Last night, at about 8:45pm, this blog sustained an attack by The Voice of Reason
The Good
"Thanks to everyone for their tireless work; the Board of Mayor and Alderman, private citizens, bloggers, business leaders, letter writers, petition volunteers, and those behind the scenes citizens who have ventured out of their comfort zones to give their time and efforts to better our community. If nothing better comes of this than to unify our city, then the effort will have been well worth it."
The Bad
"The really sad thing is that WMC and MRH have so insensed the people of Spring Hill that hospital or no hospital, the damage they've done to their own reputations may be beyond repair as our citizens will have a long memory; a memory that will be reinforced everytime they sit for hours on end in the WMC ER waiting room or sit stuck in traffic on I-65 with an elderly parent at home."
The Ugly
"Son, they keep baiting you, and you just take it hook, line, and sinker... Remember, it is far better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt."
Actually, I couldn't say it better myself.
In the closing hours before the HSDA hearing (details of which you can download here, or click this link to watch it live from the comfort of home/work), I thought that it would be fun to post some of the more interesting bits from the CN0604-028 file. I'll try to be fair to both sides of the issue...
First up, a letter of Support from Senator Cooper, Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee
"The debate over the proposed Spring Hill Hospital is similar to many "Turf Wars" I have encountered while serving as the Chairman of the Commerce Committee."
Next, a letter of Opposition from Spring Hill Family Health Group
"It simply is not ethical in my opinion to allow a FOR PROFIT hospital come into Maury Regional's backyard and possibly take away profitable business from a hospital organization that has been such a large supporter of the State in times of need..."
Next, a letter of Support from Craig Cole, Vice President of GBT Realty Corporation
"With all of the hard data, verifiable growth, existing infrastructure and other facts regarding the continued development of Spring Hill, there is no question that the city will have a concentrated population sufficent to sustain its own hospital without negatively impacting other regional hospitals. Spring Hill residents deserve to be given the opportunity to choose their own destiny. It is disappointing to see neighboring municipalities minimize the value of convenient helathcare for thousands of Spring Hill residents.
Next, a letter of Opposition from Darlene Baxter, Associate Administrator at MRH
"The need for outpatient services can certainly be addressed by the various health care providers that are currently providing services in Spring Hill. These providers simply need to expand their services as the population grows."
Next, letters of Support from our Maury County Commissioners, Jerry Erwin and Cindy Williams
Oops, those are not letters of support for the proposed Spring Hill Hospital! My mistake!
And finally, a letter of Support from Dr. John Simmons
"The alleged impact on Maury Regional Hospital has been overstated as most of MRH's business comes from southern Maury County and areas East, South and West of Columbia. The recent expansion and proposed future expansion of Williamson Medical Center has primarily been a catch up addition since little was done for years there while its own population was growing rapidly. The growth of Spring Hill was a very small factor in determining the need for expansion of that facility."
If only Dr. Simmons were a board member of the HSDA...
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Final Hours
Posted by Gorilla in the Corner at 12:56 PM
Labels: Spring Hill Hospital
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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is a series of personal opinions and is not meant to reflect an official position by the City of Spring Hill.
The reason that John is saying that he is for this hospital is because HCA paid for the Core physician's building when Maury would not. John has a love hate relationship with MRH. When HCA gives you a multimillion dollar office space, then you tend to say nice things about them.
This will all be over tomorrow. WMC and MRH will still be the only two hospitals in town, and Spring Hill will have to make amends with the two hospitals that they bashed so hard.
Just will not let Chandler ever touch me---he is now the poster boy for Williamson Medical Center. That is a shame that he is their representation.
What worries me is that this will be over tomorrow but the repercussions will last for a long time.
If the hospital is not approved I fully expect Rural Metro to find a loophole to get out of providing ems. Then we will have to start over trying to find ems after all of the ill will the city has created.
