Thursday, June 22, 2006


What a time to drop a lawsuit Charlie...

Williamson Herald: Mayor and Aldermanic terms challenged in suit.

I know that sometimes this site gets accused of "beating a dead horse," but come on Charlie, please put down the stick. If my memory serves me correctly Danny Leverette won the election by a margin of 828-437, almost 2-1 over runner-up candidate Charlie Schoenbrodt, who is now filing a lawsuit. I also remember the Board of Mayor and Aldermen dealing with this subject of 2 years v. 4 years a few months ago and decided that even if paperwork was filed today it would not affect the 2007 election. So Charlie, why the lawsuit now? And why file the lawsuit to reduce Aldermen terms when they were never in question?

Having said ALL of that, is there anyone that would want to take on Mr. Leverette right now (other than Cindy Williams)? I would suspect that the winning margin would only increase if an election were held tomorrow. So again Charlie, why would you spend your money and the city's in a lawsuit that has little chance to proceed by the 2007 election, not to mention that Mr. Leverette is stronger now than he ever was in 2005?

Lots of confusion in this move for me...unless someone else is pushing this behind the scenes? Surely not...


Anonymous said...

This does not make any sense. An uncharacteristicly selfish move for Charlie, surely he sees that the financers of these high class and high $ lawyers are just using his neck to rehash their dead issue.

Follow the $$$.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of people who would take on Leverette. However most people are to stupid to understand why he is not fit for office. Why don't you yuppies who have only been in town for 2 or 3 years shut your mouths.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Charlie, why don't youjust go away and let the few rule the city and make decisions that impact many? Why don't you not question Leverette and just take anything he throws at us, like a 800% raise. Charlie, thanks for standing up for what is right, even though people like this Gorilla person want you to just go away because you ask questions that they havea hard time answering.. You can tell when someone is caught doing wrong, they don't try to fight it, they just say please go away. You can also tell when someone is getting desperate, they start petitioning people in the streets. Charlie, good job,and you are demonstrating the ethics and integrity that this city needs right now.

Gorilla in the Corner said...

You know, I actually have no problem with Charlie, but why exactly is he persuing this right now? If he wanted to challenge this, why not right after the election? And why is he including the Aldermen in the equasion? It just makes no sense.

I have only known Charlie a year or so, but he has never struck me as being rash or impulsive. This really does sound strange to me, and I truly do not understand his motives.

Anon. @ 20:32, I will post a few facts about aldermen pay and we can all debate that one if you like. I think that you will find that our Aldermen have been underpaid for a few years now. As for asking question...that is probably the thing I most admire about Charlie. Ask questions and get involved.

As for Anon @ 20:17
We can also go ahead and make everyone that is currently coming into this city feel unwelcome if you like. I think that will really bring this city together and form a real community. Let's just run all of the "yuppies" out of town on a rail.

I apologize, STUPIDITY annoys me.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to people who served in office because they wanted to serve? Why do they have to get paid? Also shouldn't the public have the right to choose whether the aldermen and mayor get a raise? Maybe Charlie is tired of all the nonsense, like Leverette getting free health insurance, while city employees do not, or maybe the fact that Leverette is able to choose how long he wants to be in office. Gorilla, are you on the mayor's payroll? What are you getting for free?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how I can get one of the Spring Hill Unite yard signs?

Anonymous said...

Personally I hope he wins the suit. Change wouldn't hurt town hall a bit. Maybe a new road would be built connecting saturn parkway to 840, maybe a few acres would be set aside from development for green space, maybe we could build the infrastructure before we built the townhouses...

Anonymous said...

I hope he wins as well. Then maybe the butt kissers like Duda and the others will be tossed to. Cindy Williams should be mayor,because she is the only one with sense out there. BOOOOOOOO to Leverette and his cronies.

Gorilla in the Corner said...

Anon @ 21:51

Send and email to and we would be happy to get you a yard sign.

For all the others, if there is an election for every single spot on the BOMA, '07 could be a very interesting year. Be careful what you wish for... Jonathan Duda and Mayor Leverette will be the least of your worries.

Anonymous said...

What do those yard signs look like again?

Anonymous said...

i'm a 2 yr spring hill yuppie. last weekend i cleaned 2 really nice catfish. i like rooster fries. i pee in my back yard. yesterday i shot a mole in my yard with a rifle at 6:30am. i know where to get some really good shine.

however, you won't ever find a rebel flag on anything at my house, and you won't ever find nascar on my tv. i almost hope that's ok, but not really.

Anonymous said...

I always am amused, as well as irritated, when people who have lived in a community longer believe they have a lock on sound thinking and common sense.

The "old-timers" are the ones who fought AGAINST a fair reapportionment of the four wards and successfully fought having a historic commission, which would help preserve the very places they profess to love! Fortunately, the "old guard" came around and ultimately supported reapportionment, much to their credit.

