Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Welcome Spring Hill Hospital!

Enough said!

Hospital CON passes 7-1.

Talk to all of you later, now you can go out and celebrate again!

And CA, if you would like to call and gloat again today I would be happy to speak with you.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for getting the community involved, stirred up, and informed. Dave Huebner, thanks for taking all of the abuse from CA and company while tirelessly working to make our community a better place for our children. Thanks Mayor and alderman for "speculating" for our future.

Anonymous said...

It has been awesome to have the people of Spring Hill get involved, no matter what side you take in this issue. I think it is exactly this kind of involvement that will eventually help Spring Hill become a united community.
Regardless of the final outcome, I hope everyone can work together with what we have to make this a better place. I would hate to honest people striving towards progress in their own seperate ways let hard feelings hold us all back.
I would also like to say thank you for *everyone* who took the time to share their views and information in a friendly and civil manner. All of us benefit by the honest exchange of ideas and data to be able to formulate a more informed opinion. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

The CON for the proposed hospital was approved 7-1. However, before the people with the signs in their yards get to celebrating too much, think about this. It was pretty well understood (as it was reviewed at the start of the hearing) that one party or the other would appeal. With that understood, think about this. The HSDA has been a thorn in Bredesen's side for a while and he is looking to get rid of it. The members, who I think thought through their actions very carefully today, were faced with a quandry. Do they deny this hospital only to have it challenged by the person appealling and lose face with the public, or do they approve the hospital and make sure that they give the opposition just the information they need for an appeal? Caldwell did this very smoothly. He stated before he voted that he wanted to make sure his thought process was recorded on public record, so that he could not be misquoted later on. He then approved this hospital stating that the desire of the community and even modest growth justified the need. That was all the opposition needed to get ready for an appeal. In fact, I am pretty sure the attorneys that were going to handle the appeal were there today.

I was initially very shocked at the approval, as the whole hearing had been rough for HCA. However then, once I thought about it, it makes sense. The board asked the exact questions that they needed to in order to make sure that the opposition had just what it needed to file an appeal. However the questions that were asked were great, as they revealed the following:

1) When asked if he asked MRH or WMC to build a hospital, Leverette stated that he did not because they did not pay taxes like HCA, and that Spring Hill needed to increase its tax base. I remember someone mentioning that on the Gorilla's site a few months ago. (Wonder who that was?)

2) Jennifer Flowers ripped the growth projections to shreds as she wanted to know why the variance between the actual growth and the predicted growth by the Dept of Health would increase from 4% to 17% in 2010. The HCA attorney simply answered "a lot of growth." However she then stated that was not good enough of an answer as the 125% growth that was referred to numerous times only generated a 4% variance between the two reports. Finally HCA just had to admit that they did not know.

3) One of the board members acknowledged that pediatric care had been the highlight of many people's comments and wanted to know whether this hospital would provide specialized care for peds, to which HCA had to answer No again. As well she pointed out that most kids are not admitted with routine complaints, they are usually very sick. HCA acknowledged that it would not provide advanced care for children.

4) Dr. Caldwell stated that a COMMUNITY HOSPITAL did not need a cath lab or NICU. He is right, a community hospital does not, as people will know that they need to go to a hospital that has the right services. However this has been marketed as a FULL SERVICE hospital, not a community hospital.

5) It was clear today that HCA had not done enough research. MRH was able to clearly show that the number of admissions had decreased, as more and more younger people moved to this area. The Board agreed that younger people needed outpatient urgent care, which MRH already provides.

6) HCA stated very openly that the uninsured get CHARITY CARE for free. I will be sending that out to all the uninsured people I know, as that is a great service. Also they stated that they would transfer patients to MRH or WMC if needed. Come on, does anyone believe that?

7) They discussed the ambulance issue and it was made very clear that if Leverette had of worked with WMC and MRH, Spring Hill would have an ambulance right now.

8) While I promised myself that I was going to be diplomatic with this, I have to say this to the people who have had strokes or whose kids have had seizures. YOU NEED TO CALL AN AMBULANCE WHEN YOU ARE THIS ILL. It does not bode well for your health or that of others if you get in a car instead of calling an ambulance.

