamber but is taking a negative position on the funding of the Recreation Center.
I assume she feels comfortable standing up today in the paper and saying "funding for the chamber was a great thing for the community but the Rec. center was not."
Thought you should see this...
This is a discussion that will trouble you. Has anyone else witnessed this? go to...
Interesting the blogger witnessed Mrs. Jobe get into her car, allegedly intoxicated......but did nothing to stop her.
I am not Johnny "underpaid" law, if I were, I would be vastly wasting tax payers money as Spring Hill does by driving in pairs. No I did not try to stop Mrs. Jobe's as you say who was "alledgly intoxicated" attempt to operate her vehicle. Like I stated previously, "I don't care what you do, that issue is between you, your bartender, and the courts of Muary County." But if you plan to show this type of poor jugdement in public, perhaps you should not be running for mayor. I am just a concerned tax payer. Would you have interuppted your dinner date to play policeman?
If it meant saving the life of an innocent third party, yes.
Your story does not add up.
There is nothing to add up. You must be a die hard Cindy Jobe groupie? I'm just merely sharing my experience with this candidate.I am a veteran, and have learned that unless something directly affects my family (which at the time it didn't), I will no longer be the hero. It is not my responsibility to police our drunk drivers. I guess that is your job, Anonymous be the hero. It still doesn't change the fact that she has on more than one occasion been seen Lushed-out behind the wheel. Although you don't try and deny these accusations, only that of my reactions. You are good. You must've went to school for politics, while I was serving our country.
Anonymous, Sad but True, whomever you are, your choice to hide behind your computer and cowardly post your comments anonymously speaks volumes of your integrity and character. Perhaps that is why no one is really taking your "dirt" blog seriously. You state that you felt compelled to start this blog as a service to the community. It is people like you that are the very problem within this community. How about focusing your energies on something more positive for Spring Hill? People like you love to be critical and cast aspersions on others, yet offer nothing constructive for the betterment of our community. I for one have chosen to bravely subject myself to criticism and public scrutiny, because I am committed to seeing this community recognize its' full potential. If you are going to create a blog to specifically criticize me, then at least come up with half-way believable stories. In my 34 years, I have never had a DUI, been arrested for public drunkeness, have been the sober ride on numerous occassions, and am a committed wife and mother, a respected community activist and someone who takes drunk driving very seriously. Those are the facts and I challenge you to prove otherwise. Come out from behind that computer and then we might take you a little more serious.
Thank you for sharing what many in this community have witnessed. I noticed that Mrs. Jobe, a wife, mother, and community activist didn't entirely deny your observations. In fact, she admits that your observations were half-way true. Brave Mrs. Jobe perceives this as a negative but I see it as information with relevance.
By the way, who is the anonymous daughter of an alderman you reference?
From what I hear, there may or may not be time/date stamped pictures.
Mrs. Jobe, there's a rumor going around town that you screamed at, berated and humiliated a couple of sitting Aldermen in public after the last meeting. That doesn't sound very mayoral or very emotionally stable to me. Could you tell us what the reason was if it's true? If it is true, do your supporters condone this type of behavior? No response will imply that it did happen and you just want it to go away quietly.
I don't know who I'm voting for now. I was going to vote for you, but after reading in the Williamson Herald that you don't care about this City as much as you care about yourself, seeing the negative tone you have taken towards others and then hearing about this instance of emotional instability, that has definitely changed. Too bad Danny didn't run again. A lot of great things have happened under his watch.
I find it very interesting that on Jobe's website her goals are trimmed in gold and sound just like what all citizens of any community (not just SH) would want their candidate to say but she does not lay out her plan HOW to meet these goals?! Any child can say what he would like to see happen but having the experience and knowledge to make it happen comes with maturity and less self. But we all know she is too arrogant to even think about asking for advice-- she will just rely on her lobbyist buds and a few bottles of wine or beer to help her work her plan. Then if she is lucky enough to be elected, Hull will become our Mayor until she attacks him on one of her emotional rampages. Then I guess she will look to Charles Raines since he has been a real leader in our community, LOL!
In the interest of time I will respond to "anonymous" in an all encompassing email, because you are likely one person who is attempting to give the appearance of a collective. Visitors to this blog are not fooled by your antics, and if you had any backbone and confidence in your remarks, you would put your name to them.