The other side would be that HCA gets it's door prize and we get lower quality ems for three years. Then when the contract is over either they pull out (Scottsdale AZ) and we have to pay a hugh bill to start our own ems.
The other option after the love fest is over and HCA stops paying the cost is we get to pay whatever Rural Metro decides to charge the city to keep their service.
be safe all
ole fire fighter
I am sure that Chandler is so distraught by that. I wish you actually knew him and you would appreciate that he is one of the best in the field. He has had hundreds of students that refer to him as one of the best instructors and nurses that they have ever met. Frankly, I feel bad for you, as Chandler took the Cardiology program at WMC over and has managed to get their Door to Balloon times under 90 minutes, with a 45 minute door to balloon time last week. I work with Chandler, so I am sure you will call me biased, but anyone who has seen him in action would laugh at you due to your refusal of his services. He probably would care less about that. You would be the one missing out, not him.
Tell me this, what do you know about Chandler's skills as a health care provider? What makes you so sure that it is a shame that he is the representation for WMC? What would you say if I told you that right after he came to that first town hall meeting that HCA called and offered him a job over one of their biggest cath labs?
23 July, 2006 13:16
CA said:
"......has resulted in my being asked to come on board a major publication as an editorial writer."
CA, sounds like you owe a big THANK YOU to Mayor Leverette, HCA, David Heubner, Michael Glass, and the thousands of residents who support the Spring Hill Hospital.
They have brought you out of the closet which in turn has helped you in honing your editorial skills.
I know it will be hard but humble yourself and say THANK YOU. Just remember them as you continue to get opportunities because of their "sweat equity" efforts.
CA continues to get other opportunities because of the "sweat equity" of many.
1) editorial writing opportunities
2) new position at WMC (how convenient)
3) job offer with HCA
4) what's next a guest appearance on Survivor, Fear Factor, etc.
Chandler was essentially doing the job he is now. He was actually promoted well before this hospital issue ever arose.
His job is to post on blogs telling people how smart he is....calling corporations to rat out people....wanting to fist fight the Mayor.....and trying to ridicule anyone in his path....guess I am in the wrong business
Hey Scott glad you will be happy working alongside Rural/Metro.
Spring Hill's newest ambulance service dedicated to our city.
Well, I was going to abstain from writing on here anymore, but since I seem to be the topic of choice for the night, I will chime in.
My job at WIlliamson is to extend our cardiovascular and imaging services. My job as someone with a backbone and a conscious is to keep people from getting themselves into trouble because of their lack of knowledge.
You can say rat out to corporations all you want. The fact of the matter is that there are RULES and just because you think you are above them doesn't mean you do not have to follow them. Tomorrow morning will be about rules, and you will not like that either.
As far as challenging Danny to a fist fight, I challenged him to a CHARITY boxing match. Danny revealed his true reason for going to HCA for services tonight on Channel 4, tax dollars. He almost had an orgasm when he talked about how pleased he was to get HCA's tax dollars. If you will recall their initial selling point was how much tax revenue they would generate.
Now before you start bitching and moaning about me writing on here, answer these questions: (I am sure you will not because no one has been willing to accept that these are issues in our favor)
1) Why did the HSDA include the ambulance issue in their CON?
2) Why had HCA been so silent recently?
3) Why would HCA try to convince you guys you do not need a cath lab, when most of your arguments are that you need timely emergency care?
4) If you need care that is so close to home, why don't you use the ambulance service that you have? 240 calls in a year does not indicate need.
5) Are you going to tell the Board that they are wrong tomorrow? Do you find it interesting that the summary issued by the agency relative to the CON was so negative towards HCA?
6) Do you really think the HSDA will go against their own agency's summary?
7) Don't you think that we would have plenty reasons to appeal if they did approve it tomorrow, as the HSDA in their summary said the very things we have been saying?
8) For you guys to say that MRH has not done anything for you, who provides Saturn's care? Who put the first primary care MD in Spring Hill? Who recently got an imaging center for Spring Hill?