9) It was also revealed that HCA had inflated the numbers of Medicare patients in Spring Hill. This was actually pretty funny to watch the HCA attorney try to explain.

10) Finally, Dr. Caldwell did us right with his comments that he was so concerned about getting on record. He stated that despite the erroneous, confusing, conflicting numbers that had been speculated, he felt this hospital was needed due to community support. What a golden egg! He admits that the numbers were messed up and he states that his vote was due to community support.

Now this issue goes to an administrative law attorney who will hear the case. We were given plenty of information to use during the appeal, which would have happened either way. More importantly to the Board, they are able to save face and not be on the outs with the public. It is a Win for the board, and an OK situation for us, as we have all we need to appeal. We being the opposition.

I do need to say this, as I think it is important. I have given Michael Glass a hard time. He is a great guy that has done a lot to try to inform people of the issues here. I have enjoyed going back and forth with him. Duda is the next big thing in Spring Hill government. I had a long chat with him this morning as we waited in the hall. He is a reasonable guy, and I hope that he one day pursues the role of Mayor. However with a little one on the way, I think his hands will be full for a while. Now to Huebner. I have really been rough with you, and admittedly nasty at times. However you did something very remarkable. It is not easy to consolidate the citizens on any issue, and you managed to do that. Congratulations. However know, as I have said before, that my opposition to THIS hospital does not mean that I hate Spring Hill. I wish I could say that I had an apology for Leverette; but, after his performance today, I think more and more people see that he is not representative of the intelligence of most of the people he is responsible for in Spring Hill.

In closing, I find it interesting that suddenly people are willing to put their names with their comments on the SpringHillAlternate. I guess sports is not the only place that has fairweather fans. Nonetheless, I have lost a lot of valuable time with my family while arguing this issue, and I need to get back to being their Husband and Daddy. With the appeal process, the public is not involved at all, so it would do no good for me to argue back and forth on this blog. I do wish you all the best, and I am glad that we were able to go back and forth on these issues, although admittedly some of them were childish on both our parts. Again, thanks Michael and Jonathan for your role in this.

Let's see how the appeal process goes.


Anonymous said...

YEAH!! Way to go Spring Hill!!!

Someone needs to tear apart those Maury County statisitcs. Look at patient zip codes; look at ages. It will become clear that some of their arguments are not valid.

Maury County does not compare to Williamson County and the growth statistics prove it. Columbia has not seen the retail attraction that Spring Hill has seen - is GBT building in Columbia? Anyway whoever has to answer up in the sure to think about these points and do some extra research! The young population is moving to Willaimson for the schools, older individuals are going to Maury - they don't need the schools and the houses are a bit cheaper. Ask a realator!! And then ask several "former maury countians"

Many of the so called "implants" in Spring Hill are Gen-xer's who grew up in Maury County and moved just over the line to escape that county's idiotism. I would be one of them...and I see old friends from elementary school, junior high and high school at the grocery, at the daycare, at school....we choose to not raise our children in that backwards place (as we were raised and luckily saw the light to get out...)

Get ready for that is probably coming, the opposition was just too strong

Anonymous said...

that would be Paula Flowers, Jennifer Flowers wasn't quite as knowledgeable. CA

Anonymous said...


I wasn't "fairweather" when I was posting here and people were downright mean to me and my husband during the republican primary for the County Commission. I also openly gathered signitures for the petition, where I might add, I was a witness to Dave Huebner's behavior. I never saw him "harrass" anyone and he never told anyone who didn't agree to sign that they "hated Spring Hill." I am one person who posted my name. I don't really see your point:

"In closing, I find it interesting that suddenly people are willing to put their names with their comments on the SpringHillAlternate. I guess sports is not the only place that has fairweather fans."

About the appeals process: I read today that no appeal since the conception of the HSDA in 2002 has succeeded. Read the article in the Spring Hill Advertiser. Also, Mr. Caldwell also said he decided for the hospital now because within a few years both hospitals would be back asking for more beds.

