Monday, July 10, 2006

Which is it Mr. Otwell?

For those of you concerned that we are stealing private communications between private citizens and various govt. agencies, be concerned again. Here is a recent letter from Mr. Otwell at Maury Regional Hospital.

Here, you can all read it for yourselves and then comment.

Now, here is my biggest question regarding this particular item:

In the letter above, Otwell says that the Spring Hill Hospital will disrupt the orderly development of Health Care because the Spring Hill Hospital growth projections are "based on unrealistic assumptions and projections that are not credible."

Now, in a Maury Regional CON Request in 2005, MRH sites a statement made by Ray Williams that "in the next eight to ten years, Spring Hill will be the largest city in Maury County." This CON request (by Maury Regional Hospital) further clarifies this statement to mean that Spring Hill will be larger than Columbia, a city with an estimated population of 53,000. So here is what I don't understand ---

Is the city of Spring Hill ONLY growing at the current rate when it serves your needs?

To say on one hand that growth projections are off base and unrealistic, and then when MRH needs to place something inside city limits you say 'look at all of this growth that is happening in Spring Hill.'

Which is it Mr. Otwell?


Anonymous said...


They can't have it both ways can they? As evidenced by the last comment on yesterday's post, when backed into a corner, all the opponents of this hospital can do is result to name calling and character assasination. There's an old legal cliche; when the facts are on your side - argue the facts,when the law is on your side - argue the law, when neither the facts nor the law are on your side, pound the table. Opponents of his hospital are definitely pounding the table bigtime on this one.

Anonymous said...

There is also an obligation to not twist the facts. Mr. Otwell clearly is referring to two seperate issues, the first being market share of insured patients and the second being expected growth in Spring Hill. There is no name calling involved in that. Check out Anderson's site, as that is where I had this explained to me, and it makes perfect sense. You guys do have some good points, you do not have to make up the facts when you actually have good points.

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