I am flattered by your fascination with me, my campaign and my website, however, I ask that if you do choose to spin lies and rumors about me, please have respect for other individuals within the community and refrain from dragging your fellow Spring Hill neighbors in the mud while you run your "trash Cindy Jobe" campaign. It isn't fair to these individuals or their families, and I suspect if you were on the receiving end of it, it would be hurtful to you if others were inadvertently being torn apart as a result of a personal choice you made.
I have to ask the question, do you honestly have so much free time during your day that you can sit around and come up with ways to tear people down? I feel sad for those that lose sight of their integrity and their judgement because of a festering hate for another. It really isn't healthy.
What is healthy however, is for me to cease reading these blogs. I am fairly certain people can see this forum for what it is, a very clever way for a few individuals to push an agenda while hiding behind anonymity. It is cowardly, troubling and I would challenge you to go on record(which is highly unlikely), as to who you are supporting in the Mayoral race. I suspect we can glean much from that information and have a good idea of who we do not want elected to the office of Mayor. I would wager they are at the root of all this nonsense.
Here are some quick answers/questions/comments for you:
(1) Yes, in my response I clearly deny the "alleged" drunken incidents you fabricated. Please see my previous comments and read them carefully.
(2) Could you please post or forward those pictures you are referring to in the email above? I am very interested in how you will manufacture these photos, since they do not exist. Date and time stamped....nice touch.
(3) As for the "heated" discussion I had with two of our Alderman, yes a discussion occured after the BOMA meeting this Monday (you know those ones I never attend?) with two gentlmen regarding my campaign and I suggest you contact them for answers to your questions relative to the topic of our discussion. But you clearly already know what the gist of the conversation was, or you wouldn't be asking this question, now would you?
(4) On the topic of emotions...yes I do openly admit I have them. Do you? I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend and a wife, and if I did lack the ability to empathize or exhibit emotion, it wouldn't make me a very good mother, friend, collegue, etc. My emotions don't cloud my judgement and shame on your for insinuating that I am an emotional basketcase. Is that a stab at gender? Surely you aren't going there.
(5) As for the lobbyist reference, if you actually did read my website, you would have learned that I worked for a non-profit advocacy group, and this is a very different role compared to those lobbyists who represent individual private interests or groups. I did not hang out it smoke-filled rooms, passing money and bottles of liquor about freely. Your hollywood-esk impression of lobbying is very naive and laughable. I promise it just isn't as glamourous and diabolical as you think. I spent much of my time educating and lobbying elected officials on municipal environmental, budgetary, and legal matters. I was a negotiator and a mediator and in my opinion, these are great skills for our next Mayor to have.
Anonymous, it has been entertaining to read your blogs, but for the good of the community I am encouraging you to slither back into the hole in which you came. Good luck to "your" candidate, may the best man or woman win. Bloggers, please do your homework and consider the potential source of these posts. I welcome questions, comments and calls from any Spring Hill resident (615) 481-2060. I am open, honest and eager to hear the concerns and ideas that my fellow residents have. Fairness, openmindness,honesty and integrity are the qualities our next leader needs to possess. These attributes will assist our City in reaching its' full potential.
Best Regards,
Cindy Jobe
P.S. I hear our current Mayor is openly supporting Michael Dinwiddie. Thought some would find that information interesting. Politics makes strange bedfellows, no?
Can not see the forrest through the trees!
1) I wouldn't expect anything less than for you to deny the alleged incident witnessed by SadButTrue. Your denial of many things is becoming the norm. Still waiting to find out who the anonymous daughter of an alderman is.
2) Pictures...we will just have to wait and see.
3) Your discussion after attending your second BOMA meeting has been better described throughout the community as a "tirade". The gist of the "tirade" was the blasting of two Alderman by you for attending Mayoral candidate Michael Dinwiddie’s campaign kickoff. Your MO seems to be, blast any and everyone who doesn’t agree with you, not a trait one would expect of a city leader.
4) The fact that you are posting on a blog does indicate that you are moving in the direction of being an emotional basket case, which would lead someone to question your capabilities of leading a city. Your emotions are clearly clouding your judgment.
5) As for lobbying, let’s take a quick gander at your campaign financial disclosure, a public record document. Are the lobbyists that have contributed to your campaign also of the warm and fuzzy breed that you are schooled in? Disclosures are quite a telling document.
