Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Talk is Cheap

What an interesting find, campaign literature from the Sharron Cantrell camp. Well, let's look into each of her issues one by one and read between the lines a little bit.

Here we go...

1.) Managed growth for the available infrastructure.
What exactly does this mean? Does this mean voting AGAINST the development and funding of a city plan? Does this mean voting AGAINST improved road improvements at key intersections around our city being paid for entirely on the front end of developments? Does this mean being in favor of adding schools and developments on roads and in areas of the city that will not be prepared for increased traffic for quite some time? Does this mean placing NEW road projects ahead in the pecking order of Duplex, Buckner, Buckner, Beechcroft, etc.? If that is what managing growth means, then absolutely she has managed it...to a slow and painful death!

2.) Pro Rec-Center
If I recall correctly, everyone on the BOMA voted in favor of the Rec. Center. I wonder if she is equally as accepting of other parks and recreation projects (excluding the senior citizens projects). Has she offered one idea in regard to increased city parks or recreational fields in the past 8 years? Good luck finding something there.

3.) Voted against the 800% pay raise for the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
One minor exception, she voted against the budget (which included the BOMA pay increase). I was at that meeting, and the work session, and she did not voice too much displeasure about the pay increase at the work session. In fact, she still does not voice too much displeasure, she has cashed every penny. That is not true for one alderman in particular in this city (Eliot Mitchell). The extra $$$ is entirely optional, so why exactly would you accept the cash if you as so against it, and choose to use it as a campaign talking point?

4.) Pro Hospital
You are correct here, in print at least. Every member of the BOMA is in favor of the hospital and every candidate running for the BOMA is in favor of a hospital. Sharron was so much in favor of the hospital that she attended two (of 5) town hall meetings and even served breakfast for one of them. She was ALWAYS there for the photo ops, but rarely if ever there for the nuts and bolts planning that went into the citizen campaign to help actually GET the hospital approved. Again a lot of talk (which is good) but not a lot of action.

5.) Represents all of the citizens of Spring Hill without regard to wards.
Is that why she was so active in opposing Re-apportionment? You know, come to think of it, I have called and emailed her numerous times (before I had a website AND after) and I have yet to receive a call or email back from her. I have yet to hear a person say, "boy I emailed all of the aldermen, and that Sharron Cantrell responded very quickly." In fact what you generally hear is, "I emailed all the aldermen, and the only 3 to respond were Mr. Duda, Mr. Mitchell, and Mr. Gallardo." Sometimes you will hear Mr. McCulloch or Mr. Johnson thrown in there as well. Either way, Sharron is VERY responsive to those that she wants to hear from, others...well good luck!


Anonymous said...

Wow is she ever lucky she waited until the last minute to release this stuff. She would be eaten alive if she came out with this garbage right from the get go.

Anonymous said...

What is Cantrell's E-mail address?

Anonymous said...

looks like cantrels@charter.net

Anonymous said...

sorry, that's cantrells@charter.net..

Anonymous said...

The title of this post should be "Talk is Cheap, Action costs $2000".

Good stuff Gorilla.

Anonymous said...

Dont waste your time emailing her, she will not respond. Tomorrow is the big day, maybe it will be Cantrells last day on the job. I could only hope.

Anonymous said...

Prediction time:

Ward 1 will go to Brandon (he really does not deserve to lose his seat)

Ward 2 will go to Eliott (but closer than you all think)

Ward 3 will go to Sharron (squeaker, and thank g*d because the alternatives are SCARY)

Ward 4 will go to Bruce (DUH!)

Mayor will go to DuDa (in 2009, if he can learn to shut up and quit whining)

Anonymous said...

clueless @ 22:41:

Brandon has been out worked and Sharron has zero touch of reality with anybody north of Maury County.

We'll see soon enough!

Regarding Duda, if "whining" is having the guts to keep asking the tough questions, I say "Whine on, brother!".

Anonymous said...

Oh, and to all the Hulkamaniacs out there I say "Get out from behind that sissy computer and vote!", 'cus Hogan Knows Best!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tim, did my eyes deceive me or do you have SOMEONE ELSE putting out your signs 8 hours before the election??? Question: Where in the hell are YOU??? It's your campaign and we would have an easier time spotting Bigfoot in this town. I don't blame you though - those signs have sat in your garage for months. If you're going to borrow all that money from a bank to buy them then you might as well put them out at some point. I don't know that midnight before election day is actually the most strategic time to do it, but maybe you are counting on the ever-present possibility of people changing their opinions simply by laying eyes upon your sign.

Anon @ 22:41 - So you're the one who supports that camp? You're wrong of course, but you already know that and are just getting a head start on the denial phase of your ultimate acceptance, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

the day of change has begun......

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 22:41

Ward 1 - WRONG!
Ward 2 - WRONG! (it was a landslide)
Ward 3 - WRONG!
Ward 4 - Correct!

Tim Holm said...

Anonymous @ 0108,

In regards to your question, that was myself and a friend putting signs up from about 12am-2am. Every other candidate had signs going up and down Campbell Station Parkway, so what was your problem with me putting my signs out? Why did I place them out 8 hours before election time? I was actually trying to be considerate by not creating an eyesore as some other candidates have done. Oh, if you're lucky, you might see ME picking up the signs as well. =)

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