Thursday, June 15, 2006

A few more FACTS to consider

Now I know, I am one of the unintelligent "non-nurse/doctor" that does not have the best interest of Spring Hill in mind when I argue that this city NEEDS hospital services. To be honest, I have given this whole Cath Lab argument far more print than it deserves, so this is the last new post that we will have on this site in regard to the supposed need for Cath Lab services.

Having said that...

Every single one of you that says this hospital is not "full service" and therefore not needed because it does not include a Cath Lab upon opening has your head buried so far in the sand that the bottoms of your feet are in jeopardy of disappearing beneath the surface as well. I have gone back over the entire list of hospitals in the area with and without Cath Labs. I find over 30 members of The Hospital Alliance of Tennessee and Coalition 4 Care (2 prominent organizations opposing the Spring Hill Hospital) that do not have a Cath Lab in their own hospitals. Educate me really quickly, am I to understand that all of these hospitals are "death traps?"

You know, here is another interesting set of quotes.
Article about the Williamson County Commission Resolution.

This is the truth of the argument, not Cath Labs and inferior service...

"As a taxpayer, I would ask you commissioners, why did you fund $20 million, invest $20 million in this hospital (WMC) and co-sign another $20 million if you are now not going to support that investment, and, in fact, consider investing in another entity that would draw profit from that investment?" outgoing Commissioner Tom Moon said.

Williamson Medical Center wants a monopoly of service in the area, even though they have not made plans to adequately take care of the area. That is the reason for opposition, so don't be confused by CATH LABS!

From the same article...

"If (Spring Hill Hospital) is approved it will stymie our future expansion and our technology growth," said Dennis Miller, WMC administrator. "When we got our certificate of need, we included Spring Hill in that. We are Williamson County's hospital. We are your hospital."

Thank you Mr. Miller for including Spring Hill in your certificate of need. Next time, if you are going to present projections, please also include the population of Spring Hill to be greater than 9800 people in the year 2010. You might go back and look into that a little bit deeper in the future.

By the way, is this the same Dennis Miller that chose to go to Thompson's Station this week to present misinformation in an effort to lure another city into opposing this Spring Hill CON? I think it was also the same Dennis Miller that chose to berate the CEO of TriStar before actually realizing that Larry Kloess (that CEO being berated) was also in the room and able to refute every single statement of misinformation. I did not notice another City Resolution against Spring Hill Hospital, and that is because the Thompson's Station Councilmen saw through the pile of lies that were presented by WMC.

Here is another interesting take on our situation.
News Channel 2 story from Tuesday.

"The battle over healthcare in Tennessee's fastest growing community, Spring Hill, continues. Unfortunately what is happening in Spring Hill represents healthcare issues faced all over the country. "

"The city, just south of Nashville needs a medical facility. Questions have been raised about what kind medical facility is needed and who would run it. The effects on other hospitals have also been taken into consideration. With Spring Hill's population doubling in a few years to 45,000, no one doubts Spring Hill's need for some kind of medical facility. The nearest ones are 15 miles away in Franklin and Columbia."

I wonder if they had any doctors evaluate that story? Don't they know that reasonable people with a little bit of common sense can't make informed decisions in regard to medical care?

Here is another article that provides great quotes and examples...
Williamson Herald Article.

"Williamson Medical Center is the exception that proves the rule," said Laura Bustetter, marketing public relations director. "All we want to be is to be protective in our market so we don't lose the ability to provide services."

Thank you Ms. Bustetter for being protective in your marketplace. I have no doubt that the key to your argument is in fact protection of your market, not Cath Labs and patient services.

In one of his last statements as a member of the commission, Tom Moon questioned the $20 million taxpayer investment in the WMC, "if that investment wasn't going to be supported. Yes, the people in Spring Hill need medical care. What about a satellite facility there?"

So Mr. Moon, I am confused, is there a need or isn't there? More importantly, how are you going to demonstrate to the HSDA that there is a need for a satellite facility when you just passed a resolution that says "there is not a demonstratable need in Spring Hill"?

A few more facts to consider.

In the State of Tennessee:
* Of 130 licensed hospitals, 57, or 43.8%, provide cardiac cath.
* Of 130 licensed hospitals, 54, or 41.5%, have 100 beds or fewer.
* Of all hospitals providing cardiac cath, (57) 5, or 8.8%, are less than 100 beds.
* Of 130 licensed hospitals, 48, or 36.9% have 75 beds or fewer.
* Of the 48 hospitals that have 75 or fewer beds, none provide cardiac cath.
* Of the 54 hospitals with 100 beds or fewer, 5, or 9.2%, provide cardiac cath.

