Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Great Start to the Week!

Well, thank you for all of those that were able to assist in the many things going on in this city the past few days!

** First of all, the petition drive last weekend added another couple thousand signatures bringing the drive totals to around 4,000 so far. That is a pretty nice start, especially considering that we still have a month to work. Do not stop working until the day after the CON hearing (that would be July 27th for those that are counting)

** Re-apportionment passed the first reading last evening at the BOMA with an 8-0 vote (Jonathan Duda was absent). Fantastic news!!! Again, we appreciate all of the hard work many months ago bringing this about. As the mayor always says "It is a great day to be living in the City of Spring Hill." It is only getting better so keep paying attention.

** Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce passed a resolution supporting the Spring Hill Hospital, adding to the fight another resolution and fist full of support letters.


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