Monday, August 14, 2006

Goals Re-visited

Now is a great time to reflect on a post from the past.

Being the Mayor of Spring Hill seems to be a pretty thankless job sometimes (especially in the Columbia nursing community!) Today is the day to give a nice big pat on the back to our current mayor and reflect on a letter he sent back in December to this site. I have personally had several disagreements with Mr. Leverette in the past, but they seem to be becoming far less frequent lately. There are very few people that could have accomplished this much at this point in their first term, and for that you deserve a HUGE pat on the back!

Let's go to the letter and look at the progress made in this city...

(Mr. Leverette in blue, added comments in red)

Thank you for sending it to me. I am not a fan of anonymous websites. It is easy for individuals to jab and run.

I encourage citizens to attend all meetings of their local government. It is easy for individuals to criticize a leader. After all we make ourselves an easy target by stepping up to the plate. It is hard to respond without giving the impression of defending myself by I will attempt. I have been in office approx. 9 months. I follow an administration of six years. The landslide victory the citizens gave me clearly indicates their belief of and share in the direction I feel we need to take this great city. Change does not happen over night. Yes, I could draw lines in the sand and take the approach of all out war. But what does that accomplish? A leader pulls all together. In fact, while some say I am not accomplishing the items on ran on, would they also say he has created division and therefore another item (Create a sense of Community for All of Spring Hill) of my goals has not been accomplished. You get the picture.

The below is what I stood for during my election and a slice of what has been accomplished since.

Recreation/Parks for all Citizens
1. Hired a parks and recreation director.
2. Partnered with Williamson County to build a Recreation Facility.
3. Requiring developer to set aside easements in their developments along creek banks for walking trails (many developers have since included walking trails within their developments).
4. Park on Hwy 31 will soon be under construction
5. Skate park will be going out for bid soon.
6. Developers are offering up more land for parks within their communities and/or for public use.

* Add to that possible new schools and a YMCA on the southeast side of town!
* Another new 22 acre park on Port Royal Rd. Should include soccer filds, baseball, etc.

Improve City Infrastructure
1. Wastewater plant expansion to 5 million gallons is at the state.
2. A signed contract with TDOT for the re-construction of Duplex road has been sent to TDOT.

* Duplex Rd. has now been added to the TIP Sheet and is now possible in the near future.
3. A new wastewater trunk line is in the planning stages for serving the eastside of I-65.
4. Many other infrastructure improvements are being made.

* Adding HCA and increased commercial development gives the city more leverage to push the state to improve more roads and possibly widen interstates.
* There are 2 new sewer trunk lines already appropriated by the city to continue responsibly epanding the city. Should be under construction fairly soon.

Increase Community/Government Interaction
1. More citizens are attending meetings as the blog indicates.
* I think this community has come together more in the past 6 mo. than in any other time in our history. This is a great start!
* Re-apportionment gives another great opportunity for a greater percentage of the community to become involved.

* Has anyone noticed that a petition drive now comes up for just about every happening in the city? This shows that people are being stirred to get involved.

Define a Master Land Use Plan
1. Currently in the investigation/development stages. A solid plan takes months to implement.

* City assessment is starting to come to a conclusion.
* Planning Commission joins the same page more and more every day (compliments to all commissioners, esp. Chairman Bruce Hull)
* Overall a very good direction has been taken on this issue in the past few months, and I see great progress being made!

Increased Business Growth
1. Locally owned businesses, Home Depot, Lowes, Publix, etc. speak for itself.
2. Many other great announcements to come in the very near future.

* Hospital
* Many Many more to follow!

Create a sense of Community for All of Spring Hill
1. The toughest obstacle to overcome. However, I’m remain optimistic.
2. City Flag, Seal, & Emblem have been adopted.

* Hospital has done more to bring this city together than any other issue.
* Re-apportionment has added greatly to the future of this city coming together.
* Negotiated improved ambulance service regardless of the provider (which will be decided this month)

Conservative and Wise use of Citizens Tax Dollars
1. Tax Payer Bill of Rights
* Increase Impact fees to allow for development to help with city improvements, keeping taxes low.
* Improved communication on the planning commission causing new developments to improve roads and services as we go, keeping taxes low.
* Allowing HCA to provide hospital sersubsidized subsidise ambulance service. (Keeping taxes low and vastly improving service to the citizens)
* Bringing in businesses with HUGE "coat tails" to further develop and stabalize growth.

Continued "Common Sense Decision Making"
1. I stand on that statement weeky!

* This is the area that Mr. Leverette has most improved...Making Decisions for himself and leading. I was most worried 9 months ago that maybe the Mayor was not the one driving the ship. I am now convinced that the mayor is taking more control of the "ship" by the day! I am most pleased with this development.