*** Source: 2004 Joint Annual Reports, Tenn. Department of Health

Do all of you out there understand this? This proposed hospital in Spring Hill will have 54 beds. Where does that fit in with this list of numbers?

I will leave you all today with one final statement DIRECTLY from the TriStar Certificate of Need.

"Addition of diagnostic cardiac catheterization services will be added in future years as the medical staff expands, if authorized by the CON Board in a subsequent application."

PS I was looking through some support letters in the CON file.... I actually found a few "educated" people to support the Spring Hill Hospital! Wow! There are doctors out there that think this is a good idea? Huh? They are even Cardiologists. Don't they know all of the dangers?


Anonymous said...

Come on Michael. You actually placed a letter with Frist letterhead as justification? This hospital is being held out as being full service and it is not. When you have your MI I hope you will then see that the CathLab issue is not to be poopooed. The hospitals that do not have cath labs do not hold themselves out to be full service either and they do not boast that they provide the same level of service as other area providers. There is a depth of knowledge that comes from years of experience and education in medicine. I know you are with only the best intentions, but you do not understand very simple concepts like time is tissue and the long term effects of myocardial loss. There are many other issues besides the cath lab, you are correct.

You cannot be an expert in a month or two months time. I do not know what you do for a living, but you would be equally disturbed if I attempted to debate something from your field without having a firm grasp of FUNDAMENTAL concepts. I know that you think I am just stupid and angry, but Michael I know healthcare. I will graudate with a Masters in Nursing in a few months with a 4.0 and I will have certification as a Family Nurse Practitioner. I am certified from the Emergency Nurses Association as a Certified Emergency Nurse. I give the lecture at Columbia State every semester regarding Cardiovascular Emergencies. I am a member of The GOlden Key Honor Society, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, and Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Society. I am one of the few members of the American College of Cardiology who is a nurse. Come on Michael, you spit in the face of anyone who has spent YEARS refining their practice when you discredit the importance of a cath lab when a hospital calls itself full service, when it is unable to provide emergency cardiac care at the standard level in the community. You are wrong about the insignificance of a cath lab. People will go to this hospital expecting to have their artery open and they will DIE or lose tissue that will render them chronically ill. Myself and the other providers that have commented on your site have tried to explain things to you all. However you refuse to take the time to get informed. It would take months to teach you the fundamental that we have as second nature. You devalue every healthcare provider when you attempt to discount our years of experience and the countless nights that when we up all night studying to make sure that we were providing the best care possible.

I know you feel that you need a hospital. You put all the statistics up there that you want. Here is a statistic I want you to give me: How many years have you been in practice as a nurse, paramedic, or physician. How many lives have you helped save, and how many lives have you seen lost because the financial bottom line was the emphasis? How many children have you seen die because your bosses at the corporate office decided your OB floor was no longer profitable? How many nights have you given your own lunch money to patients so that they could pay their "MANDATORY" deductible when they were seen? How many meetings have you sat in while the suits tried to stratagize how to get out of an EMTALA violation because someone was turned away because they couldn't pay? Tell me, how many? CA

Anonymous said...

Here is what you want to hear Michael so I will give it to you, so you can quit making people think that a cath lab is unimportant.

1) You are the expert.
2)This hospital is so needed because Spring Hill if full of death and illness.
3) Myself and all the other healthcare people are stupid and are just fighting this because we have some deep seated hatred for people. I guess that is why we chose healthcare.
4) This CON will be approved.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of the idiots who do not live in Spring Hill telling us what we need and don't need.

The best thing to do is shut the hell up and let our community decide what we need, how we need it and where we get it. If WMC and Maury Regional are so concerned they should have thought about this a few years ago.

And I don't give a sh*t about degrees and all that or who you talk to and what board you are on... what I do care about is this town and being pushed around by others outside of it. We need a hospital. If you want to worry about correct names full service, cath, whatever, take that up with some people who care what you call it. I'm sure most in this town are smart enough to know that if we need major medical care we need to go to Nashville.

Anonymous said...

