Thursday, April 05, 2007

Small Victory for Spring Hill Hospital

Chalk one up as a small victory for Spring Hill Hospital. Today, an Administrative Law Judge issued an order DENYING the request for Summary Judgement that Williamson Medical Center and Maury Regional Hospital had requested and argued yesterday. According to a source who was at the hearing, WMC and MRH attorneys had argued that the Certificate of Need issued by the HSDA last July should be REVOKED because the Certificate of Need Application contained errors and was DELIBRATELY MISLEADING.

Attorneys for both hospitals claimed that the need was exaggerated because outpatient migration was not taken into consideration, while HCA and HSDA attorneys presented evidence that everybody knew that outpatient migration was not included in the population projections.

The Summary Judgment request was a move made by WMC and MRH to SIDESTEP the appeals process. It appears that the appeal will move forward beginning April 11th through April 24th in a courtroom on the sixth floor of the Davidson County Courthouse, for those that are interested.


Anonymous said...

I guess I'll post this and duck... The oft repeated story is that Mayor Leverette and Ken York approached HCA/Tri-Star and asked them to build a hospital here. Taking that at face value, I have to ask what criteria was used to "select" HCA/Tri-Star as the chosen entity to build a hospital for Spring Hill. Why them? What's in it for Spring Hill? Let's be honest... HCA, like ALL private healthcare providers is in the business to make money. Logic would dictate that other providers just might want a shot at that chunk of change and may be willing to do more for our city to get it. If the Mayor and Mr. York's object was to provide accessibility to healthcare for the good citizens of Spring Hill, this was quite a jump down the decision making tree. (from "we need healthcare" to "HCA is building a hospital", all in one easy jump?) When did we have the open casting call for all healthcare providers? When did we have a request for proposals? When did we have an open review of all competing proposals on the way to a decision? In my opinion, HCA is the real winner here.

Silverback said...

Keep talking in circles...

Do you think WMC will appeal the Psychiatric Solutions CON? After all, don't they have a 'duty' and 'obligation'?

Anonymous said...

One advantage of a "for profit" hospital operation like HCA is Spring Hill will be collecting revenues instead of spending revenues.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny what a difference a few months makes? Just a few months ago a certain employee from WMC was all over the blogs arguing why the Spring Hill Hospital was a bad idea. The below memo went out to all WMC employees lately regarding posting on blogs.

The following is a new policy regarding Web Logs, Chat Rooms, etc. This policy can be found on the WMC Inside page/policies/hospital policies/employee handbook/work rules.

If you need assistance locating a specific Employee Handbook policy contact any member of the Human Resources Department.

Topic: Standard of Conduct

Title: Web Logs ( Blog ), Chat Rooms and Personal Web Sites

Policy No: HR.2.18B

Posting information on web logs, chat room sites and personal Web sites is becoming a common practice for many people. Because information posted in this manner is posted publicly and potentially available worldwide, and since the posting of certain information could affect Williamson Medical Center patients, employees, and/or business interests, employees engaging in these, or any other form of internet posting or communication (all of which will be referred to for purposes of this policy as blogging), must comply with this policy in addition to the general policies regarding the use of the Hospital’s computer and internet systems. This policy applies even if the blogging is done using computer hardware and/or software that are not the property of WMC.

Blogging is restricted to personal time and is not permitted to be done using any of the hospital’s systems. It is a violation of Hospital policy to suggest that the views, opinions, ideas, or information presented on a blog belong to or are attributable to WMC, its employees, supervisors, managers, or directors.

Employees are strictly prohibited from disclosing Hospital, patient, or employee confidential information by any means, including blogs. Matters involving employee discipline, complaints regarding other employees or patients, or on-going investigations are not to be posted in any manner. WMC policies provide for appropriate means of communicating such concerns in a manner that will protect employee privacy and avoid disruption of the workplace. All employees are expected to follow those channels of communication.

Blogs are not to disclose information that could damage the reputation of WMC, its patients, employees, supervisors, managers, or directors. Blogs are not to contain information in any manner that violates any federal, state, or local laws, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), discrimination or harassment laws, privacy laws, laws concerning the intentional or negligent infliction of emotional distress, or defamation laws.

Blogs are not permitted to use any photograph, logo, business term, or any other means that would appear to be sanctioned by, or an official site of WMC.

As with any other use of any computer resources, your participation in a blog must not violate the Hospital’s Code of Conduct, personnel policies, or any other policy prohibiting unlawful harassment or otherwise regarding equal employment opportunity or the privacy rights of other employees of the Hospital.

The violation of this policy is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

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