Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Tuesday, May 2nd is the Williamson County Republican Primary Election.

Polls for Spring Hill residents are located at Heritage Elementary School and are open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

Indications from early voting are that voter turnout from District 3 has been relatively low. Please take a moment to vote if you have not already.

Below is Some information on the District 3 County Commissioners that you might find helpful:

Dustin L. Dunbar
1749 Witt Way Drive
Spring Hill, TN 37174
Email: dustin@dustindunbar.com
Website: www.dustindunbar.com
Questionnaire Response: Response Received

Judy Hayes*
1775 Popes Chapel Rd
Thompson's Station, TN 37179
Questionnaire Response: Response Received

Robert L. Hood Jr. (Independent)
8800 Horton Hwy
College Grove, TN 37046
Questionnaire Response: No Response Received

Clyde Lynch*
6435 Eudailey Covington Road
College Grove, TN 37046
Questionnaire Response: No Response Received

P. J. Mezera
2171 Loudenslager Drive
Thompson's Station, TN 37179
Email: PJMezera@bellsouth.net
Website: www.pjmezera.com
Questionnaire Response: Response Received

* - Incumbent

The results of the May 2nd Primary Election will determine the 2 Republican Candidates that will appear on the General Election Ballot in August along with the Independent Candidate.

I look forward to seeing all of you at the polls. Bring a neighbor!

After you vote, come back and vote in our Exit Poll ===>>


Silverback said...

Early Voting Results:

Dustin Dunbar - 154
Judy Hayes - 356
Clyde Lynch - 314
P.J. Mazera - 106

Gorilla in the Corner said...

I heard that the voting was very light today.
I am not sure if there are enough votes cast today for Mr. Dunbar and Mezera to overcome that lead?

Silverback said...

9 of 10 Precincts

Dustin Dunbar - 509
Judy Hayes - 1,047
Clyde Lynch - 883
P.J. Mezera - 487

Silverback said...

It's official:

Dustin Dunbar - 532
Judy Hayes - 1,231
Clyde Lynch - 1,099
P.J. Mezera - 515

All Results in The Tennessean

Congratulations to our incumbents, Clyde and Judy!

Anonymous said...

I would also like to extend my congratulations to Clyde and Judy. No one can deny that you motivated more supporters than PJ could. I commend you for the qualities in your lives that have moved people in this county to such long time love and support.

I honor you both and look forward to working with you as an involved citizen to make our district the best it can be.


Tammy Mezera
on behalf of our family
(since I am the only one who likes blogs)

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