Yet I think the old guard love the money that newcomers bring, but don't want to give up power. But the ground has moved and that day is drawing to a close.

Newcomers also love this city and want to see it at its best. So "old-timers": don't be snobby. Treat us with respect. We count on you to fill us in with the history of this place. We treasure so likewise to your new neighbors.

It isn't how long you live in a place that counts; it's how much you care about it.

Anonymous said...

What a load of crap. It is the whole this feels good and we feel this or that which has ruined our city. We feel that we need a hospital. we believe, we want. The truth is you all are a bunch of Northerners that couldn't hack it up North so you brought your carpetbagger tales down here to annoy us. You believe you are right and no one else matters. We were here long before you and we will be here long after you. We just can't wait until you leave. Maybe we can ship you out in one of the big boxes that you seem to love. We were just fine before you. Now because you think your opinion doesn't matter, you want to start fights with our surrounding communities. All you yuppies have managed to do is alienate Spring Hill from Columbia and Franklin. But that is what you want isn't it. You want your own area where you can feel important.

Anonymous said...

Wake up people! We have a few individuals with lots of money trying to control Spring Hill. It's about power, money, & control. Their focus is to regain control of Spring Hill to help ensure their power, money, & control continues to grow.

Check around the community, you can easily find out who they are or check the land records they are also quite telling.

anon. @ 18:59
The isolation of Spring Hill started long before the current administration and long before most of us moved in. The current administration is concerned with moving Spring Hill forward not "status quo".

Anonymous said...

Ummmmmmm, whom are the "we're" in this quote (Daily Herald) from Schoenbrodt?

“I just didn’t think it was right he should have a four-year term if he ran for a two-year term, and that’s what we’re trying to do,” Schoenbrodt said.

Could it be some of the individuals anon. @ 21:28 is speaking of?

Anonymous said...

the few people in Spring Hill with sense enough to get out of the rain

Anonymous said...

Northerners? That's funny...I'm from Texas.

Truth is...we are here, will remain here, will outpopulate you, and soon have a fair share of the responsibilities and control.

I think you want our money, just not any control or input. How selfish and short-sighted.

Goodbye old school.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the comments that do not support the hospital and that shed light on the people behind this sites real motives seem to get deleted. Chandler Anderson was right, censorship indeed.

Anonymous said...

LostPaddler said...

... maybe a few acres would be set aside from development for green space, maybe we could build the infrastructure before we built the townhouses...

YEAH, RIGHT! LIKE SCHOENBRODT WOULD LEAVE ANY GREEN SPACE REMEMBER HE VOTED FOR AUTOZONE. He is a loser, he lost when he ran for alderman under the "careful" eye of his beloved Ray Williams and again when he ran for Mayor. He is a sore loser and just wants Cindy Williams to be Mayor so just maybe she will appoint him to a board because he certainly can't win an election. And us yuppies will never allow a Cindy Williams to have contol over OUR city again!!

Anonymous said...

Question: How does a paper that has a deadline on Tuesday (the 20th), report a filing that occured on Wednesday (the 21st) in time for the Thursday issue?

Answer: Somebody REALLY wanted this story printed in a newspaper. Probably because the lawsuit is not worth the paper it is printed on.

Follow the $$$.

Anonymous said...

Get over it! Change is upon us and growing stronger everyday.

"Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future.”

"He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery." ~Harold Wilson

Anonymous said...

Baby Boomers
Generation Xers
Young executives

Call us what you will. We are still excited to see change for the good of the community. Brace yourself, there will be another 20,000+ moving to the area in the next few years and they will also expect "quality of life" not "the way it used to be".

Anonymous said...

And brace yourself for when your first big effort, this hospital, blows up in your face. Hopefully you will run off with your tails tucked as you are accustomed to doing.

Silverback said...

Come on folks, can we get past the name calling and stick to the issues?

Anonymous said...

I think the vote in question was for a B4 zoning request, which was going to be a medical complex that subsequently fell through. Due to the existing zoning of B4 - when the funding fell through the BOMA had no choice but to approve another business which is within the B4 category (autozone). Once you zone it you can't cherry pick who or what comes into that.

Greenspace support, perhaps you should take a look at the plans for the subdivision located behind where lowe's is going in (I think it was called autumn ridge but I might be mistaken on that). There is a buffer zone along McCutcheon creek (a TN 303d listed endangered stream) that will have walking space and existing trees will remain... sounds green to me.

Anonymous said...

It is true that the Council vote to have the mayor serve a 2yr term was under the administration of the late Mayor Ray Williams, but one of the alderman who voted for the change and ran a campaign for a 2yr term was Mayor Leverette.

