Monday, July 24, 2006

Support From an Unlikely Source

"Knowing that Spring Hill's population already exceeds Springfield's, and recognizing that it is expected to double in the next four years, it is my recommendation that the City of Spring Hill be given the same local access to compassionate, quality healthcare that the City of Springfield has today."

Scott Raynes
President & CEO
NorthCrest Medical Center


Anonymous said...

Why is another HCA hospital an unlikely source?

Anonymous said...

HCA’s MidAmerica Division

Centennial Medical Center
Grandview Medical Center
Hendersonville Medical Center
Horizon Medical Center
NorthCrest Medical Center
Parkridge Medical Center
Parkridge East Hospital
Parkridge Valley Hospital
River Park Hospital
Skyline Medical Center
Southern Hills Medical Center
StoneCrest Medical Center
Summit Medical Center

Yeah, I can't believe that HCA would have one of it's own, that just recently was sold by HCA and is currently trying to get back into the fold, to write a letter.

Where is the popular question of "What business is it of theirs?"

Anonymous said...

How about the FACT of another hospital in a community smaller than Spring Hill expressing the ability to grow and reinvest in its services in the midst of competition?

Doom and gloom? I think not -

Anonymous said...

if 1+1=3 then northcrest=hca

Anonymous said...

As Chandler stated, you guys know nothing about the environment of healthcare. Northcrest was HCA until just recently. As well, Northcrest customers actually use their services.

I am sure that this is as confusing as 1+1=3 for you all, as you don't have a clue. No wonder the HSDA thinks you all are stupid. Look at the links below for yourselves and maybe then you will believe it.

The 12 HCA hospitals in Tennessee being dropped from BlueCross networks are: Centennial Medical Center, Nashville; Centennial Medical Center, Ashland City; East Ridge Hospital, Chattanooga; Grandview Medical Center, Jasper; Hendersonville Medical Center, Hendersonville; Horizon Medical Center, Dickson; Northcrest Medical Center, Springfield; Parkridge Medical Center, Chattanooga; River Park Hospital, McMinnville; Skyline Medical Center, Nashville; Southern Hills Medical Center, Nashville; and Summit Medical Center Hermitage.
Who makes up TriStar?

Our Health System is composed of hospitals, medical centers and other
healthcare services across middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky. The
facilities include:

Centennial Medical Center
Centennial Medical Center at Ashland City
Greenview Regional Hospital
Hendersonville Medical Center
Horizon Medical Center
NorthCrest Medical Center
Parthenon Pavilion
River Park Hospital
The Sarah Cannon Cancer Center
Skyline Medical Center
Southern Hills Medical Center
Southern Hill Medical Center at Smyrna
Summit Medical Center
The Women's Hospital

Look at this publication from HCA which promotes NorthCrest as its only hospital in Middle TN to have a paperless ER.

Now maybe you will get your facts straight from now on. Funny how you attack the anti hospital people about not using facts, but you turn around and do the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Who will you all attack next after this hospital is denied?? The HSDA board? I am sure that WMC and MRH could care less if the irrational people who only number 2 or 3, ever come back to their hospitals.

All of the pro hospital support comes from one or two IP addresses, one of which is the owner of this site writing under anonymous. You all will have to show your faces on Wednesday.

Are you ready?

Anonymous said...

For those who have trouble reading, maybe this map will help you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

On the eve of the decision, this is the best Spring Hill could come up with? Hey lady, the fire truck comes with any emergency call. How foolish are you to drive when you need an ambulance? Also the fire dept could have provided treatment if the mayor would allow them to start practicing as the licensed EMTs that they are. This shows the mentality of the supporters of this hospital.

Ambulance was busy so fire truck came

To the Editor:

I'm so tired of hearing and reading about the opposition of the Spring Hill Hospital.

The only reason they (Williamson Medical, Maury Regional, etc.) are opposing it is because of the money they will be losing. They are not concerned about your health or well-being, just that almighty dollar.

I personally would love to have a hospital close by.

I've called 911, and when a fire truck came, I was told I could get my husband to Franklin sooner than the ambulance because it was in Leiper's Fork. That was very stressful to me and my husband, so I turned on the flashers and off I went.

I'll just say that it was a bad experience and I hope I never have to do that again.

I support a Spring Hill hospital!

Ruth King

Thompson's Station 37179

Anonymous said...

With scholars like this supporting the hospital, how can the opposition win?

Anonymous said...

So we are back to ems response as a reason for a hospital.

First, I hope things worked out for Ruth King. Having to call 911 is scary for anyone. I hope that more rational heads see past the emotions of the letter.

I have been saying over and over no hospital or private ambulance is going to stop ambulances from being on other calls. If the deal with Rural Metro goes through it will be worse than it is now. They are only going to have two units. Who will be their back up when they are tied up.

To Mrs King I would say that,
1- ambulances get busy on other calls. Be glad that wmc has 9 units and could send another one.
2- A fire unit is sent on all ems calls regardless of where the ambulance is.

To everyone I would say,
1- If a patient is critical enough that they need an ambulance and you try to drive them to a hospital. You are putting their life, your own life and anyone else on the road in jeopardy.
2- IF they do not need an ambulance and could have gone to see the family doctor then that is part of the reason ambulances are tied up when people really need them.

be safe all
ole fire fighter

Anonymous said...

All of the pro hospital support comes from one or two IP addresses,

just because people haven't posted on this board doesn't mean that there aren't a large # that don't support the hospital. To be honest, i just haven't wanted to get in a debate with anyone on this board regarding the hospital for a number of reasons, but the main being I chose to debate/discuss face to face and not from a keyboard..

Anonymous said...

I just looked at the link below. I guess 1 + 1 does = 3 now, as Northcrest = HCA.

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