9) Rural Metro's contract is not signed, there is an agreement to pursue a contract, but it is not signed yet.
10) Do you not even think that it is possible that this could be denied?
Chandler may be a great medical employee, but his people skills and ways of dealing with people are rude, caustic, and lack integrity.
His blog is like a hate website.
I actually pity him.
I guess that is why HCA gave nominated me for the Frist Humanitarian award. Hate and intolerance of stupidity are two distinctly different things. Kinda like a blog and a website are two different things. I have a website, this is a blog. Preacher Man, go to bed, and rest your weary head. You have a really big day tomorrow. Can you wear those cute shorts that you had on at Kroger's while you were harassing people. I pity your Klinefelter's syndrome. I pity da foll who wants this hospital. CA
To anon 7/25 @ 21:36
Another country heard from that knows nothing about ems.
First I have known Scott for about 13 years, we went to EMT school together. Nobody with his experience is happy with Rural Metro being in the area, much less having to work anywhere near them.
You can fool yourself all you want to about Rural Metro. If they even sign the contract you can count on the fact that they are only dedicated to profit. They are not dedicated to Spring Hill, this is only a way to a new market that has managed to keep them out until now. All you have to do is read the statements on their website. I would say that you do not work in the emergency field in any way, or you would be better educated about ems. If the contract is signed you will get your first lesson in ems the hard way I am afraid.
be safe all
ole fire fighter
answers to questions by somebody (CA) @ 21:50
1) Why did the HSDA include the ambulance issue in their CON?
A) Good question. Maybe to show that HCA is committed to Spring Hill other than just purchasing land. Which helps in fulfilling the "Ecomomic Feasibility" of the CON.
2) Why had HCA been so silent recently?
A) They recognize that the HSDA will make a decision based on facts regardless of rhetoric being spewed. Besides never, ever, lower yourself to another's standards.
3) Why would HCA try to convince you guys you do not need a cath lab, when most of your arguments are that you need timely emergency care?
A) No convincing has been needed. Would the HSDA allow a hospital that would absolutly 100% affect another Hospital "NO". You ask for what you can get with little impact on the other hospitals and build upon that foundation. Thus, allowing all hospitals to benefit as the area grows.
4) If you need care that is so close to home, why don't you use the ambulance service that you have? 240 calls in a year does not indicate need.
A) Your missing the point. At what point to you plan for the future. In your scenario it would be to late and then lets get into a scramble mode. At which point the opposition would then cry "why didn't you plan for this."
5) Are you going to tell the Board that they are wrong tomorrow? Do you find it interesting that the summary issued by the agency relative to the CON was so negative towards HCA?
A) Again you are very good a spinning information. The report is common and both sides can read into them what benefits them most. What kind of question is that. In fact, you are so adament about questions being answered when they are loaded questions to begin with.
6) Do you really think the HSDA will go against their own agency's summary?
A) Yes, it has happened in the past. Do your homework.
7) Don't you think that we would have plenty reasons to appeal if they did approve it tomorrow, as the HSDA in their summary said the very things we have been saying?
A) Yes, however it will be very expensive to get the same result.
8) For you guys to say that MRH has not done anything for you, who provides Saturn's care? Who put the first primary care MD in Spring Hill? Who recently got an imaging center for Spring Hill?
A) Saturn's care is not Spring Hill's care
A) Who put their primary focus south of Maury County.
A) Who has prolonged the opening of the imaging center until "once again" HCA came into the picture.
9) Rural Metro's contract is not signed, there is an agreement to pursue a contract, but it is not signed yet.
A) Be patient the contract will be signed. Most Alderman are aware of the struggles we have encounterd over the years and they are ready to move forward.
10) Do you not even think that it is possible that this could be denied?
A) Yes, however if the HSDA follows suit with the criteria being meet they will not.
