Saturday, July 22, 2006

Man Crush

With all the noise coming from the few in opposition to Spring Hill Hospital claiming a major victory in the form of a report from a state agency who can't grasp the fact that Spring Hill will grow to 40,000 people by 2010 (say all you want about the 'need' today, or services available today... This hospital would open in 2009/2010, when the need will most definately exist), I thought that it would be fun to bring to light some of the more humerous parts of the CN0604-028 file.


To Governor Bredesen:
"I met you at the Nashville ACHE meeting last year and I could see compassion in your eyes..."

And another, I like to call "Oops, I didn't really mean it":

Are you sure about that?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Michael yet again you left out the other side of things. Put some of the support letters for the hospital on here. What about the woman who claimed that her daughter with advanced kidney disease would benefit from this hospital. This woman is not served by anyone but Vandy, with or without the hospital. What about the letter about the young man who ripped his aorta in half with the MVA? Oh to here the supporters tell it he would have survived if we had only had a Spring Hill hospital. That young man's injuries were SO SEVERE that he could have ran into Vandy's ER with his car, been ejected onto a trauma bed with a trauma surgeon standing right there, and he still would not have made it. To read some of the letters of support you would think that Benny Hinn will be standing at the Registration Desk and will be healing people before they ever sign in. Come on Michael, if you are going to attack the opponents, you also have to put the supporters' foolish letters on here, as there are plenty of them. What about your comment at the Williamson COunty Commission about the 64 slice CT scanner replacing the cath lab for Acute MIs? That is about as foolish as they come. I know you guys are desperate after this HSDA report came out, and I see that you are trying to mnimize its importance, but stay in the real world here. The agency application summary is there so that the Board can read through the hype from both sides and make an informed decision. The Notes to Agency Members in italics very clearly show the truth of this case. I hate that you are lowering yourself to trying to minimize the impact of their report. I have always thought you do a good job at raising issues here (even though we go back and forth on our sites) but Michael you have to accept that the HSDA summary IS NOT in favor of this hospital. CA

Anonymous said...

Another thing Michael is that you guys accuse us all the time of attacking people on this site. Yet you have just posted a letter from Turner and labeled it "man crush" is that not the same thing as an attack? The reason that many of our physicians have been reluctant to go to the news with their opinions is because of things like that. They know that this hospital will not be approved, so why put their neck out there? For instance, Dave Huebner labels anyone that is opposed to this hospital as hating Spring Hill. To me I could care less, as here is a man who is supposedly a preacher telling people they HATE Spring Hill. However imagine if you were a physician who gets their business from referalls and reputation. One statement about you hating Spring Hill could kill your business. This is the Red Scare all over again. Thanks Michael McCarthy.

Anonymous said...


You'd do well to remember that all facilities have skeletons in their closets. Michael has not drug any specific facility through the mud here.

You have to admit that 'Man Crush' was kind of funny.


Anonymous said...

I don't recall saying that he did. Read back over the post here. However, while funny, it certainly serves as a diversion from the facts in the HSDA summary. I really have thought that Michael was a guy who wanted to get debate started on here. However he has not addressed the items pointed out in the HSDA, but rather, he has attempted to minimize the importance of it by saying that we are claiming a tremendous victory. After months of having to see the yard signs about supporting a hospital that hasn't even been granted yet, taking verbal thrashings on here from people who are so cowardly that they hide behind anonymous posting, and having to listen to Dave Huebner state that we live in a fantasy land, it is a victory to have the agency whose board will decide this issue come out and state essentially that we have been right all along. We have always said the numbers submitted by HCA were inflated, we have said that we will have enough beds to care for the people of Spring Hill when construction is finished (well before this hospital would have opened), we have said that the service areas listed in the CON actually consistute a closer drive to MRH or WMC for the MAJORITY of the people in those areas, we have stated that Spring Hill, who is crying out for this hospital like there are lepers in the street and plaque in the water, isn't even using the new services that we have put in Spring Hill as late as April of this year, we have clammored about the failure of Spring Hill to use the ambulances they have, and we have again and again pointed out that HCA's cost per patient visit is much higher than ours. With the exception of the last item, this summary validates each of our points. However rather than Michael admitting that, he has decided to pull one of the documents from the file of the opposition and infer that someone is gay because they talk about compassion. Where are the ridiculous letters in support of the hospital? What about the people who say that if they had a heart attack they need to get to a hospital quick? They are there, despite the fact that this hospital will be unable to treat them with the standard, safest treatment? He has not posted anything regarding the fact that this summary does represent a huge victory for us, and he is likely not to. He also will not post the fact that during this campaign for the hospital the first group of yard signs that read " Unite Spring Hill" contained a tampered logo from Gorilla Glue and that the company requested that he cease using their copyrighted logo. I am very disappointed with Michael, as he has done a fine job with this site until this issue. He now has let his politics compromise reporting both sides of the issue. I guess for the truth about this report you should go to a site that reports the truth and has resulted in my being asked to come on board a major publication as an editorial writer,

At least here you can see what the HSDA summary truly states. If you think I am being dramatic read the original post again and see how Michael focuses solely on the Department of Health report, rather than the HSDA findings. CA

Anonymous said...

