Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Moving Right Along...

Okay, it is now time to take a quick look back at the recent progress of this city and see how we can continue to come together and advance in a meaningful direction. Over the next week we will go through a quick little "punch list" of where we stand in a variety of very important issues that face this city.

Here is a quick list of what we will be covered:

City Plan Development
Spring Hill Hospital
Ambulance Service
Uniting our City

(Blogger has been acting up quite a bit lately, so we will have to cover each item separately...sorry)

Also, another great piece of news that will be covered in depth when we get to ROADS. Take a look!

Duplex Road "engineering" has been placed on the 2006-2008 T.I.P. sheet by the MPO. This is a fantastic improvement in our current situation and allows us a great opportunity to get construction funds also appropriated prior to 2008. If we do not take this opportunity, nothing will be done until at least 2009.

Once I can get the Blogger to allow me to post photographs, we will dive right into the challenges facing our city now!

Have a fantastic day!

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out this article about Thompson's Station that was in the paper today:


It would be nice if we could do something like this in Spring Hill.

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