Home Builders PAC – $300.00
Stacy Neisler of Jobe & Neisler a lobbying (consulting) company - $1000.00
John Floyd a developer – $1000.00
John Saltsman a lobbyist - $500.00
Ward Baker a lobbyist - $500.00
Sean Flanagan a lobbyist - $1000.00
Dick Cole a real estate agent - $500.00
Michael Whitmore a developer - $1000.00
Looks like the fellows in Mrs. Jobe's political bed is getting very crowded.
Isn't Dick Cole with GBT?
Wow, I had no idea this would take such an ugly turn. I do believe we are seeing a very different side of your debating skills. Not bad for someone for which whom "no one would take my dirt blog seriously", wouldn't you say so Mrs Jobe? Secondly, as the former Chamber President it seems you are in bed with the cities who's who and since I have not chosen to run for Mayor... I will remain "SadButTrue" to keep my innocent family out of another potential "tirade" or emotional breakdown of yours. Thirdly (if you can have a thirdly) If it does not say "SadButTrue" then it is truly not me, and as it seems, someone far more educated int he politics then I. Remember that I only wanted to share with the community my experience with this candidate,and had no political agenda. I am however more interested in supporting Michael Dinwiddie after seeing more sides to the puzzle. After all, when asked why he had not yet collected any campain funds Merrill's only remark was, and I quote, "It is what it is". Seriously, that's what is wrong with this whole South East region. Where I come from it doesn't have to be,you can fix it. Anyway, that is a whole other topic and besides Merrill hasn't really done anything. And I mean Anything.
Now Mrs. Jobe, you truly are making these matters worse on yourself with your course reactions. I honestly thought you would appologize for your cavalier sorority like behavior and move on to other issues, like you being a "non-profit" Lobbyist. Oh and by the way... a Lobbyist is a Lobbyist, you can paint it whatever color you want to. You truly can't believe that I was the only person who witnessed you in this condition? Which reminds me... I didnt, but did someone say something about pictures? LoL, Ouch that would be devastating to your case. Anyway I hope this will straighten out the questions that you seem to have for me, Mrs Jobe. In closing, Thank you to all "Anonymous" for your support. It is an honor that Mrs. Jobe thinks it's all me. She gives me far too much credit... but who's reading?
Yours Truly,
P.S. Enuff with the Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Activist shit... we get it you're a Humble Saint.
P.S.S. The Alderman's Duaghter will remain anonymous for she is also not running for Mayor. Although if you are asking... you probably already know who she is, her pictures are posted all over this town.
Jobe has been to FOUR meetings in the past four years. The first, she was nominated to the EDC. The second, she strongly supported a property tax for the residents and then left early. The third, she showed up late and left five minutes later. The last, she showed up one hour late and then made a spectacle of herself in public.
Let me state the obvious: she has no experience, she has had no interest unless it benefited her, and her running is a personal vendetta with potential personal gain (Jobe & Neisler lobbyist business) that she says will remain dormant.
She is not concerned about her lack of knowledge or lack of attendance because the money donated by fellow lobbyists, PACS, and developers, whom she wants to reduce their out of pocket expenses (Impact Fees) for, will pay and have paid heavily to convince the public she is the best candidate.
Let's take a look at the benefits of the Impact Fee that she wants to reduce for developers.
Impact fees have become an integral part of local government infrastructure financing. Impact fees have done more to change our approach to paying for public facilities than any other single financing technique. Because of them, the phrase "growth should pay its own way" is now part of our national vocabulary. Impact fees come in many forms and flavors. They first appeared on the American scene in the 1950s and 1960s as capital recovery fees for the funding of water and wastewater facilities. With the decline of Federal and State grants to local governments and the ascension of the anti-tax revolution in the late 1970s, their use was expanded to several non-utility facilities, such as roads, parks and schools. It was not until the 1980s, however, that impact fees began being universally used for a broader array of municipal facilities, such as fire, police and libraries.
So, if she wants to reduce the cost of developers than who is going to fund improvements to: roadways, public facilities, water & wastewater facilities, parks, schools, fire, police, and libraries. Those improvements have to be made in a growing community and if the developers don't contribute than who. This sounds like a policy headed in the direction of you and me paying more taxes.
BTW, PACS and Lobbyists are only interested in their agenda.