It doesn't really sound like an appeal will amount to too much. The Advertiser article also stated that appeals are costly. I hope that isn't how these public hospitals will opt to spend public dollars. You sound as optimistic about your successful appeal as you did about the CON being denied. Who knows, you might be right this time, but it doesn't sound like it from the story I read today.

Anyway, God bless you and your time back with your family. Williamson Medical is a great hospital, I can understand your passionate loyalty. I had my 8th baby there and it was a wonderful experience, except for being in a construction zone.

Anonymous said...

While I appreciate the prohospital point of view, you cannot expect WMC and MRH to roll over and play dead. Also never before has Dr. Caldwell made sure that his wording was correctly recorded. For those of you that saw it, do you not think that the questioning was very tough for HCA? What about Paula Flowers's questions? I also am not sure that an appeal has never been overturned, but as I said, I do not want to invest anymore time, as the next step is solely with attorneys. This also was the most highly contested CON in the history of the board. I may be wrong, but I think that the Bpard was very deliberate about asking questions that could be used in the appeal. Yes appeals are very expensive, but I do think MRH especially has to go through with it. They have to protect their interests just like any of us would if it were our company.

Wow, 8 children. You must be very tired. :)
They may need to put you in the hospital just to rest!! :) CA

Anonymous said...

CA said;

"I wish I could say that I had an apology for Leverette......."

Knowing Mayor Leverette he is least concerned with an apology from you. You can question is intellect all you want. However, you cannot question his vision, love for Spring Hill, determination, fortitude to withstand opposition of this magnitude, and dedication of community service. Like it or not Mayor Leverette is building a foundation of continued success of Spring Hill for many years. By the way, approval of the most hotly contested CON in the the state of Tennessee just didn't happen. Maybe you are underestimating Mayor Leverette's intellect. Then again, knowing Mayor Leverette he enjoys the challenge of being underestimated.

Anonymous said...

I cannot help from it when he made such a spectacle today. If you watch the Board tape, several members of the Board laughed when he talked about needing a tax base, yet there were no property taxes. One revealing thing was that he had stated numerous times that MRH and WMC were not willing to build a hospital in Spring Hill. However when asked by the Board if he approached them about it, he made himself look really bad when his first words were no, we need someone that generates taxes. This CON approval did not go through due to Leverette. It went through due to Duda, Glass, and yes I must admit it, Huebner. CA

Anonymous said...

From the coalition 4 care website:

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A message from MRH CEO Robert Otwell:

Coalition4Care members and supporters:

If you are an employee, physician, or volunteer of MRH, you may have already heard the news, but I wanted to inform each of you that the Health Services and Development Agency decided this morning in favor of HCA’s proposal to build a hospital in neighboring Spring Hill. While we are disappointed by today’s outcome, please know that this hearing is Step One of the process.

Maury Regional Hospital will seriously be considering an appeal of this decision for the next few days, but will defer to our Board of Trustees to finalize this decision. Our decision will be based in part on the abundant errors and gross exaggerations of HCA’s application. Most importantly, however, the impact on our patients and on our organization is too significant to concede at this point. We will do everything in our power to protect our community’s asset.

At the same time, we have never been afraid to compete. We do it every day. In fact, we will not let this issue deter us from continuing to advance medical services that have been planned for Spring Hill. Beginning the first of September, Maury Regional will be extending the operating hours of our Spring Hill Urgent Care Clinic. At the same time, we will be celebrating the grand opening our new state-of-the-art diagnostic center, which has been under construction for the past several months.

On behalf of the existing providers of care, I want to thank you for every effort you made over the past few months to support the care we deliver and the patients we serve. I am confident that your presence as a group unified in opposition to this proposal made a significant impact on the board members who made this final decision.

Our focus and our mission have not changed. We are committed now—as we have been for over fifty years—to delivering superb patient care to all people of our region. We will need your continued support in the months and years to come.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I will be keeping you informed of any progress or updates about this matter.


Robert Otwell

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Otwell and Board of Maury Regional Hospital,

You put up a gallant fight and you have lost.

For so long you (much of the leadership of Columbia) have been trying to stiffle the growth and prosperity of Spring Hill.