Ok the last post was idiotic at best and childish to say the least...
Also, I have discussed the hospital issue with my wife (who has her Bachelor's in Nursing and about 7 years experience in SICU and Pediatrics. She agrees that there is a NEED for a hospital for the type of growth that Spring Hill is experiencing. CA please stop tooting your own horn for a second so the rest of us can speak?! I don't get it why you can't see that the only reason why WMC and MRH are against this CON is because of MONEY, NOTHING MORE. They are afraid of another company coming in and taking what could potentially be theirs. They are not concerned about quality of care of the residents of Spring Hill, they are just concerned that they would be walking through someone else's door. I bet that if you give it a year (and the continued growth of Spring Hill) you will see a CON put in for some sort of additional medical facility by either MRH or WMC. Bet you'll be all for it then won't you! And you can bet after this "CATH lab connendrum" that they'll have one included, but if they don't will you stand against it with the vigor that you now stand against this one? Now let's not forget that by this CON not being approved it just took away a potential 200-300 jobs from our area, but hey that's not important either. The whole discussion on the cath lab and the rest of your rhretoric is nothing but trying to detract from the point of the issue that Spring Hill NEEDS a hospital.
And I'll state what you want to hear:
No one on here is as smart as you, your depth of knowledge in the medical field is far and above anything us "average joes" could fathom. We should come to you and let you tell us when Spring Hill needs a hospital. What should the population be. 75k? 100k? Or does the amount not matter because SH will never need another hospital (read: one that is not an extension of MRH or WMC).

Anonymous said...

sorry, someone posted prior to me. the post i was calling "childish" was the one @ 15 June, 2006 23:00

Anonymous said...

TB, thank goodness for you. You have just revealed the truth behind this issue. This is not about a hospital, it is about Spring Hill feeling like the redheaded step child and thinking that if you get this hospital you will be a real town. I live in Spring Hill, your dear mayor does not. Furthermore, if you knew what was best for you and had all of the forethought, you would nothave voted for good ole Danny. Furthermore MRH and WMC have attempted to provide service. You should visit the urgent care center or look at the ambulance in Thompson's Station thatWMC leaves there even though it generates no income. You have zero incidents were a hospital would have changed the outcome of anyone's care, all you have is your opinion. You seem so informed and knowledgeable, you are just the person that needs to make decisions for everyone.

Anonymous said...

I would have no problem with this hospital if it were truly full service, but it will not be. As well, what do you think is HCA's motivation here? MONEY. Why do you think Leverette went to HCA and ignored MRH and WMC's offers for services here? Because HCA generates money for the city and the others do not. Ask your wife if the growth justifies a hospital that provides equal service. I think it does. Leverette thinks you do not need the same services as MRH and WMC provide.

Anonymous said...

Give me one incident where a patient has been adversly affected because there is not a hospital in Spring Hill. You can't. That is the difference between need and want.

Anonymous said...

CA @ 23:47:

You don't live in Spring Hill, never will. O L is in Columbia's Urban Growth Boundary.

Anonymous said...

I guess my Spring Hill address confuses you. I actually live in Spring Hill more than the mayor does if you want to be honest.

Anonymous said...

Just stating the facts...

Silverback said...

I suppose our friends from WMC will discount Dr. Simmons's responses by saying that he Googled his answers, has something to gain, or can't possibly know what he is talking about because his email address doesn't say ISAVELIVES...

Maury News Net - Dueling Hospitals - Part 3

MNN: In your opinion, will HCA building a hospital in Spring Hill hurt MRH’s bottom line?

Dr. Simmons: "In a free market society, what competition will do is improve access, improve quality of care and lower costs. To squelch competition would be to settle for a lower level of care in this area."

MNN: Some critics of HCA say that they will provide inferior emergency care because they are lacking a cath lab. Is that true?

Dr. Simmons: "Not having a cath lab doesn’t make HCA less of a hospital. MRH doesn’t have a neurosurgeon, but they are still a fine hospital. What they do, they do well and that’s what needs to be remembered. A cath lab costs nearly a million dollars. Can it be justified?"

Gorilla in the Corner said...

Chandler, you can be upset with Mr. Leverette if you like, but I can tell you firsthand that he lives well within Spring Hill city limits. I know that you are pretty anti-google, so try mapquest. I know, sometimes that "Thompson's Station" postal service thing throws a wrinkle in your understanding of this city, but I assure you, many people with a "Thompson's Station" zip actually live in Spring Hill.

You don't have to really like the Mayor, but at least be factual.

Anonymous said...

As quoted by Chandler----

"My name is Chandler Anderson. I am an Emergency Department nurse in Nashville and a single father. I think Michael Moore is able to convey the thoughts of many Americans who are tired of being told what to think. I look forward to meeting other fans."

Chandler is a follower of Michael Moore, no wonder his art of spin doctor is so well defined.