Did you know that Jobe Neisler, a “for profit” Consulting (Lobbying) LLC, was registered with the state six months before Mrs. Jobe announced her candidacy for Mayor. She wants us to believe that it will remain dormant for four years if elected, hog wash or motive, you determine. The fact that it is still "active" should tell us something.
The below is from the state public records:
The first group that was lobbied by the Jobe Neisler firm was the City of Spring Hill. When it became obvious that they couldn't get anywhere, they walked away (keeping half the money). She then got angry at Danny because he wouldn't be lobbied, stabbed him in the back and announced her candidacy. Does Spring Hill need a lobbyist as Mayor? It's obvious she has used her lobbyist skills to make back-room promises to Bruce Hull and Rick Graham. Why else would they associate their reputations and credibility with this person who is so hell bent on acting like a six year old child?
My wife and I have lived in Haynes Crossing for the past six years, and many of you know, on several occasions, I have fought City Hall to promote quality of life in our sub-division. As you are aware, the Spring Hill Mayoral election is on Thursday, April 9th.
I want to tell you about my very good friend, Cindy Jobe, who is seeking the Office of Spring Hill Mayor. Cindy has proven her commitment to our community, and her professional credentials are impressive. She served the Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce as Vice Chairman in 2007 and Chairman in 2008. Cindy’s background is in government relations, where she worked with city and county officials across the state. She has developed strong, positive relationships with the state Transportation Department, Congressional Leaders, State Legislators and both Williamson and Maury County Officials. Her experience in dealing with government leaders, along with her business expertise, is exactly what Spring Hill needs.
Cindy has decided to run for Mayor because we need sound leadership and fiscal responsibility in City government. She wants our City to adopt a "pay as you go" mentality and be accountable for every taxpayer dollar. From her work on various Economic Development Commissions, Cindy recognizes that when local businesses and manufacturers prosper, we all prosper. She will also insure needed funding for our Police and Fire Departments because safety is one of her top priorities. Road infrastructure is also at the top of her list, and she will actively pursue funding for City roads and installation of much needed traffic lights. I am writing you this letter because Cindy is a person of utmost honesty and integrity, along with exceptional qualifications to be our next Mayor.
Glenn Barber
Your Haynes Crossing neighbor
Does "utmost honesty and integrity" define what she did to Danny Leverette? I sat in the audience and don't remember you doing much fighting at all. I do remember a certain Alderman fighting your battle for you. Bet he feels stupid now. Birds of a feather...
Mr. Barber,
She will turn on you, as she as done many others, after using you up. Be patient because eventually you and her will not see "eye to eye" and then you will experience the same emotional "tirade" many others have been the victim of.
Mrs. Jobe is no different than Kent Williams the new Speaker of the House. He worked back room deals and ultimately turned on 49 fellow party members to get the "power".
What did she do to Danny Leverette? I thought they were friends. Didn't he put her on the Economic Development Commission, helped her with the Spring Hill Chamber, and helped her organize the Citizens for the Spring Hill Hospital.
Jobe "said she wants to serve four years and get out, which does not mean she is not committed to Spring Hill past those four years, but that she will make things happen quickly and make uncomfortable decisions not based upon getting re-elected." - Williamson Herald 2/19/09
Good grief.
Kroger left town and that was one of our biggest sources of revenue because they sold a lot of food and gas. How much will the City lose from that? Can anyone tell me who was on the EDC when Kroger decided to leave?
Kroger did not leave town, they just simply moved on the other side of Spring Hill and down the street to Thompson's Station. Not sure why you think Kroger left town?
Kroger did move 1 across town and the other out of town. The one in thompson station in not in spring hill so guess what. No tax dollars to spring hill.
Wrong. Not "just" down the street...Kroger's is now in Thompsons Station, and the sales tax revenue from food, furniture, jewelry, gas, etc. is going to THOMPSONS STATION.
That was the major source of sales tax revenue for Spring Hill...gone, gone, GONE!
Yes, please tell me what Cindy, as then President of the Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce and member of the Economic Development Commission (and the rest of the EDC, including candidate Keith Hudson) was doing while Kroger's prepared to leave? Lobbying for more churches to locate in empty store fronts?
And before you bring up the Kroger's on Port Royal Road, that store is NOT generating anywhere near the kind of revenue the Campbell Station store did--just ask the manager of the store. Too many people in Spring Hill don't realize 1)there is anything located south of Duplex Road and 2)don't know or don't care the new store is in Thompsons Station.
