Thursday, April 09, 2009

Election Results!


Stephanie said...

How many people came to the polls?

Anonymous said...

WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! These are NOT FINAL posted at 6:58. The polls don't close 'til 7PM. Gorilla, you do not and will never tell me what do expect about Spring Hill...and it scares me how many people think you truly know what goes in in this city.

And yeah, I already know you can track me and I don't care...

Anonymous said...

Actually, "Gorilla" was at the polls "all day," and he was documenting and talking to the citizens brilliantly throughout the day. He is a voice, and eyes and ears in our community. Some things may contradict what individual opinions we may have, but he does have a genuine interest in our city. It's not personal, it's just news to use and to be informed. If it scares you so much, then why are you checking to see what is being said?

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