Is it my imagination or does CA sound conspicuously like Michael Moore on suds?
"cute shorts"..."Pity da foll" (PS..learn to spell). What a blowhard! If you are an example of the professional image WMC hopes its employees project, you are so missing the mark. With your attitude, it's embarrassing that you're actually on the county payroll.
Tell the ambulance driver to take me to Baptist, Vanderbilt, or Centennial. The last thing I want to see hovering over me on the stretcher is some Michael Moore type nurse with little man's syndrome on a power trip.
Do us all a favor; I hear there's a medical school in Grenada taking applications for frustrated doctor types. You might get in.
To anon 7/25 @ 22:33
You should be more worried about looking up from the cot and seeing a Barney Fife of a medic in a Rural Metro uniform.
be safe all
ole fire fighter
Ole fire fighter,
Could we lose CA and keep Williamson EMS?
Thanks for all you do. You're a modern day hero.
ole fire fighter,
Rural/Metro IS coming to Spring Hill. Your compassion for mankind should be shining through. Instead you want to spread fear, utilize scare tactics, and paint a negative picture of a service that will be serving thousands of citzens.
I am sure you have good intentions it's just the round about way you are trying to get to them.
By the way, quit using "be safe all" because it is conflicting with your negative statements.
If CA had as much common sense as he does book smarts, he would be a dangerous man. People might actually listen to him then. But luckily for us (and the world), he's only book smart and has no common sense whatsoever.
Hey Chandler, Scott and ol fire fighter,
You of little vision.
You fight only for your own self interest.
You do not see the big picture, sounds like WMC is the same way.
You, (they) cannot plan to save their lives, actually that is others lives, as they are very underdeveloped, cannot come close even with the addition of extra beds to handle all the people coming their way. Can you spell Nissan headquarters, other biz headquarters coming to Cool Springs and Maryland Farms and the fastest growing county in the state and one of the fastest growing in the USA.
All those additional beds are at MRH, they have over built with taxpayer money, while close to a third of Columbia residents refuse to go there, too many stories of what happens to people there. If MRH did not have such a bad reputation there would not be any empty beds in the region.
Plus, WMC does not have enough beds nor will they after their building program.
And why are you so afraid of Rural Metro. Can all those communities that use them be wrong and you right?
AGAIN, let us repeat, HCA has won this war for Spring Hill, no matter how the vote comes out!
MRH and WMC have cost themselves dearly in bad, bad PR with 99% of the people in Spring Hill and surrounding areas that happen to be the fastest growing area in the state.
A reputable, nationally known builder very familar with growth trends in Franklin and Spring Hill has informed me that NEVER did Franklin grow as fast as Spring Hill has. SMoke that in your peace pipe Chandler and WMC and MRH. FOrget the peace pipe we will never smoke it with you.
And Chandler, leave your hate filled posts and attacks on David and others out of all this.
One more thing Chandler, why are you so vicious? How does your employer allow you to say the vicious things you do about such great and giving people?
And please answer this C, why do you keep everyone else off your site? Is it because you are a control freak?
If you would take the time to actually read the site, I have encouraged everyone to send me anything they wanted posted. The reason I do not allow open posting is that I do not want to have a site full of garbage like the statements you just made.
HCA has not won anything for Spring Hill. Furthermore, you can wine and cry and do whatever. Fact is, WMC and MRH are your options. If you do drive into Nashville with your health care needs, it only proves one point, that you never needed this hospital anyway.
WMC will have plenty of beds to accomodate everyone after their construction is over. We open the rest of our floors very soon. The people who have won this battle are those of us who stuck our necks out, not the KKK type of people who write under anonymous because they are too cowardly to put their names with their comments.