I think they left town, Cindy, because YOU didn't do anything on the EDC. I think they left town, Cindy, because YOU didn't do anything as Chamber president. You are a worthless lobbiest.
Oh how funny. Not to be mean, but you reap what you sew. First of all, I agree that Krogers left Spring Hill and took thier money with them. 1 million dollars generated in just the first week. Second, I also agree that the new Port Royal store was not only a total cluster f#c% in location, but as many new former Kroger employees will agree, that Kroger has already been deemed a mistake by its Corporate office and if sales do not pick up in the next year... you will be looking at another much needed Huge Church. Just ask any of the employees from either store with the exception of the management whom is already scared for thier own positions. I do admire the feeble attempts of Cindy Jobe's followers to clean up such a nasty mess, but at this point I would think she is doing nothing, but wasting our time. "Utmost honesty and integrity"? "Safety is one of her top priorities"? Good Grief is right! I know what I saw that night at Jeffry's Grill and trust me safety was not a priority, but I will agree that she will see to it that the Funding of the Police and Fire Departsment are of the "utmost priority" with social habits such as hers, it would benefit her greatly. See you at the polls Michael Dinwiddie, I appreciate your grass root efforts. It was a pleasure of mine as well as my neighbors to speak personally with you as you were the only candidate to go door to door in my neighborhood. I guess the smaller houses dont count as much on Mrs. Jobe's trail. Thats too bad, I did have some questions to ask her.
This is the first time on this forum and I'm amazed at what I've read. Couple quick questions I have and I hope someone can answer for me.....1) Has Mrs Jobe ever been elected to a public position? 2) Have Dinwiddie and Jobe debated the issues in a one on one format? 3) Who has contributed to Dinwiddie's campaign? The main concern I have is Mrs Jobe's association with a lobbying group....we do not a mayor looking after the best interest of a lobbying group.....just my two cents.
Carol Knudson
Proud Resident of Spring Hill
I have made a commitment to not engage in blogs, however, let's call a time out in the campaign for a minute. I have gotten word that Cindy Jobe has recently undergone surgery and there were some complications which caused her to remain in the hospital for an extended period. Please keep Cindy and her family in your prayers as she deals with these health issues.
Michael Dinwiddie
Michael Dinwiddie... Thank you for the kind words!
If any of you would like to meet the candidates and ask questions directly to them... the next forum will be March 15th 2-4 p.m. at Longview Elementary. Mayor, Ward 3 & Ward 4 candidates will be there and a "meet and greet" will take place after candidates present their platform. The majority of candidates are participating.
Jennifer Bowers
Cindy really shows her lack of experience in those Tennessean videos. Dinwiddie when are you going to challenge this woman to a debate? You are running circles around her.
Derek Merrill is by far the most qualified candidate as far as knowing the Spring Hill Community.
He seems to really care about how to build our community in a way that reflects the WANTS OF THE RESIDENT. Not just what will be best for the business community. He cares. Is a great moral person that we can count on. visit his site
This is the first time I have been on here.
Man after reading all this. You have Cindy Jobe drinking, screaming and carrying on, defending herself, which screams "IM QUILTY". You have Dinwiddie, playing the politician card. In the "Lets all get along" Champaign.
Derek Merrill is not even mentioned in here. If you have not had a chance to meet him. Do so. If you are tired of the typical politician, he is your man.
He is a Working Man's Man!!
He's got my vote.
George J. Miller
Cindy told me over a week ago that the UAW and Fire Union were going to publicly endorse her. Where are they?
Wasn’t Cindy Jobe in the hospital last week?
We have people running that want to serve the city, but it seems they can't follow a simple city ordinance.
I have read the sign ordinance over and over and it makes no provision for political campaign signs on a public right of way.
If your opinion differs, please reply.
The sign ordinance was amended a few months ago to 60 days before an election for residence yards and 30 days everywhere else. The City has no real authorization around the roadfairs to confiscate signs.
As the ordinance reads, (see below) there is specific prohibition to signs in the right of way and a fine for such an infraction.
The revised ordinance for political campaign signs extends the time the signs can be displayed, but grants no permission or implied permission to post such signs anywhere except private property.
The ordinances, as interpreted by me, suggest these campaign signs littering the roadside are in violation of these ordinances.