Irregardless of what may of happened to cause the procedures to not be followed in regard to the filing of the paperwork with the State of Tn., why can't Mr. Leverette do the honorable thing.

Mr. Leverette ran for a 2yr term. If he and his supporters believe that he has done such a great job, electing him to a new term should be no problem. Is he concerned that he could not win another term?

Mayor Leverette could save the City of Spring Hill a lot of expense and hard feelings among it's citizens if he would do the honorable thing and admit that he ran for a 2yr term and stick to it. His refusal to do so makes him appear to be affraid. Is he like a boxer who has won the championship who refuses to allow anyone else a match because he may be beat?

Anonymous said...

Alderman Duda gave me a good analogy about this whole thing. If the city voted to change the speed limit all throughout the city to 80, then posted signs that the speed limit is 80, could a state trooper pull somebody over on highway 31 for doing 75?

Obviously the answer is yes because the city doesn't have the authority to change the speed limit to 80. Same thing with the mayor term, the city can't just change state law.

Anonymous said...

anon. @ 15:29

Be honorable yourself if you wish to associate with honorable people.

Welsh Proverb

Anonymous said...

anon. @ 15:29

I see an honorable boxer (Mayor Leverette) standing in the ring and taking many shots "below the belt" for what he envisions and believes in such as:

A Hospital
An Ambulance Service
Comprehensive City Growth Plan
A walkable (sidewalks) community
Adaquate pay for the Alderman
Quality developments (residential & commercial)
Parks & Recreation
Walking Trails
Larger residential lots
Economic development

.........just to name a few.

By all indications, after speaking with the Mayor, he has every intention of going 18 rounds or more if needed. Mayor keep your chin up and certainly watch your back.

Anonymous said...

The lawsuit that was filed does not state or imply that Mayor Leverette has or has not done a good job during his term of office. The lawsuit is based upon one simple item. Did Mayor Leverette and Charles run for a 2yr term? I believe that the simple solution would be that Mayor Leverette ran for a 2yr term and was elected to serve a 2yr term. The City of Spring Hill will have to have an election for the aldermen anyway. Mayor Leverette could do the honorable thing. He could state that he knows there was some confusion as to whether the City had the authority to act as it did. since there was confusion and to resolve it, since he had run for a 2yr term he would stick to a 2yr term.

As to whether Spring Hill did or did not have the authority to change the term of office, this could have been resolved by the State of Tn. or the courts if the filing had been done. The opinion of the Attorney General is just an opinion, and would still be left to the courts for reveiw.

Anonymous said...

I see a boxer as well. I see a man that is against the ropes because of some of his decisions. Now he is faced with the decision as to whether he should stay on the ropes and take a chance that he may win by points because he did well in the earlier rounds and maybe no one noticed his truly lackluster performance in the latter rounds, or does he come out and take a chance at being knocked out by a fan favorite boxer, not to mention a girl. I guess Rope a Dope has been changed to Dope on a Rope.

He skates the truth like a butterfly cause it stings like a bee.

Gorilla in the Corner said...

Although Cindy Williams is in fact a woman, I think that it would be a HUGE stretch to call her a "fan favorite." I think she would be a favorite in about 5-10% of the city. Too bad 5-10% does not win elections.

It is a good thing for her that she will get the opportunity to wait until 2009 because she has some serious ground to gain in order to take on ANY opponent, much less Mr. Leverette.

Anonymous said...

It sure is nice that she is helping to finance this lawsuit for Charlie. Nothing like making the city set aside additional funding to fight a lawsuit.

I am sure that will probably be forgotten by 2009 don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Several thousand dollars spent by a millionaire to regain power and control is a good investment. Once again, it is about power, money, and control to certain people. Developers have helped some people become very wealthy and they are BANKING on the system again.

It's not about Spring Hill it's selfish motives and they will use people in order to acheive the objective. It's unfortunate that those individuals allow themselves to be used. Eventually, they will realize what's happening or they will be pulling themselves out from underneath the bus they've been thrown under.

Anonymous said...

I do not know where the rumor started that Cindy Williams was the money behind the lawsuit, but I can insure you that the information is wrong.

Cindy may believe that the current mayor should only serve a two year term, but she has not financed the lawsuit.

Cindy and the late Mayor Williams had done a great job with their investments prior to Ray's death, and Cindy continues to do a good job now. Are people faulting her for being successful?

Why do people believe that Charlie could not pay for this lawsuit himself?

Silverback said...

Hearing set in suit against mayor, aldermen

" Sept. 22 hearing has been set in Maury County Chancery Court on a motion to dismiss a lawsuit brought by a Spring Hill resident who claims those elected in an April 2005 Spring Hill municipal election should serve the two-year term on the ballot despite a mix up which will allow them to serve four years."

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