Other items:
The sign ordinance has been and continues to be modified for the aesthetics of our community (something I believe in strongly).
We have limited the density of subdivisions.
The planning commission no longer gives rubber stamps.
Commercial developments are being required to increase their aesthetics (brick, landscaping etc.)
We are requiring more data be presented to the planning commission for better informed decisions.
* Much more to come hopefully

There are others I will not take your time with. The City of Spring Hill is changing and that is what I wanted. I am, as I knew I would be, in office at this very critical time of our history. I am up to the task and will continue pointing that ship into the wind, with or without the blogs.

I do appreciate your sending me this e-mail.

Please continue to let me know your concerns and thoughts. As I said during my campaign, I believe in team work.


Danny M. Leverette
Mayor Spring Hill


Anonymous said...

Danny should be our mayor for life after reading all this.

I knew he was doing a great job but seeing it all in print makes his light shine even brighter.

No one has a snowballs chance in hell of beating him in an election.

Anonymous said...

I noticed in this posting the originator of the post created an anonymous name. LOL These anonymous cowards want us to fall to our knees, and actually listen to the sewage they spew when all they need to do is click out of this Web site if they don't care. To date I have never posted in an anti HCA comment in a discussion board or forum. I don't like what those people do, but I respect the fact that it is their business and they will pay the cost of their actions.

The anonymous posters are some of the most disrespectful and unconcerned people I know of. They almost always post incorrect information, and then smack people around telling them they are ignorant.

There is one positive about the anonymous posters that we should all be happy about. Anonymous posters are cowards, and we obviously are doing a fantastic job or they would not keep coming in.

There was an anonymous poster in here last year that attacked me, and I know exactly who he was. LOL My memory is excellent, and will I ever have fun with him when the time is right. I'm waiting to catch him in a public meeting, so I can embarrass him. He knows what I'm capable of, and that is why he never confronts me directly.

Then I had another man a few year's ago tell a friend of mine that he said he was going to deck me when he saw me again over my HCA views, but he wasn't to tell me about it. Naturally he doesn't care for me. LOL To make a long story short I gave the man the opportunity to deck me. When I confronted him about his threats to deck me he started shaking, and got away from me as fast as possible. To date I have heard nothing else from him.

It's nice to have some amusement and entertainment in here working on such serious and unhappy matters. The anonymous posters are laughable, and they provide us all with opportunities to make their claims look ludicrous.

Anonymous said...

Hey ca,

now you are an anon poster, trashing the anon posters.

you and your EMS friends are so obvious.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon 2050

If you don't have the guts to sign your name and stand behind your opinion while engaged in thoughtful conversation, it's a waste of our time to bother reading it (not to mention a disgrace to America's forefathers who risked slaughterous executions by British troops for speaking out in favor of freedom of speech precisely because they attached their names/reputations to their opinions!).

Anonymous said...

Boo-hoo. Let's all feel sorry for big mouth Chandler.

Wonder why he has such a grudge against HCA TriStar?

Only Chandler knows!

Anonymous said...

Again, what an adult!!! It seems to me that each time you have to use juvenile statements such as that, it only solidifies Chandler's points.

Anonymous said...

Good morning all. I am having a smoke and a cup of coffee and thinking about last nights work session. It was good to sit there and hear both proposals with my own ears.

Before we get back to that I am wondering What am I so obvious about?

"you and your EMS friends are so obvious"

Now back to the important things. There were two good proposals put forth last night. Here are somes FACTS from both.

First WMC
- Spring Hill will not be charged anything to provide the service. There will also not be charges in the future to continue the service. The comment was even made that the citizens already pay county taxes for ems service and it would not be right to bill the city.
- The contract is for three years with automatic renewal.
- A new ems unit will be placed in the city limits. The exsisting units in Thompson Station and Neopolis will be cordinated with dispatch and gps so that the closest unit will always respond. The county line will no longer be a factor. It was shown that with these three trucks the city will be inside an 8 minute response time under non emergency conditions.
- The fire dept will continue to operate at the EMT level with the full support of WMC.
- The new unit will not make convelescent runs. MRH is under new direction and they are looking at new ways to handle convelescent calls that will not effect emergency response. These are just a few of the highlights.

Now R/M
- They will place two ems units in Spring Hill. They will both be als units of one EMT and one Paramedic.
- The term of the contract is for three years. R/M will charge nothing for the first three years. HCA will pay the cost for three years. At the end of three years HCA will stop paying. At the end of the contract Spring Hill will have to negotiate to renew the contract for one year periods. Spring Hill will then have to pay the cost of the serive.
- The only commitment R/M made to the fire dept was to replace used equipment on a one for one basis.
- During the first three years the units will not make convelescent calls.

