Thursday, March 23, 2006

County Commissioner Race

For those of you interested, several things are coming up regarding the District 3 Willimason County Commissioner race.

First of all, a questionnaire has been written and mailed to each of the candidates. The answers provided will allow us to start a portion of the website devoted to the various races that effect this city. I personally look forward to finding out something substantive about each of the candidates in an effort to start some good debate leading up to this election.

Ok here's a quick rundown on the Williamson County General Election:

The Republican Primary is being held on May 2nd. You don't have to be a republican to vote in the primary.

The 5 district 3 County Commissioner candidates include:

Dustin L. Dunbar
1749 Witt Way Drive
Spring Hill, TN 37174
Questionnaire Response: Response Received

Judy Hayes*
1775 Popes Chapel Rd
Thompson's Station, TN 37179

Questionnaire Response: Response Received

Robert L. Hood Jr. (Independent)
8800 Horton Hwy
College Grove, TN 37046
Questionnaire Response: No Response Received

Clyde Lynch*
6435 Eudailey Covington Road
College Grove, TN 37046
Questionnaire Response: No Response Received

P. J. Mezera
2171 Loudenslager Drive
Thompson's Station, TN 37179
Questionnaire Response: Response Received
* - Incumbent

The results of the May 2nd Primary Election will determine the 2 Republican Candidates that will appear on the General Election Ballot in August along with the Independent Candidate.

Early Voting for the May 2nd Primary is April 12th - April 27th from 8:00AM - 4:30PM M-F, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Sat.

The County General Election is Thursday, August 3rd.

There are 4 voting precincts for District 3:

3-1 Thompson's Station Baptist Church
2604 Thompson's Station Road East Thompson's Station, TN 37179

3-2 Bethesda Recreation Center
4907 Bethesda Road Thompson's Station, TN 37179

3-3 College Grove Community Center
8607 Horton Highway College Grove, TN 37046

3-4 Heritage Elementary School
4801 Columbia Highway Thompson's Station, TN 37179

The Williamson County Republican Party is holding a candidate's fair on April 11th from 5-8 pm at the Embassy Suites in Cool Springs. If you are at all interested in meeting the majority of the candidates, please attend.

We will have MUCH more in the very near future.


Anonymous said...

Dustin Dunbar is having an event this evening at Beef O'Brady's in Spring Hill. I think it runs from 5-8

Anonymous said...

PJ Mezera is having an event on Sunday, March 26, which is tomorrow, at the Thompsons Station Park at 4:00 pm. You can come and meet PJ and his family in person. Hope we can meet you all there.

Anonymous said...

I have three questions about PJ Mezera. How many of PJ's 8 children currently attend Williamson County Public Schools? I understand the P in PJ stands for Paul. Why doesn't he refer to himself as Paul? And the last question...PJ's site has three goals for his tenure on the County Commisison. More Schools, more roads or better roads and a balanced budget. I think all of three are great objectives. But... how will he balance the county budget while building more schools and roads? What exactly is he going to cut in the current budget to cover the cost of the new schools and roads? As far as schools go, Williamson County has been building a class room a week for the last 13 years. If he wants to build schools faster than that, then he will have to find the revenue to do it.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,
Those are great questions. Currently two of my five school age children are in public school. The three elementary school age children are being home educated. The reason? Overcrowding. I believe that especially at the elementary level children should have as much one-on-one instruction as possible. That's why I am pushing for more schools. Let's take care of issues on the front end before they become problems. A classroom a week doesn't seem to cut it.
PJ is a nickname that everybody has called me, except my big sister. Is that you Danielle (anonymous)?
Your last question is the best. How do we balance a budget without cutting vital programs and yet build the infrastructure we need? First of all, I am dead set against raising our county property taxes one cent. What I see as a necessity in raising revenue is placing more burden on the developers in the form of impact fees and infrastructure improvements. Williamson County is far and away the best place to live in Tennessee (and the world in my opinion). Tell me why we let developers cover our land with subdivisions and push the burden of road improvement, utility improvements, school building on the back of the tax payers? It's as if Williamson County is being sold on the clearance rack while we should be charging the premium our quality deserves.
I appreciate your questions and your interest, anonymous. I know my answers may not always be what the party line or the politically correct want to hear. But I see that Springhill/Thompsons Station is growing faster than our issues are being addressed by our current leadership. When asked about why, we hear excuses and finger pointing. Some estimates are that Columbia Pike and I-65 are not scheduled to be widened for another ten years. That's unacceptable! Nobody in the county government is taking responsibility to help us here in the third district. So we need new leadership that cares enough to make tough decisions and be persistent until our issues are addressed.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious, anonymous 23:06, are you including the very expensive portable classrooms rentals in your classroom per week estimate?

Anonymous said...