Important excerpts from the HSDA summary. For those of you that are here to actually debate, let's debate the following findings.

1) 75% of the population of the population of SHH's defined service area reside in the two zip codes incorporating Franklin and Columbia and includes the Maury Regional Hospital in Columbia. Williamson Medical Center, whose zip code is 37067 in Franklin, is immediately adjacent to 37064 where the majority of the zip code's population is concentrated. Many of the residents of zip codes 38401 and 37064 have a closer commute to the services available at the existing hospitals.

The geographic boundaries of the zip codes 37179 and 37174 areas cover a much larger geographical area than the City of Spring Hill boundaries in which the 2005 City-wide Special Census was taken. ... Note the 54% difference in population numbers between the Dempsey, Dilling & Associates 2005 Special Census within the city limits of Spring Hill at 17,325 and RPC's Special Census adjusted Spring Hill 2005 Population estimate at 26,590. The major contributor to this difference is the 2005 Special Census within the Spring Hill City limits, while the RPC study includes the larger zip code area. Application of the 17.6% CAGR derived from the Dempsey, Dilling & Associates 2005 Special Census for the City of Spring Hill from the 2000 US Census to a larger population base number contained in the zip codes 37179 and 37174 increases the projected population numbers, because this methodology assumes that the population growth rate in the zip code area outside the city limits is the same as the growth rate within the city limits. A review of other recognized population sources' projections for Maury and Williamson Counties reveals significantly lower population projections than the applicant's (HCA's) consultant.

2)Spring Hill's health care resources have been growing as well. The community's medical needs are being attended to by 9 full time primary care practitioners and 2 medical specialists and 11 medical sub-specialists who schedule office hours in Spring Hill on a half day/week basis. In April 2006, Maury Regional Hospital opened an Urgent Care Clinic which has office hours 8 AM to 4:30 PM, seven days per week. It is staffed by the 3 family practice physicians and a family practice physician's assistant who also practice in the Family Health Group offices next door. During the week the recent patient activity is 4-5 patients/day, while on the week-ends, patient visits are averaging 17-18 per day.

3)Why do you think the included this? Earlier ths summer, Spring Hill published a Request for Proposal in which they requested the respondents to bid on providing emergency ambulance services based on 240 emergency calls per YEAR. Although they were not invited to make a proposal, both Maury and Williamson County EMS officials indicate they offered to provide Spring Hill an ALS ambulance based in Spring Hill effective July 1, 2006. Spring Hill officials are currently working with HCA to negotiate ambulance services by Rural/Metro Corporation based at the two Spring Hill Fire Stations on Beechcroft Road and Campbell Station Parkway beginning in early September 2006.

4)The primary service area hospitals have an actual bed count of 395 licensed beds and 370 staffed beds, and an additional 45 CON approved beds still to be introduced to the market place. When these beds are implemented, the surplus will increase to 180 beds according to the formula.

Anonymous said...

'Man Crush' per Wikipedia

Man Crush is a term sometimes used to describe a fondness a self-identified heterosexual man feels for another man.

Anonymous said...

So that clears up the relationship between Huebner and Leverette.

I was watching something on TV about a real leader named Ronald Reagen, our 49th President, when I heard something that I just had to post here, as it illustrates what I have dealt with on this site. Reagen was preparing to build our nuclear arms in order to end Russia's threat to our country. He was interviewed as he walked out onto a street with protesters who were shouting at him and calling him an idiot. The reporter asked what he thought of their comments, to which he replied, "If they would rather open their mouth than their minds." This is very appropriate here as no one has made an effort to address the findings in the HSDA summary. Instead they have chosen to make light of it by using ridiculous slang words regarding an email, that quite frankly pales in comparison to the ridiculousness of some of the proHospital letters that are in the CON file. CA

Anonymous said...

CA said:

"......has resulted in my being asked to come on board a major publication as an editorial writer."

CA, sounds like you owe a big THANK YOU to Mayor Leverette, HCA, David Heubner, Michael Glass, and the thousands of residents who support the Spring Hill Hospital.

They have brought you out of the closet which in turn has helped you in honing your editorial skills.

I know it will be hard but humble yourself and say THANK YOU. Just remember them as you continue to get opportunities because of their "sweat equity" efforts.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we will be able to say, "We new CA when........."

