Thursday, April 20, 2006

Judy Hayes

We have finally received a response to the questionnaire from Judy Hayes. Read below. Enjoy!

I will post some opinions later in the day, for what it is worth.

County Commissioner Candidate Questionnaire (Judy Hayes)

1. As a single county commissioner on a board that consists of twenty-four (24) total commissioners, please indicate how you would propose to be an effective commissioner when representing the needs of District 3 residents. Please feel free to include past experiences or qualities that you feel you possess in order to be an effective county commissioner.

It is important to be an informed team member. With the correct information sought and secured, zeal and commitment in presentation and a reputation of always being trustworthy, one commissioner can accomplish many things. Without these qualities very little can be accomplished except the one vote. I believe I have these qualities and have a good relationship with my fellow commissioners, department heads, staff, county workers and citizens.

2. District 3 includes the following communities; Bethesda, College Grove, Spring Hill, and Thompson’s Station. Each of these communities has their own unique issues that need to be represented by the District 3 County Commissioners. Please identify three (3) unique issues specific to each individual community and indicate which of those issues you personally feel should be your priority as District 3 County Commissioner.

I believe the unincorporated communities such as Bethesda, Flat Creek, Harpeth, Duplex and College Grove are especially concerned about keeping their own wonderful community identity. They also need to continue having support for good and safe roads, great schools, excellent recreation and senior citizen activities. I have and will continue to support their needs.

The same needs apply also to the cities of Spring Hill and Thompson’s Station as listed above. However, with growth, Tennessee Chapter 1101 comes into play. I hope that both cities will continue working toward a comprehensive plan for their citizens and be creative with future development, in-filling in special areas, especially in downtown areas, and stress open green spaces and park areas as vital for a great quality of life.

3. In July 2005, Spring Hill Mayor Danny Leverette sent a letter to County Mayor Rogers Anderson expressing an interest in reevaluating the current Williamson County Urban Growth Boundary Plan. At what point do you think it would be appropriate to re-evaluate the current Williamson County Urban Growth Boundary Plan?

I greatly appreciate Mayor Danny Leverette taking a step back from his initial request. I believe it is important that Spring Hill and other cities make every effort to complete their long-term land use plan just as the County is now doing. In serving on the County’s long range planning committee, we are looking at growth needs and quality of life issues for the unincorporated areas. It is important that the County plan and all the plans of the municipalities are compatible. I don’t think a date should be set to reopen talks until all entities are prepared.

4. If you had sole naming rights for the new Recreation Center, what name would you propose? Please briefly explain.

I believe Longview Recreation Center has been selected as the appropriate name. It is the historic name of Mr. Mitchum’s estate, a 200-year-old farm. Most likely Longview will also be the name of the new elementary school on the same property and will help locate both facilities. Its location is in Spring Hill and will be often referred to as such by its citizens.

5. Do you believe the County should fund/build a branch library for the city of Thompson’s Station? Why or why not? If so, do you believe the proposed location at Heritage Commons is the best place?

The County funds libraries in many communities in part or whole. There is a branch in Fairview and Nolensville in buildings built by the County. The county also funds Leapers Fork/Hillsboro and Bethesda in older facilities and is planning a courier service in College Grove’s center. The County also provides some funding for Brentwood and for the Spring Hill libraries. Thompson’s Station deserves no less. With the great growth in the Thompson’s Station/Spring Hill areas new libraries are needed. I think the County with the help and partnership of the town of Thompson’s Station should build a library.

I would like a continued review of the site as to whether there is a better location that can be given. However, the Library Board makes the location request decision and presents it to the County for funding.

6. Do you believe Charter Cable and Williamson County Government should provide WCTV coverage? If so, how do you propose making that happen?

The lack of local cable service in parts of the Third District has been a concern of mine for some time. In checking with our County’s cable and planning staff, I am told that the talks are continuing but the County has no authority until the Agreement is up for renewal. I have been promised that every effort will be made to see that local coverage will be extended to all customers in the Third District if possible.

7. What is the most important issue facing Williamson County today? How do you propose addressing it?

Planning and management of growth with continued sound budgeting management while providing the very highest quality of education, excellent recreation for citizens of all ages, safe roads, excellent emergency and health care.

To accomplish this while assuring the protection of open, green spaces, historic sites and our special rural communities and neighborhoods, I will continue to work with County leaders to make long-term land use plans that are compatible with these goals, and keep the necessary line of open communication between all leaders and citizens.

8. Do you believe Williamson County’s spending is reasonable for the school system? If not, do you think that we should spend more or less?

Well over half of the County’s budget funds the operation of our schools. I believe we have the newest, most up-to-date facilities found in any district in the country. Accommodating growth continues to be a challenge—a new wing is being added to Heritage Elementary, a new indoor recreation facility and land is being identified for a new middle school in our Spring Hill/Thompson’s Station area.

I supported the requested 2006-2007 school system budget which was approved by the education and budget committee—extra money without a tax increase. Williamson County Commissioners will continue to support our excellent school system.

9. What do you think is the greatest issue facing South Williamson County today and how would you address the issue?

Please see answer in #7

10. If you could change one thing about Williamson County what would it be and why?

Williamson County is very special as it is. I guess I would wish every citizen could appreciate it for the great place it is and make a personal commitment to work and volunteer to improve the quality of life. One person can contribute so much to their city, their community, their school, and recreational programs. Being a good citizen should also include keeping our county free of trash and litter—there is more than our litter crews alone can handle. Setting an example for others is always a good place to start.

11. Of the other candidates running, who would you most like to see become your partner commissioner? Why? Who would you least like to serve with? Why?

I don’t think this is a question we should be asked. It is a decision the voters will make.

I have had a very good working relationship with Mr. Lynch. We have accomplished many things. I did not know either of the other two candidates until recently. They seem like very nice gentlemen.

12. Of all the Williamson County Commission votes taken since the last County Commission election, which one do you most disagree with? Why? Can you name two-three more and why?

I’m sure if every item was reviewed since 1986, there may be some changes I would make given that things may have changed or we may have different or better information since the vote was taken. However, at this moment no one thing comes to mind. I try to do my homework before each vote is taken.

13. Should Williamson County increase impact fees? Why/Why not?

To increase Williamson County residential impact fees, the State must give us permission to increase our cap. I believe that an increase will be sought in the near future and is appropriate.

We need to look at creative funding measures as well such as grants and public/private partnerships.

14. Should nepotism be allowed in the Williamson County Government? Should County Commissioners be allowed to work for the County?

I have seen nepotism work in some cases and others that have not. It is not illegal and not necessarily a wrong act. Personally, I would likely stay away from it because of the presumed appearance.


Anonymous said...

Mrs. Hayes,

Do you support the proposed Spring Hill Hospital?

Anonymous said...

Mrs Hayes,
...a new wing is being added to Heritage Elementary, a new indoor recreation facility and land is being identified for a new middle school in our Spring Hill/Thompson’s Station area.

Is this accurate? Rumors are that a new wing is being added to Heritage Middle? and what type of indoor rec facility?

Anonymous said...

No answer is still an answer -

Anonymous said...

No answer is still an answer -

No, not really.
The information is incorrect. The new addition is on the Middle School not Heritage Elementary.
And I can only assume that the indoor facility is the Recreational Center.

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