No I don't count the portables...I am only counting the brick and mortar. A class room a week is a generalization based on the opening of at least one school a year for the past 13 years(Oakview, Winstead, Hunters Bend, Kenrose, Heritage E, Heritage M, Trinity, Woodland Middle, Chapmans, Edmonson, Centenial HS, Ravenwood HS, Independence HS,Sunset M, Sunset E). In some years there were two schools opened. Most elementary schools contain around 40 classrooms. Middle Schools and High Schools contain closer to 70. On average that is about a classroom a week. This past year alone if you count Franklin High School the County opened three new Schools, Franklin, Sunset Elementary and Sunset Middle.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous who had questions for PJ:

I'd like to point out that even though only 2 of our 8 children go to Heritage, PJ is the only candidate who has children in Williamson County Schools. We will have at least 3 next fall. Three of our children are pre-school age. I happen to home school the elementary aged ones because I enjoy my children and find it a joy to teach them to read as well as other elementary basics. Just my 2 cents.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does it seem odd to anyone else that Highway 31 is a 4 divided highway from the middle of Columbia all the way into Sonic in Spring Hill where it becomes a tiny 2 lane road? Seems that the folks in Maury County know how to get a state road widened, I sure wish they would share the knowledge with our county folks....

Anonymous said...

OK...I just looked at the Dunstin Dunbar web page. I could not find an issues page. What exactly does Dustin want to do as County Commissioner? His home page states he wants "well planned growth, funding for crowded schools, and open communication...". I would like some specifics. Why does he think the schools are crowded? What is he basing that statement on?

On his "About Dustin" page he says he is involved in numerous organizations. Other than the Republican party and Brentwood Baptist Church, what local organizations is he referring to?

Dustin talks about his accomplishments in Mississippi as a college student. Nothing is mentioned about Williamson County or Spring Hill. How long has Dustin been a Williamson County Resident? How long has he been a Spring Hill Resident? How old is Dustin?

I am more than willing to vote for Dustin, but I need to know what he is proposing for Williamson County. Exactly what does he think the County should do and how will he pay for it?

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon April 6, 16:16,

You don't have kids in school, do you? One only needs to speak with the teachers and principals at Heritage middle or elementary to realize these schools are over-capacity or will be in the fall. Even the very new Independence High School is about to reach capacity and will soon be over-capacity in the next two years. Talk to parents and teachers and you may learn a thing or two.

Anonymous said...

Who cares how old Dustin is!?! He is old enough and, I might add, intelligent enough. Are you going to discriminate based on age? What if some one said the current commissioners were too old?

Anonymous said...

Wow, anon 16:16 asks some very fair questions only to get a heated response. If those responses come from the Dustin Dunbar camp, I am scared to see you rally for Dustin at the voting post. Take a step back, calm down, and re-read the questions asked. The post did state the they were willing to vote for Dustin, but I don't think those responses will generate much interest.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that questions like, How old is Dustin? and Why doesn't PJ go by Paul are irrelevant questions that have nothing to do with whether they are qualified to lead. Some of the questions are good. Some are off the point.

Anonymous said...

I thought I may need to step in to answer a few questions and address some of the concerns that people have regarding the county commission race. This election is extremely important for the future of Spring Hill and southern Williamson County. I appreciate everyone’s interest in our race and I want to address some of the questions above and will be more than happy to answer any future questions.

I have been preparing my survey that Gorilla sent so that everyone would be able to see where I am coming from and where I see our area going. After reading a few of the comments above, I thought I should make a few statements first.

The main issues that we are facing are growth, schools, and taxes. I have touched on these issues on my website as well as the candidate profiles that have been and are to be published in the Williamson Herald and Journal of Spring Hill & Thompson’s Station.

1. Growth – It’s no surprise that Spring Hill and southern Williamson County have seen tremendous growth in the past five years (Spring Hill, Williamson County side increase of 174%) and is expected to reach 40,000 by 2010. We must make decisions now, before additional growth, to ensure that our quality of life is preserved and enhanced. This will require a joint effort and open communication with city officials to ensure a strong infrastructure is in place capable of handling the growing population. I plan to work closely with our board of mayor and alderman and city administrator to ensure the county plans are in line with the city and that we are able to work together to ensure that Spring Hill is a great place to relocate to, raiser a family, or enter retirement.
2. Schools – Williamson County has been touted with one of the best school systems in the state. That is one of the qualities that attracted my wife and me to move here. We look forward to raising children in Spring Hill and having them in our top public schools which I hope to preserve and enhance. We must continue to support our schools and challenge them to continual improvement.
3. Taxes – Williamson County is seeing a great period of prosperity and it is in times of prosperity that we should get our financial position in order for times when we are not as prosperous. Keeping our taxes low is key in this effort. The county commission determines the property tax rate and I am in strong opposition of higher taxes or new taxes, and will vote against any resolution that would put an additional tax burden on our residents.

The county commission is responsible for setting the county’s budget and appropriating tax revenues to different areas; school, highway, general, etc. My profession as a public accountant for a Brentwood based firm, gives me the background, knowledge, and tools essential to make responsible financial decisions. I am a fiscal conservative and I believe that is a necessity on our commission in this pivotal time. Growing debt is a thorn in the side of the county which needs to be addressed, but commissioners with personal agendas will turn a blind eye in order to get those agendas passed. I have no agenda or intent to gain personally from my position. I am not a contractor, realtor, land owner (other than my home and lot), and my goal is to ensure that Williamson County remains the greatest county in Tennessee, which I believe will be benefit to us and our future generations.