Anonymous said...

tell me, chandler

how long of a trip are you willing to make with 3 broken ribs? how about a nice, violent gall stone attack?

30 minutes? longer? it's not a pleasant experience, i can assure you.

i still fail to see why a humanitarian such as yourself would oppose convenient emergency care for tens of thousands of people.

Anonymous said...

Please calm down and think about what you all are saying. Safety today is the concern for everyone patients and staff alike. When I heard Chandler speak I thought he was speaking with genuine concern in mind. Tell me isn't he a Spring Hill resident too...with just as much interest as everyone else in outcome.
One thing I haven't heard anyone talk about is the fact that we have very limited healthcare dollars today and we are going to stretch them thin with more facilites than we need. I actually have heard rumoured for sometime that HCA wants to close Southern Hills Hospital because they can make more money in Spring Hill. Is heathcare today a right or a priviledge...only for those who have insurance and can make money...shame on them...

Gorilla in the Corner said...

Wow, I go to some meetings for the day and everyone gets in a fight. We can all play nice together and have a good debate at the same time. Keep the insults to a minimum please...on both sides.

Anonymous said...

My, my, the level of discourse on this blog has gotten rather low, hasn't it? And here I thought I would be a regular visitor. In any case, personal attacks are worthless and just show that the person doing the attacking is, well, not very bright for having to resort to that. As for "Chandler", whoever that is, I read back through the posts, and call me a crazy attorney, but I took it to mean that your posts were being watched for libelous content. I am still looking for the post that said "so be careful"; the closest I found was "fair warning", not that I'm endorsing anything else that poster said. No mention of family at all, unless I'm missing that one too. You might want to get your attorney to actually read the blog and its content before you ask for his/her opinion on getting a "restraining order". And yes, I did mean to put that in quotes, for a few reasons. Your attorney can explain it to you.
As for the reasons I thought we were here, can someone please tell me a few good (not ranting, screaming or hyperbolic) reasons why anyone who lives in Spring Hill would oppose this hospital? I truly am curious in hearing some rational, intelligent opinions on that matter. Thanks.

Gorilla in the Corner said...

By the way, I have removed a few posts that were a touch over the line. Again, let's not get too personal ladies and gentlemen.

Anonymous said...

anon 1944

The issue is not with a hospital, just this hospital. Chandler is a close friend of mine, and I am staying with he and his family due to the personal attack by the previous post. The fact that the poster referenced Chandler being a single father was the concern he expressed regarding his family.

Chandler doesn't believe there is a need for a hospital. However he does appreciate that there is an overwhleming demand and perception that one is needed. All he has stated is that if they want to build a hospital, then they should build one that provides the same quality of services as the existing ones. HCA can certainly afford that.

Whether you guys want to admit it or not, cath labs are the gold standard for heart attack treatment here in this area. People do much better both acutely and long term if they get emergency angioplasty.

If you all actually knew Chandler, you would be ashamed of your comments. He has worked for all three hospitals and has stood up for what he though was right during his employment at each of them, despite the risk of being terminated. I am embarassed to call myself a citizen of Maury County when a good man like Chandler cannot express his opinion without risk of retaliation.

Jeff Gifford, RN

Anonymous said...

In re-reading my post (anon 1944) I realize it might sound like I was endorsing some of the posts that "attacked" Chandler, and I didn't mean to imply that. All of the personal attacks were ridiculous and those posters should be ashamed of themselves. But posts on both sides were waaayyyyyy over the top.
Just wanted to clear that up.

Anonymous said...

Okay, there is more to life in Spring Hill than this debate we have all been stuck on for weeks. Can we beat another dead horse now? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

No, we cannot beat another dead horse. The new Spring Hill hospital is the most important issue on the agenda for this year, and for the next 30 years.

Having quality privately funded healthcare is the best way to go. I have worked on and in HCA hospitals, have been treated in HCA hospitals.

Anything the gov't can do, the private sector can do better.

Just look at New Orleans, The HCA Hospital there, was the only one able to take care, evacuate, and then offer care to the other hospitals.

MRH is a band aid stop. I know, I grew up in Columbia. I can count on both hands the number of people that have been mis-diagnosed, etc. and yes, several have died.

Anonymous said...

Someone ask about diversion. How many times does WMC get put on diversion, where there are now beds available, and/or the E.R. is full.

Anonymous said...

I will not go to MRH, and by the way, if you have to take me to WMC, just keep driving, and take me to Southern Hills, Centinnial, St. Thomas, or for some good experimental healthcare, try Vandy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First, the mayor lives in Spring Hill. Many who do have Thompson Station mailing addresses.