You tried to stop us from getting our own water from the Duck River and far worse.

Now you have spent hundreds of thousands of our tax payer dollars on super expensive lawyers and PR and advertizing and so on trying to keep us from having our own hospital.

So please, do not spend hundreds of thousands of dollars more making lawyers rich and Mary County poor appealing this overwhelming loss. A CON has never before has never been overturned upon appeal.

Mr.Otwell you had the best idea. Make MRH the very best it can be and compete with all the other healthcare providers in the area.

Surely you can win back a few people around here.

One last thing, Dr.Caudwell had it right when he said that Spring Hill Hospital will end up being a feeder hospital to both WMC and MRH, and this is a great thing.

So, see, lift up your glass and begin your new policy to create a far better MRH hospital!

Anonymous said...

The reason why no CONs have been overturned and why it would not be a good use of resources?

An administrative law judge would hear the case de novo, then provide findings back to the HSDA.

Here's the important part: The HSDA then could decide to consider those findings or not.

With 2 board members absent yesterday, even if those were present and even if they voted against the CON, it would have still been a 7 to 3 vote.

Why not move on with things and work at restoring the relationship with this area rather than continuing to drive a wedge with the people you want to serve?

Clearly time for cooler heads to prevail.

Anonymous said...

From the MRH letter:

"At the same time, we have never been afraid to compete. We do it every day. In fact, we will not let this issue deter us from continuing to advance medical services that have been planned for Spring Hill. Beginning the first of September, Maury Regional will be extending the operating hours of our Spring Hill Urgent Care Clinic."

Sorry MRH - too little, too late. I have been in Spring Hill for six years, where was your enthisuasm for expanding medical care here when you saw the growt coming then?

Pure reactionary response, and I for one am not buying into it.

Anonymous said...

Ive posted here before.. and I have always been in support of HCA.
My family's roots are from Spring Hill . the Original Spring Hill..(that's often forgotten).
Born and raised .. We live in Maury County.
I have to say I am so disgusted and ashamed of Maury County .. I cringe to tell someone I live on that side....I live off Kedron rd...not far from Williamson county
line.. I love all the growth ... i very seldom went to Columbia anyway... I spend my $$and make it up north and I also knew from the start to never go to MRH .. I always knew Spring Hill was and would be a great place.. thats why I choose to buy more land in Spring Hill.
Im just so saddend with MC .. the damage the have done to their already poor reputation!!But Im even more happy for what this means for Spring Hill.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the hard work and dedication. This was truly a 1st Amendment effort, with all the meetings, petitions, and great information campaign. We also united as a city, got to know our local businesses better, and saw how dedicated our city leaders and citizens are to improving our town.

I am so proud of the incredible cooperation of all who supported this effort. Special thanks to all the businesses who sponsored petitions, especially Kroger for enduring the harassment of those who apparently don't respect the democratic processes of our great country. Remember to thank our Kroger friends for allowing us to conduct petition drives at their store!

Now let's build a great hospital...and an even greater city!

Dave Huebner

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that they plan on appealing. I am excited too, but we cannot forget that the battle is not over.

Anonymous said...

Chandler and MRH, (Surely WMC is not as delerious as CA and MRH).....

Please stop the bleeding you have created.......

Go on home, lick your wounds and wake up and smell the coffee.

If you do appeal someone needs to make sure they find out how much MRH will spend on it, even if we have to take them to court.

By the way, I and many of my friends are taking our money out of First Farmers and Merchants Bank for so supporting the opposition and canceling our insurnace policies with Farm Bureau and NEVER, ever going to Lewisburg (How dare their Mayor say we should not have a hospital when they do), Nolensville, Fairview or Hohenwald.

However, they are more than welcome to come here and spend their tax dollars and if while they are here they get real sick they can check in to Spring Hill Hospital.

Viva Spring Hill, Tennessee, the greatest little city in the South.

Anonymous said...