You all will hear a lot of things in the next few weeks from the 4 candidates and it will all sound very similar. I would encourage you to do your research to make an informed decision. I know some candidates better than others, but I know the county commission well. Question every candidate. You have the benefit of comparing what our current commissioners promise to do with what they have voted for while in office. Another benefit is of this website to gain a better understanding of myself and Mr. Mezera. Don’t go into this election blind. Email me ( with any questions you may have about my background or my views on other important issues. I will be more than happy to address them.


Dustin Dunbar

PS: I’ve listed below my “other activities” for those concerned

* Tennessee Society of CPAs
* Brentwood Baptist Church
* Leadership Healthcare
* National Rifle Association
* Hands on Nashville Volunteer
* Former St. Jude volunteer
* Republ.Party Chairman’s Circle
* Financial Ministry Class Leader
* American Society of CPAs
* Wlmson County Young Republicans
* Tennesee Right to Life

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

I agree that questions about one's name vs. nick-name are irrelevant. But I strongly disagree that age and length of residency are irrelevant. Age is very relevant and is most definitely a variable on my selection. I don't think an 18 year old has the same experience as a 40 year old. I also think that an 80+ year old may need to step aside and let someone else be Lt. Governor.

From a standpoint of residency...every community has its unique character and personality. Ideas and opinions that are considered good political values in one community are not necessarily appreciated in another. It will be hard to convince me that someone knows what is best for South Williamson County if they have only lived here for 18 months.

Anonymous said...

But Dustin is not 18, he's 25. Unless I'm mistaken,that is 7 years older than the age requirement for commissioner. Additionally, every candidate has lived here for more than 18 months. Besides, if you are a new comer and love the place you can recognize its unique characteristics and know that you would like to protect them so that you can continue to love the place.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What about the shocking age of 75?? I just read today in the journal of spring hill that Clyde Lynch is 75 and has been a commissioner for 30 years!?! Why does a millionaire want to be a commissioner for 30+ years? Why does the other lady want to be one for over 20 years at age 67? What do they gain from it? They certainly don't care about us since they vote to raise our taxes and tried to raise the wheel tax until Rick Durham came to the rescue. They also voted many times to cut the school budgets. Clyde thinks we can't improve the schools without raising taxes. LOOK OUT!! We got a rec center and an ag center from them but there is too much traffic to make the drive to those places worth our while.

I think I'll take the 25 year old and the dude with the nick name.

Anonymous said...

Dear Readers, I am not for unidentified blogging, but have read this site with interest. As a new resident of District 3-Spring Hill I am very interested in the community.

If this site is really an indication of the people in Spring HIll, they need to step forward NOW and go to the polls and VOTE for some new representation on their County Commission. The Commission is the funding body of the schools for Spring HIll and the current commissioners have cut and amended the schools budget for years.

I have personally talked and discussed issues with Dustin Dunbar and P.J. Mezera and they both are intelligent about the issues and have new ideas to help move Williamson County forward.

Too many commissioners have been on the commission for 20 years and more and they seem to do their "same old" voting tactics each year. They along with the county mayor (20 + years in our local government), are not listening to the people. The current commissioners have assisted in putting our county in debt over $500 mil. But since they are continuing to get elected they believe they are doing a fine job.

So if you want to make a difference the next four years and the future, I suggest you go vote TODAY and bring a friend or two along and vote for someone new.

Dunbar & Mezera for 3rd district commissioners and Rick Durham (No more taxes - make growth pay for it-self guy), are my choices.

Anonymous said...

Says he's not for unidentified blogging, yet posts as anonymous...

Anonymous said...


Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting the candidates responses to your questions! Anybody know when early voting starts at the Thompson's Station emergency response facility? I went by there today and didn't see any activity.

Anonymous said...

I went there and they were getting the voting machines ready. They said they should be up and ready Friday morning.

Anonymous said...

I have not heard what any of the county commissioners have said about the possibility of a new hospital in spring hill. Is everyone waiting until after the election to speak their peace? Does anyone have knowledge of their position?

Anonymous said...

Because the current commissioners for District 3 have been in office 30 & 20 years, they are very tight with the local county system.

Lynch is on the hospital board and the other will vote exactly how they are told. If i were to bet, they are AGAINST the Spring Hill hospital move. Check their stance on the last time a hospital/medical facility wanted a permit in Williamson County (just a few years ago). The facility didn't have a chance.

But don't take these written words on the issue alone, call them directly,(before the election) see if they will answer the question, see how they dance around the question, or maybe they will give you a straight answer.

Anonymous said...

Primary results are posted here...

Post Ratings

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is a series of personal opinions and is not meant to reflect an official position by the City of Spring Hill.

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