As far as other communities, we look foolish as Hell to other communities because you have people on TV shouting "we need another hospital" yet they do not use the services that are available. CA
By the way, we will so how vocal you all are today when you actually have to be men and show your face with your arguments. Attack me all your want, as that clearly shows you do not have a factual basis for this hospital. The chants of "we need a hospital" that you ring out with any rationale behind it has been old for a very long time. You can make all the insults that you want, at the end of the day you have to go to bed knowing that there are people out there who know more than you do about the situation, and are actually willing to put their necks and names on the line to voice their opinion.
To sum it all up, your comments really hurt when they are shrouded in secrecy. When you hide in shadows and refuse to reveal yourself, that shows one thing, lack of integrity. Who cares what a bunch of cowards think? When you start believing your own hype, put your name on here. Until then, put your white sheets of the 21st century on and keep making your threats. You belong in the same class of people as the KKK as they too were ashamed of their own position, and thus hid under a veil.
Fire fighter (anyone with any sense knows who this is) and Scott, don't let these cowards affect you one bit. Again, they are so passionate that they hide behind anonymous tags. I can assure you that none of them have the courage to walk up to any of us and say these things. So let's let them keep posting their trash, as if it were worth anything of value, we would see their names on here.
I have to go get ready to be at the CON, maybe someone will grow a set and come get in my face. I doubt that will happen though, as the lack of testicular fortitude on this site is overwhelming. CA
It's really sad to see some of you be so negative and hateful towards those of us who would like to see a Hospital here. And scarier still to think some of you are "professionals".
CON approval or not, the growth of this area means there will be a hospital here eventually, period.
Oh, and some of us are not posting as anonymous, and are easy enough to find if you want to look.
And anyone who has been around this blog for a while would laugh at you if you tried to claim all of us are walking lock-step with gorilla and company on these issues.
I just hope some of you are able to exercise more maturity in your daily lives than you are exhibiting here.
Scott, I would not take too much offense at the statement (though it could have been worded better).
Coming from a casual observer the EMS and fire personnel posting here seem to be focusing on one aspect of keeping this hospital out, and that aspect is directly related to fire and EMS "self interest" - an aspect that is directly related to your livelyhood.
I am not saying that aspect is not important, and I for one *do* appreciate the insight that several of you have brought to the discussion. However, please try and see it from my view - this hospital issue is bigger than that one aspect, and when we - the average citizen - are researching this issue, we have to look at the self interest aspect of any person trying to sway our opinions one way or the other. I hope you can appreciate how "self interest" plays into the discussion, without taking too great of an offense at the phrase being used.
I will say thank you for caring enough to share your views. It *IS* appreciated.
You do not spend 1/3 of your life living in a fire house without learning you cannot have thin skin and survive. Some insulting things were directed at me, that is life.
This is simply an attempt to clear the record up. God love the citizens of Spring Hill. In a world that has become so watered down and colorless they showed real passion about life and took a stand. Understand, my opposition to Rural Metro was in no way opposition to a hospital. The two were always seperate issues. I was neither pro or con about the hospital. I always felt the decision would be made by people who know more about hospitals than I do. If my comments seemed negative it was because of experience. I am not a negative person by nature. Working in emergency work you get to see the negatives and the skeletons in the closet that are kept from the general public. If I could take some of you with me and let you see the other part of the world then I bet you would change your minds on some things.
As far as my "compassion for mankind" and my professionalism being questioned, I will let my record on the job be my judge. After all that is the only gauge that matters.
If I pushed too hard and offened anyone that was never my intention. In my work world there is little room for compromise or error, good enough is not good enough.
One last thing the be safe all is a genuine statement that was never part of any post I made. That is part of my job to want everyone to be safe. If you could eliminate the need for my job that would be fine with me, but that is not going to happen.
be safe all
tired ole fire fighter
To anon 7/25 @ 22:53
Thank you that was a nice comment, but not deserved. I am just somebody doing a job.
The parents that get up every day and work to put a roof over their family's heads. That teach their kids to be good citizens and know right from wrong are the real modern day heroes.
be safe all
still tired ole fire fighter
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