Anonymous said...

A) There is no closet for me to come out of. I am not the person writing about man crushes.

B) I owe a big Thank You to Michael Glass for being the pro to my con, but I certainly would not go as far as to say that I owe Huebner or Leverette anything, other than a swift kick in the pants for trying to pull a fast one.

C) As much as I hate to admit it, the cowards who write anonymously on here certainly have helped with keeping me fired up enough to build my own site after Michael banned me from here. It is my site that earned me this offer, not my fights on here. However I never would have created my site if it were not for being furious with the HCA lovefest.

D) I am going to certainly keep my day job, as, unlike Danny, I know what I know, and I know what I do not know.

Anonymous said...

Just as I suspected you can't be humble nor admit the fact that individuals and this site MADE YOU.

I can hear the conversation now, "Yeah Billy he is the famous editorial writer from Columbia's Urban Growth Boundry, he got his start opposing the HCA hospital down the road. No one really knows the truth other than the actions of many brought him to the forefront. Many of those have gone on to bigger and better things but he stood up for what he believed and now he his a famous editorial writer."

I knew CA when........

Anonymous said...

Trust me I had established myself long before I ever encountered this site. What a load of garbage that you made me. You did give me plenty of foolish people to criticize. It is always interesting to hear how someone made someone else. If it weren't for me going against the grain, this would have been the Danny Leverette Fan Club site.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chandler.

Good luck with your future profession. I hope you have someone to actually edit your writing, however, as your attention to detail, facts, grammar, etc., leave much to be desired. Case in point: Reagan was the 39th president, not the 49th.

Anonymous said...

Chandler is so radically full of BS, as are the people he is working for, WMC & MRH. By the way, BS, is his word.

Chandler attacks Michael for kicking him off the Spring HIll alternate website, yet Chandler seems to be the author of every third posting on Michael's site.

Chandler, that may be a bigger lie than the one you used to tell about you living in Spring Hill.

Yet, Chandler has kicked EVERYONE but himself off his website.

NO ONE is allowed on there but him and his often mean-spirited tirades.


Chandler seemed to take great delight speading the lie-rumor that HCA was not closing on the 90 acres at the corner of Kedron and the SAturn Parkway in Spring Hill. Well they closed Friday and the deed has already been filed at the courthouse.

YET, Williamson Medical Center, Chandler's employer, has not spent one cent here in Spring Hill to do one thing for any of us, except spend thousands and thousands of dollars trying to keep us from having our own hopsital.

People, PLEASE, never again go to WMC or MRH.

If you cannot go to our own hospital, go to one in Nashville, just do not go to Vanderbilt!

Anonymous said...

To anon 7/24 @ 14:12

" If you cannot go to our own hospital, go to one in Nashville,just do not go to Vanderbilt."

Oh that is some real bad advice. Lets see, Vandy has the only level one trauma center in middle tennessee, Vandy is the burn unit in middle tennessee, Vandy has the only pediatric ER and hospital in middle tennessee. They are the primary air evac service in middle tennessee. You really should think more carefuly before make commentws like that.

be safe all
ole fire fighter

Anonymous said...

Fire Fighter,
They don't have enough sense to know what they are saying. Now is the time that they will start throwing tantrums. Children. Just Children.

Silverback said...

In all of my posts, I never said that I had a problem with the service that WMC provides nor anything negative about the facility.

I happen to personally feel that if anybody is going to consider putting $100 Million into our community, they deserve our support.

Also, consider that if WMC or MRH were able to put that kind of money into our community, wouldn't it be better spent investing in their current facilities?

Anonymous said...

To anon 7/24 @ 15:03

I know but i just cannot see how any sane, rational person can make that kind of a statement and be serious.

be safe all
ole fire fighter

Anonymous said...

My we are counting our chickens before they hatch now aren't we? Remember children, it's not Wednesday yet. Dr. Caldwell, Mr. Atchley, Mr. Lammert, Ms. Troy, Dr Handorf, Ms. Coile, Dr. Collier, Ms. Weaver, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Koella at last count will have the final say. WMC gets 15 minutes, MRH gets 15 minutes, HCA gets 30 minutes, and these 10 HSDA board members get 60 minutes of Q & A. Report or no report; this thing has not been decided by a long shot. Why, I don't even hear the fat lady warming up yet, just more background noise from Chandler.

Son, they keep baiting you, and you just take it hook, line, and sinker. Drunk, fat, and stupid is no way to go through life. Lay off the suds and read your posts sometime; you obviously have no idea how childishly foolish your posts sound. Remember, it is far better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.