Secondly, I am tired of the few wackos from INSIDE Spring Hill who tell us we don't need a hospital. They are truly anti-Spring Hill.

All this talk from Chandler Anderson proves how hateful and bitter he really is. Bet he is fun at parties, too!

Anonymous said...

Again you have failed to answer the question which was posed. I cannot state this any clearer than this. I am not opposed to Spring Hill having a hospital, I am opposed to HCA and Mayor Leverette stating this hospital will provide the same services as the existing hospitals. However, rather than attempt to process this information, you choose to call me hateful and what not. I can assure you that you would find me very boring at parties, as I tend to party with people who do not take unsafe risks, like accepting a hospital that will charge you more and give you less. The bottom line is that I have been posting on this site for a month or so, and have yet, outside of Mr. Glass, encountered anyone who truly wanted to debate the issues at hand. All I have encountered are people who attempt to validate their point of view by hurling insults rather than actual points of view. This is bothersome as I feel that Michael does want this to be a forum where people can debate the issue. However with the exception of Michael and his REGISTERED users, no one seems to want to do this. It seems that the motto of Spring Hillshould be, if you ain't with me you are against me. So rather than waste my time attempting to provide another side to this issue so it can be openly debated,and thus have some sort of democratic process, I am giving up on trying to debate with you. No one feels strongly enough to post their name on their posting, so obviously no one feels strongly enough about this hospital to have a real debate. I will post on my own page and will continue to demand that this hospital provide full service care. After all, shouldn't you be able to receive the same care as someone in COlumbia or Franklin? Or are you truly willing to be the red headed stepchild of Columbia that Spring Hill residents are so adamantly opposed to being. I think the Williamson County Commission turnout in favor of the hospital displayed what the truth of the matter is. Most of you like the idea of getting a hospital as long as you don't have to do anything. Michael Glass, Peter Jenkins, and the others, except the preacher man who hides behind the tag anonymous on this site, should be commended. After all this is all over, another issue will come along, and Michael, Peter, and I will probably be on the same page. Why? Because we don't let others make decisions for us, we actively try to be involved in government, not just involved on a site where we can post anonymously and attack each other. It is sad to see that Michael site has been polluted by this name calling nonsense rather than a debate of the issues. Michael thanks for you attempt at trying to create a forum for debate. I am sorry that others do not have the integrity you do. While I disagree with many of your posts, you are at least out there doing research and trying to be informed rather than using the "I know you are but what am I" argument. Thanks again Michael, see you at the next hot topic. CA

Anonymous said...

Hey chandler,

Define full service?

Anonymous said...

anyone know anything about copyright laws?

Anonymous said...

So here I am reading all of these posts for the first time, and thought I might jump in:

First, though I am posting anonymously, I will say a bit about myself: I am a resident of Spring Hill (with the correct addressing and ZIP code), I do work for one of the hospitals in opposition of the Spring Hill Hospital, I have worked in the HCA system. And, finally, I am opposed to the hospital as it is proposed.

Now, here is my take, without personal attacks. I think Spring Hill wants a hospital, I do not think we need a hospital.

I attended the HCA rally at the UAW hall, and listened to a lot of testimonies from people who feel a closer hospital would have helped themselves or those they cared for and lost. They truly believe that a closer hospital would have been the difference. What would really help in those situations would be better emergency medical services, an area that could be more easily and quickly rectified. Almost all the testimonies had the same undertone; the ambulance took to long to respond...not the hospital was too far away (I was there, and anyone there can reflect on what was said that night, and I believe I would be found to be accurate with this statement).

Now, to directly address the hospital proposal. Having worked for HCA, and not having left a bitter employee, I can say, without prejudice, I do not believe HCA is the best hospital system for small community hospitals. That is my subjective belief, and I will back it with no facts. Because it is an HCA proposal for a community hospital, I am opposed.

Also, I get an uneasy feeling about the way the hospital proposal came about. The Mayor has stated he invited HCA (Tri-Star) to propose a hospital (once again, I was there when he spoke on the subject). He mentioned nothing of others that were invited to do the same. I do not know if there were others invited. I would like to know. And, if others were invited, what were their proposals? If not, then it is just bad business to place all trust with one entity. Once again, it is my subjective belief that, whether others were invited or not, HCA was chosen because, unlike most not for profit (or non-profit) hospital systems in our area, HCA would have to pay taxes...possibly big taxes. That would be a plus for the city's budget.