So what does all this mean? Wmc will charge nothing now or in the future for the service. HCA will pay for three years then Spring Hill will have to pay after that. R/M would not publicly say what HCA is paying. They were asked by an alderman what the projected cost in three years would be. They would not answer in the meeting but would provide the numbers in private in 72 hours. My sources say the cost now is about $700,000. So in three years the citizens can expect to pay at least this to keep R/M.
WMC will not run convelescent runs. The new units will not make convelescent runs. MRH is evaluating how to change convelescent runs. R/M will not make convelescent runs for three years. THe people from R/M did say that in three years there be convelescent runs from the new hospital and that R/M running these calls would be a way to offset the charges to the city for emergency care. They are true to their word. They use emergency services to gain convelescent runs in an area.

One of the arguments I have heard over and over is the city not having to pay for the service. The only service that will not ever charge the city is WMC. R/M is like buying a car with no payments for three years. You will eventualy have to pay the bill as one of the alderman pointed out.

Just some things to think about. Now I need a fresh cup of coffee and a smoke.

be safe all
ole fire fighter

Anonymous said...

Hey, I've got a goal that many of us can relate to.
with all the growth in Spring Hill.. which is great!
Let's be prepared first and do something to help the hardworking folks who have to venture out every morning and evening most of us going to earn that $$$.
The Traffic on 31 North and 65 North is Atrocious and getting worse everyday.
Everyone in goverment seems so focused on getting all of these ammenties and buisnesses which adds growth But.. our road infastructor SUCKS!!!
I work in Brentwood.
to get north in the morning or south in the evening on time is a act of God.
I know that i am not alone in this plight.
31 North is not equipped to handle the volume it has Nor, is 65 North.
What in the *#*# was thinking when the did not continue 65 N @ 840/ peytonsville rd./ or, hwy 96/65 S bound as 3lanes... its a Nightmare !!!
There does not seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel.
But Hey ,Nissian's coming and we are getting a Hospital !


Gorilla in the Corner said...

Hey Firefighter,

I am glad that you had the opportunity to see the presentations last night. Send me over an email because I have a few questions for you.


Anonymous said...

ol'fire fighter,

I am one who has not agreed with you in the past but I want to thank you for your excellent post explaining the EMS service options we now face.

Hope your coffee was a good one. Do us a favor and cut down on the smokes, we want to keep you around.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, HWY 31 is a state road and is out of the control of Spring Hill's local government.

Anonymous said...

So then .. We just add more buisness and development.. to a already very bad situation...
I am not against whats going on in Spring Hill.. I love not having to drive to Cool Springs.
But if we are gonna go after all of this devoplment and encourage it.
we should be able to handle the volume that comes along with it.
P*** Poor planning .. If you ask me and alot of other people.

Anonymous said...

Hello Rhonda

I could not agree with you more. Driving around here sucks. I am originaly from Washington DC and traffic was bad but we had real public transportation. You were a fool if you did not take the subway. We need real public transportation. The roads are not just a pain but I consider some of them to be public safety hazards. We call some of them job security (sad but true). I shake my head every day that there are not more serious accidents. Part of the problem is that many of the roads are state roads and there is little that local govt can do. I will say this, I know for a fact that Spring Hill is doing all it can to push TDOT to move forward. We are stuck by the state wish list for foad work. We need to lobby TDOT to get a move on and fix these roads!!

be safe all
ole fire fighter

Anonymous said...

Amen! ole fire fighter !
I couldnt agree more.
Im originally from New Orleans ..
So i know albout big city congestion
I have always had family in Spring Hill so i remember what it used to be like many years ago.
I love Spring Hill.. My Mother's born and raised here .. we have always loved it here.. its a great place to live .... but it sure could get better...I hope things change soon.

Anonymous said...

Many understand your traffic concerns completely. Let me ask you this.. how do you tell Farmer "Jones" ...I know you have 20 acres here on 31 HWY that you have paid for with hard work and now here comes an offer of $200,000 an acre from a commercial business but we just can't let you do what you want to do with your land because we have too much traffic, sorry go home and wait until 2017 when TDOT decides to do something about HWY 31. I know you see my point here. City officials cannot tell people "no" you can't build that here but they can say ok if you are going to build it here we require it to look like this. Also, the new developments coming in the feeder roads and infrastucture are being heavily looked at before approval. Unfortunately, HWY 31 is what it is for now.
Too bad for us, huh? But we must be considerate of those landowners that have a right to develop their property if that is what they wish to do. Who knows your Mother may sell her land one day if the right offer comes along...

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