Monday, January 30, 2006

Re-apportionment Re-Visited

I have received some comments and email, and I am not sure that some of you understand what is at stake with this re-districting issue. I will make this post for those of you that are not sure exactly what is going on in terms of the growth of the city. This is an issue that should see broad support from the VAST majority of Spring Hill. It affects everyone, and is vital for making the city officials accountable to the citizens. I welcome discussion, and I would love for anyone to read this and challenge the facts. I think it is vital for the citizens to know "the fact of the matter" and not dwell on inaccuracies. If you see something that does not add up, let me know and be specific.

Here is a map that everyone needs to look at closely, and then read the rest of the post. For those of you that have been attending the planning commission work sessions, you are well aware of this information and can vouch for its accuracy.

Okay, now click on the map and look at those big voids that are soon to be filled in with neighborhoods and business developments. Also look to the eastern portion of the map….what is all that development going to be on the east side of I-65? Is that going to be Ward 1 and 2 as well?

How big are we going to let the discrepancies get between wards before we decide to do something about this? It appears to me that in time Wards 1 and 2 will hold the VAST majority of the population.

Here are a few quick facts to mull over from map posted above.
* By 2015 the City of Spring Hill will be approaching 45,000 people.
* Over 40,000 of those people will live in Ward 1 and Ward 2.
* Over 27,000 will live in just Ward #2.

Why is it so wrong with drawing up the boundaries and/or allow a few at large aldermen? Why has it taken this long to even bring up the subject of re-apportionment? Are we ready to act on this yet?


Anonymous said...

Who are you people? What makes you think that you can make statements that are not true and hide behind an anonymous web page? If you really wanted to make a statement, you would post your real names. You don't post your real names because it is easy to slander someone and not own up to it.

I have zero respect for those that hide their true identity. But, since you don't post your real names, I'll decline to post mine.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading this page for quite some time. I have also attended meeting for the past few months. So far, everything that has been brought up on this site seems to be pretty accurate.

In your opinion, what is inaccurate?

Silverback said...

Anonymous @ 14:37,

Just because someone chooses to post a comment anonymously does not diminish in any way the legitimacy of the comment.

Back to the original issue:

In the last election, 8 Candidates ran for 1 Alderman Seat in Ward 2 while 2 Aldermen ran unopposed in Wards 3 and 4. Thank goodness we have good people that chose to run for Wards 3 and 4. If we had a person who had run unopposed, who may not have had the best intentions, under our current system, what accountability would that person have if noone could run against them?

I have heard others say in the past that we should not adjust our current Ward system because future growth in Wards 1,3 and 4 will catch up to the growth experienced in Ward 2.

I wonder how they will defend our current system now that it has been shown that the future growth in the city will not balance the population of the 4 wards.

Anonymous said...

What statements are untrue?

I tried a little fact checking this weekend and I can't find a lie in the bunch.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 14:37, spoken like a true hypocritical wuss!

Don't mind that moron, keep up the good work on the blog folks!

Anonymous said...

Can we stick to the issues, please?

Anonymous said...

Come on people, the growth will not be in Maury county, the growth will continue as it is in the under represented wards. By the way, this is all public knowledge - the wards & their reps - so wake up to public knowledge people!!
Many 30 somethings who grew up in maury Co move to Will Co side of Spring HIll b/c 1. it is will co and its better 2. the schools 3. the recs, on and on
Anyone with any intelligence can see the total lack of support for Will co side of things. Spring Hill get with it, Will co offers much more and is what has driven your growth and prosperity - now represent it in a fair way - haven't you seen the state constitution? Districts are to be drawn based on population making it as even as about charge the city with violation of that???

Anonymous said...

31 January, 2006 10:18 Anonymous,

The marketplace determines where the growth in Spring Hill occurs. I can't think of a single instance where a proposed project was rejected by the board only because it was in Maury Co.

The re-apportionment issue isn't about the counties, it is about the individual wards having the opportunity to be represented fairly.

Anonymous said...

What does politician and Maury County Commissioner Cindy Williams think about reapportionment? She does live in the city limits of Spring Hill. I would venture to say that she does not agree with reapportionment. I would encourage all to e-mail her and ask her thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Why is Cindy's position one way or the other of any importance at all? This is a city issue, not a county one. Even if she wanted to do something, she couldn't. If you want her to fix the city's problems then put her into a city position.

Anonymous said...

What a mistake that would be!

Anonymous said...

Maybe, maybe not. But that's not the point. The point is, someone is trying to drag her into an issue over which she has no control at all. Why don't we just email President Bush and ask him why he doesn't do anything about this reapportionment issue while we're at it? If you're going to attack the woman, then at least attack her on something relevant.

Anonymous said...


1) Why did she work so hard, and continues, at defeating the Recreation Center?

2) Why did she work so hard at preventing the new elementary school on Port Royal.

3) Why is she constantly at odds with the Maury County Commission? Backbone or no backbone you find common ground that moves progress forward and not stifles it.

4) What has she done to further her district (Spring Hill) being in that district?

Yes, she is a County official but I thought county officials worked for thier districts. Judy Hayes and Clyde Lynch have been very successful in thier districts. Re-apportinment is an issue many in Spring Hill feel is very important.

President Bush dosen't turn his back on an issue.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should contact her directly to find out her reasoning for voting a certain way? The school on Port Royal is especially interesting. The Chairman of the School Board coincidentally works for an architectural firm who just coincidentally got the contract to build the school. The school was designed too small to handle future growth and the design itself is not the most cost efficient design to build. Why? So that his firm would make more money on the initial building and then get the contract in the future for a second building when this one inevitably becomes too small. Cindy wanted a cheaper design and a bigger building to save the taxpayers money in the long run. Again, I'm quite sure that if you would contact her and ask her instead of ignorantly assuming things, she will tell you why she votes a certain way.

Anonymous said...

I suggest you act on your advice of going to the source. You're obviously being fed garbage "Garbage in Garbage out". You seem to be intelligent enough to know when you are being used.

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