As I have said, these are just opinions of mine, not supported by facts (exepting where I have emphasized first hand knowledge). You have every right to disagree with these opinions, and I will reserve my right to disagree with opinions that are contrary to my way of thinking.

In the end, something will happen, and when it does...some will be happy, and pat each other on the back...and others...well, we all handle it different, don't we?

Anonymous said...

A for-profit hospital was approached because realistically neither of the 2 not-for-profit hospitals will not build a full service local hospital in Spring Hill. It is well known in our community that Maury Regional investigated the possibility of building their own facility last year and declined. Williamson Medical has already promised Thompson's Station that the farthest south that they would look for a facility is 840.


Anonymous said...

And neither will HCA. Full service, huh?

Anonymous said...

Tuesday, 06/20/06

Book will honor caring doctors, nurses and staff

To the Editor:

In January, I went to a walk-in clinic in Williamson County due to a walnut-size lump that appeared rather suddenly in my breast.

Visit for an instant, line-by-line rate quote. In just minutes, see how much you could save on car insurance.

I was not alarmed because I'd had a swollen lymph node in my neck months earlier that I was told was probably due to an infection of some kind in my system. I expected to hear the same thing on this day and possibly leave the clinic with a prescription for antibiotics. Instead, the alert folks at the clinic sent me directly to Williamson Medical Center.

I was immediately worked in for a mammogram by the caring and supportive staff. This was my first mammogram ever due to the fact that I had just turned 40 and was not considered at high risk for breast cancer. The mammogram results were suspicious and I was offered the opportunity to immediately have a needle biopsy performed on the lump. I was by myself, stressed about the toddler I would soon need to pick up from Mother's Day Out and having trouble reaching my husband. I'll never forget the nurse who held my hand that day as I cried, or the doctor who took great care in performing the biopsy, concerned about leaving the least amount of bruising possible. Soon I learned I had Stage 3 breast cancer. My life has changed a lot in the last few months. Fortunately, my prognosis is good.

I'd like to honor and recognize Williamson Medical Center and Vanderbilt Walk-in Clinic by donating a book in their honor to the Williamson County Public Library through a new Web site at

To Claudia, Claudia and my other brother Claudia (yes, there were two other Claudias at WMC and they even made me laugh!) and Dr. Michael Leutt, thank you for caring so much about someone you didn't even know. You are a few of the many people who have reached out to me and my family during this difficult time. We thank God to be part of such a special community of people!

Claudia Wadzinski

Franklin 37069

Anonymous said...

Hey Chandler,



Anonymous said...

Columbia is a dying town.

Anonymous said...

Not for profit hospitals are an oxy-moron. They have so much money stashed away.

Anonymous said...

If Chandler tries to be involved in government as he stated June 18 on this blog, then why was he never seen or heard from until now? How can he even begin to act like he knows anything about "government" when he does not even understand that a candidate cannot just run for office and NOT live in the city! I hope I never have to be subjected to his so- called "knowledge"

Anonymous said...

I would guess that Chandler knows as much about government than you do about medicine. Chandler also has been involved in many local issues, which you may not have heard of because they did not affect the yuppies. He fought a local county school system who was allowing children to be abused by a bus driver, he also fought for fair pricing and quality service at a local automobile delaership (leading to one of the most dramatic displays of corporate corruption), he also has long been an advocate for the rights of children and single parents. So before you generalize that he has not been in politics, maybe you should realize that there is a world outside of Spring Hill. Also he is very aware that a candidate cannot run for office and not reside in the city, thus his questioning about Leverette, because it depends on which map you look at as to whether he lives in Spring Hill or not. I wish you all knew Chandler half as well as you think you do. I have known him for almost ten years, and if anything he is knowledgeable and very compassionate about what he feels is right. If you all were half as motivated to fight for what you think is right as his is, you would be having PUBLIC debates rather than on some silly webiste, that is so creative they stole their logo from Gorilla Glue.

Anonymous said...

How come I see a Maury RH, ambulance going to Nashville on I-65. According to Chandler, there should be no need to go anywhere but MRH.

Anonymous said...

I went to nursing school with Chandler. I graduated with him, worked with him at MRH. Maybe he has a few good points. But, I also work for a large hospital in Nashville where we do full service. I also work for the other large one just across the street where we also do full service (and its parent company is trying to build this new hospital). I say, "Bring it on!" Competition and choices are good. I pass three hospitals on my way to work in Nashville (I live in Columbia).

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