I appreciate your passion, but your desire for retribution is misguided. Farm Bureau Insurance of Tennessee has been very good to the people of our community. They have invested capital and created jobs in our city (1 of 4 locations in Williamson County). In addition, four Farm Bureau agents are citizens of Spring Hill residing in Wyngate, Ridgeport, Cochran Trace, and Crown Pointe. Farm Bureau Insurance has paid out over $10,000,000 involving 1,800 home & auto claims for Spring Hill citizens from the hail storms of March 31, April 2'nd, and April 7'th. Farm Bureau customers were among the first to have claims reps on site, checkbooks in hand, the day after the storm. Farm Bureau Insurance customers were the first to have their roofs replaced while many of their neighbors had not even heard from their insurance companies. If you doubt this, ask your neighbors.

Farm Bureau Insurance is based in Columbia. In trying to be supportive of a sister organization in Maury County (Maury Regional Hospital), there was no doubt much influence brought to bear as personal and business relationships will overlap between the organizations. In addition, over 188,000 households statewide have their health insurance through TRH/Farm Bureau which is administered by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Tennessee. There's been adversarial history between BC/BS and HCA in the past regarding fee for service negotiations. As such, the position taken by Farm Bureau regarding this issue is not difficult to understand. We may not all agree with the position taken, but we can respect the reasoning just as we respect the views of friends with ties to MRH and WMC who disagreed with our need for a hospital. Certainly we are not so close-minded so as to disassociate ourselves from our friends just because we disagree regarding a single issue.

As a citizen of Spring Hill for 10 years, I felt it was my obligation to support this cause as evidenced by my letters to the editor which were published in all three newspapers. I've also been a regular participant on this blog lending my support. I was also in attendance at the HSDA meeting, the first to arrive. I have also been an agent for Farm Bureau Insurance of Tennesse in Franklin
for the past 10 years serving many of my neighbors here in Spring Hill.

The Tennessee Farm Bureau and Farm Bureau Insurance of Tennessee have made a significant investment in our community. Let's keep the big picture in mind; our community is getting what it wanted, now it's time to bury the hatchet and come back together for the betterment of our city.

Thanks again to everyone who has contributed and participated in this vital discussion impacting our growing community. It's time to move on to bigger and better things. The future is bright.

Providing insurance services that are truly Close to Home,

Tim Richards, CLU

Anonymous said...

To anon 7/28 @ 00:16

Patton had it right "If everyone is thinking alike - then nobody is thinking"

There is enough bleeding on both sides. Neither side is without blame. People on both sides made the stand that they thought was right. I had my humanity and professionalism questioned for negative comments, but I guess that does not apply to both sides. I explained my stand under "Final Hours" 7/26/ @ 22:49. Regardless of which side you were on DRM had it right on his comment 7/26 @ 12:35. Comments like yours do not help build unity, they only cause more division. It is time to move forward as one city.

be safe all
ole fire fighter

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard anything about this supposed "investigation" into last Wednesday's proceedings? Rumor has it that a complaint has been filed with the State Attorney Generals Office to request their review of the situation. Again, just a rumor.

Anonymous said...

No I have not heard about any investigation. What is the complaint alleging?

be safe all
ole fire fighter

Anonymous said...

From my understanding the descenting vote against this hospital came from a lady who was pretty upset about the proceedings. Apparently she has helped people opposed to this hospital file a complaint that something illegal went on during the hearing. She apparently is some big wig at the state. I just was curious if anyone else had heard this. It seems odd, but not unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

It is not unbelievable, but I hope it is not true. It is time to put this issue to rest. The city needs to move on and devote it's energy to other things. The ems contract has still not been signed. Spring Hill needs to get back to concentrating on managing it's growth. We do not want to end up like Franklin, out of control growth and no infrastructure to support it.

be safe all
ole fire fighter

Anonymous said...


Friend I hate to tell you people do not want to hear the truth about Rural Metro. I have spend 15 years in emergency services in Williamson county. I have worked for and around private services including Rural Metro when they had convelescent service in Nashville. SO I have a pretty good idea about what I am saying. I have spoken out against Rural Metro and I was told that I had no compassion for humanity and was negative because I do not believe they can give the service that we need. I am afraid that all we can do now is let people find out for themselves.

be safe all
ole fire fighter

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