If Spring Hill gets a hospital Wednesday, it's a win/win for the citizens of Williamson and Maury Counties. If the CON is denied, HCA owns the land and will be back again in 18-36 months. It's going to happen. Spring Hill will have its own hospital. It's just a matter of time.

The really sad thing is that WMC and MRH have so insensed the people of Spring Hill that hospital or no hospital, the damage they've done to their own reputations may be beyond repair as our citizens will have a long memory; a memory that will be reinforced everytime they sit for hours on end in the WMC ER waiting room or sit stuck in traffic on I-65 with an elderly parent at home.

I commend Mayor Leverette for having the vision and foresight to recognize this need and more importantly, to take the initiative to make it happen. Thanks to everyone for their tireless work; the Board of Mayor and Alderman, private citizens, bloggers, business leaders, letter writers, petition volunteers, and those behind the scenes citizens who have ventured out of their comfort zones to give their time and efforts to better our community. If nothing better comes of this than to unify our city, then the effort will have been well worth it.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Anderson, just for your information, Dave Huebner is not a preacher, but a TEACHER. See how easily you get confused! Maybe you should call him the TEACHER, not the PREACHER.

Anyway you look at it, he speaks the truth.

Do you have the same resentment for preachers and churches that you do for HCA?

Seek counseling, o angry man!

Anonymous said...

"I commend Mayor Leverette for having the vision and foresight to recognize this need and more importantly, to take the initiative to make it happen. Thanks to everyone for their tireless work; the Board of Mayor and Alderman, private citizens, bloggers, business leaders, letter writers, petition volunteers, and those behind the scenes citizens who have ventured out of their comfort zones to give their time and efforts to better our community. If nothing better comes of this than to unify our city, then the effort will have been well worth it. "

Amen, brother!

Anonymous said...

First off, Huebner is a teacher that is so used to talking about things that he knows mothing about, as he most recently fought a battle because he wanted to teach African American history and couldn't understand why African Americans were offended.

I don't know Chandler, but it seems that you all have yet to address his questions regarding the issue. Rather you want to attack him, the very thing you accuse him of. This hospital is not going to happen, and I think you all know it.

Now I have sat by and listened to your banter for the last few months without commenting. I have been in the hospital business for a long time, and you would be quite suprised to know my identity. However I am going to hold off on letting you know who I am until Wednesday, as you will regret having attacked Chandler, WMC, and MRH.

WMC and MRH is very aware of the potential backlash due to their standing up for themselves. However I am very confident that they also know that when it comes down to it, your refusal to use their hospitals will just go to discount your argument that you need close services.

I think someone has already posted this, but HCA came out and stated that the land deal is still dependent on the CON.

I also would reserve calling Chandler an idiot, a drunk, or stupid. His arguments are evidenced based from what I can see, and the people on this site refuse to address the questions he poses. You will have to answer these type of questions on Wednesday, or at least your attorneys will.

When Spring Hill can demonstrate a need for more services, rather than a want and a "I think we need" thought process, they will get one. Until then they will not.

This is a certificate of need, not a certificate of want.

Anonymous said...

And yes, by the way. Dave Huebner is a FORMER preacher, who for some reason no longer preaches. Just ask Huebner. He had a congregation in Texas until he showed up in TN.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody seen the Seinfeld episode when George goes around calling himself George?

Anonymous said...

"I think someone has already posted this, but HCA came out and stated that the land deal is still dependent on the CON."

How does that square with the public record at City Hall today?

Anonymous said...

So it looks like the next great thing from this site is to accuse Chandler of writing about himself, huh? You all are amazing. I am not Chandler, do not know Chandler, other than I know he lives behind me in our subdivision of Oak Lake. I guess you would charge that I do not live in Spring Hill either. Disagree with this site = personal attacks and excommunication.

Anonymous said...


1. HCA bought over 90 acres in Spring Hill for a big bunch of money, and recorded the deed in the courthouse regardless of the CON vote.

2. The vast majority of people in Spring Hill are totally supportive of HCA.

3. How can Chandler expect any reader, except for other WMC plants and employees, to believe his rantings when he attacks people for wearing shorts, suggests they take bribes, calls them stupid and suggests he is the only intelligent person on the planet?

FACE IT: HCA has won this battle, no matter what the outcome of the vote Wednesday, WMC and especially MRH, have lost, big time.

Anonymous said...

Right, and you are the perfect example of a person manipulated by their marketing campaign. Chandler never suggested that he was the only intelligent person. He has asked for you all to debate the issues with him and no one has done so. That certainly gives the impression that you all are not informed enough about this issue to debate it with anything other than attacks and misinformation (AKA your statement about Northcrest).

Face it you can color it anyway you want, HCA (which is in peril itself) lost due to the dedication of the HSDA to do what is right, not what is popular.

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