Thursday, March 02, 2006

Updated Spring Hill Website

For those of you that have questioned the facts presented on this website, go look and read for yourselves the information presented on our official "City of Spring Hill website".

Download the 2005 City Census

This link will take you to the demographics page. READ IT, look around it, check out for yourselves the facts of the various issues relating to re-apportionment. Let us all know what you find out.

Be back later...something interesting might be brewing...


Anonymous said...

Speaking of websites and information.
I have been trying to find information on our county commissioners and those running but i have had a hard time finding anything.

Gorilla, do you or anyone else out there know anything about any them?

Gorilla in the Corner said...

We are doing quite a bit of research on the matter right now.

When information is found out, rest assured that we will let you know.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I downloaded it, printed it, and read it... What am I looking for?

Besides that it says Maury Co. side lost 40 residents between 00 and 04, and has only gained 474 residents between 00 and 05? Does that sound right to anyone else?

Anyone wonder if some of the more rural homes in Maury Co. had lower return rates for the census than the neighborhoods of the Williamson Co. side?

I dunno... having been here off Kedron since 2000, it sure seems like there are more than 500 new people are running around over here. Shoot - the 3 homes in our 3 home "neighborhood" have added a total of 5 children since 2000 alone! lol

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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is a series of personal opinions and is not meant to reflect an official position by the City of Spring Hill.

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