I realize this issue seems minor compared to other city affairs, but if a simple ordinance is not understood or followed, how are we going to trust future actions taken by the BOMA will adhere to standing law. Isn't that why the improper city funds transfers happened?
By the way, not attaching your name to your opinions is timid at best. Open, honest and candid communication is the only way to solve our problems.
10.3(9) All signs must be on private property and may be placed no less than fifteen (15) feet from the nearest edge of pavement and can be placed as directed by the Building Inspector at intersections, except general “Directional” signs for “Special Events” may be permitted in the public right-of-way, subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. The number of directional signs for each “Event” shall not exceed six (6) for any event.
10.3(10) Penalties: It shall be unlawful to erect, construct, or maintain any sign, which is not permitted or is prohibited under the provisions of this ordinance. Any person who violates this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor which upon conviction, shall be punishable by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), each day such violation is continued.
More on the issue here:
Hey Cindy, guess you weren't so committed to spelling the word "commited" on your sign. Next time use a spell check, huh?
You think that's bad...Check out Dinwiddie's latest mailer. So many errors it was comical!!
So someone told me to visit a “dirt” blog in Spring Hill and I did....... it had some pretty outrageous garbage on it about the Mayoral candidate, Cindy Jobe. In fact it was only about her and appears to be a site specifically created to trash her...anyway.....I thought it was particularly funny that the restaurant the blogger references (Gary’s Place) is where I saw Michael Dinwiddie putting back several beers this past Friday night and talking to several young girls. He arrived sometime before 10 and left after midnight. I saw him get into his blue minivan and drive home. There were two Spring Hill police cars parked outside, but they never pulled him over. And then today I learned that the Police officers association (FOP) of Williamson county is sending nasty emails around about Cindy Jobe and asking their members to vote for Dinwiddie. Smells a little fishy to me..........wonder if the next time Alderman, or I guess it might be Mayor Dinwiddie, drinks excessively if the police will turn a blind eye? It certainly happened the other night and his flirtation with the girls was nothing short of disgusting!
In response to the last entry... I believe that the outrageous garbage about Mayoral candidate Cindy Jobe can only be righted by another wrong? And if your story is correct, (F.Y.I. the name of the restaraunt is Jeffrey's not Gary's, perhaps you got the person wrong too) then it would've been a poor decision for Michael Dinwiddie and I would not support him for such hypocritical actions. "My" blog is not for nor against any candidate, but merely a place for me to share things that I find wrong in "our" community and I expect "you" to do the same. It is not intended to trash anyone in particular, but if you choose to live as a civil servant in a glass house, well then I will be one of the first to throw stones.
However, I do find some of your comments questionable. For starters you say that Dinwiddie was at "Gary's place" from 10 to after midnight. So how long were you there? Were you drinking too? Lets face it, you don't know the name of the place, so it is safe to say that you're not an employee. The only other open establishment would've been Anytime fitness, and I realy don't think you were working out for over two hours.
In your defense, let's say you were at "Jeffries" for over two hours and you nor your guest were drinking more than your Blood Alcohol Limit allows. You say he had several beers? You do know it is legal to drink alcohol, right? Infact, a man of his size should be able to legally consume about 2.5 beers an hour (I could be wrong)and drive a vehicle. Not being sexist, it is a fact that men naturally burn-off alcohol at a much faster rate than woman, and beer does not have nearly the amount of alcohol as wine, like the wine I witnessed Cindy Jobe hold in her hand as she walked out to her vehicle. With that being said, how many beers would you say Dinwiddie had?
Then you have him being flirty with the several young girls comment, seriously that just has the sound of hatefull, desperate, and prude man hater written all over it. So you saw a Mayoral Candidate having a conversation with a group of woman? this is wrong because...? and I call them woman, becuase I assume they were drinking as well? The flirty thing is just hard to swallow, I guess like my story you would've just had to have been there to find it disgusting, right?
As for the two cops, I am totally with you sister. If you have read my comments here before, you would know that due to our outrageous crime rate here in Spring Hill, the cops as standad procedure ride in pairs and so your story must be true. I guess that only leaves us with Dereck Merrill, and having been a resident for almost a decade I can truly say, "god save Spring Hill".
If any of the girls that Dinwiddie was alledgedly flirting with at Wings and Things (aka Gary's Place)is a reader, please tell your side of the disgustingness and just how smashed our candidate was... we would love to hear about it.
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