Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Issues - Election 2007

Issues relating to the Alderman Election of 2007

Ward 1 Alderman
Ron DeFrancisco - Campaign Website
3408 Titleist Dr - Spring Hill 615-302-4002 Email
Tennessean Questionnaire Response
Williamson Herald Questionnaire Response

$$ Campaign Finances - Spent: $1,793.16
Disclosure of where the money came from and where it is spent

Michael Dinwiddie
3315 Haynes Dr - Spring Hill 615-302-3483 Email
Tennessean Questionnaire Response
Williamson Herald Questionnaire Response

$$ Campaign Finances - Spent: $929.80
Disclosure of where the money came from and where it is spent

Brandon McCulloch (Incumbant)
308 Winding Creek Dr - Spring Hill 931-486-0845 Email
Tennessean Questionnaire Response
Williamson Herald Questionnaire Response

$$ Campaign Finances
No Campaign Financial Information Filed (Not required if less than $1,000)

Voting Record on Specific Issues

Issue 1: Vote To NOT Reapportion Wards
Motion from the bench - February 2004 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 2: Vote To NOT Widen Buckner Road and to Also Not Install Sidewalks
Motion from the bench - February 2004
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 3: Raise Impact Fee .50 Paid on New Development
Ordinance 05-51 - 5/16/2005 (Comments)
Vote: No
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 4: Require Planning Commission Requirements To First Be Approved By BOMA
Ordinance 05-51 - 12-19-2005 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 5: Eliminate Subdivision Regulations Requiring Trees be Shown on Plans
Resolution 06-03 - 01-17-2006 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 6: Providing Health Insurance for Retirees of the City (Without Cost Basis)
(This benefit was later terminated unanimously)
Resolution 06-02 - 02-21-2006 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 7: Establish a Committe to Develop a Master Plan for the City
Resolution 06-10 - 02-21-2006 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 8: Motion to Defer Resolution Allowing Property Rights Voting For Developers
(Motion was to defer so that the board could be advised by the election administrators of Williamson and Maury Counties as to

the effect this would have on residents)
Resolution 06-04 - 03-20-2006
Vote: No
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 9: High Density (R4) Rezoning of Heiss property on Depot Street
Ordinance 06-61 - 08-21-2006 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 10: Creating a Historic Commission
Ordinance 07-01 - 02-20-2007 (Comments)
Vote: No
Gorilla Approval:

Gorilla Score (out of 10): 1

Ward 2 Alderman
Jim Gabriel
2810 Washington Ct - Thompson's Station 615-794-3559 Email
Tennessean Questionnaire Response
Williamson Herald Questionnaire Response

$$ Campaign Finances - Spent: $1,131.97
Disclosure of where the money came from and where it is spent

Eliot Mitchell (Incumbant)
2823 Tweed Pl - Thompson's Station 615-791-7485 Email
Tennessean Questionnaire Response
Williamson Herald Questionnaire Response

$$ Campaign Finances - Spent: $2,599.67
Disclosure of where the money came from and where it is spent

Voting Record on Specific Issues

Issue 1: Vote To NOT Reapportion Wards
Motion from the bench - February 2004 (Comments)
Vote: No
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 2: Vote To NOT Widen Buckner Road and to Also Not Install Sidewalks
Motion from the bench - February 2004
Vote: No
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 3: Raise Impact Fee .50 Paid on New Development
Ordinance 05-51 - 5/16/2005 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 4: Require Planning Commission Requirements To First Be Approved By BOMA
Ordinance 05-51 - 12-19-2005 (Comments)
Vote: No
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 5: Eliminate Subdivision Regulations Requiring Trees be Shown on Plans
Resolution 06-03 - 01-17-2006 (Comments)
Vote: No
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 6: Providing Health Insurance for Retirees of the City (Without Cost Basis)
(This benefit was later terminated unanimously)
Resolution 06-02 - 02-21-2006 (Comments)
Vote: No
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 7: Establish a Committe to Develop a Master Plan for the City
Resolution 06-10 - 02-21-2006 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 8: Motion to Defer Resolution Allowing Property Rights Voting For Developers
(Motion was to defer so that the board could be advised by the election administrators of Williamson and Maury Counties as to

the effect this would have on residents)
Resolution 06-04 - 03-20-2006
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 9: High Density (R4) Rezoning of Heiss property on Depot Street
Ordinance 06-61 - 08-21-2006 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 10: Creating a Historic Commission
Ordinance 07-01 - 02-20-2007 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Gorilla Score (out of 10): 9

Ward 3 Alderman
Sharon Cantrell (Incumbant)
5299 Main St - Spring Hill 931-486-1371 Email
Tennessean Questionnaire Response
Williamson Herald Questionnaire Response

$$ Campaign Finances - Spent: $2,474.22
Disclosure of where the money came from and where it is spent

Voting Record on Specific Issues

Issue 1: Vote To NOT Reapportion Wards
Motion from the bench - February 2004 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 2: Vote To NOT Widen Buckner Road and to Also Not Install Sidewalks
Motion from the bench - February 2004
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 3: Raise Impact Fee .50 Paid on New Development
Ordinance 05-51 - 5/16/2005 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 4: Require Planning Commission Requirements To First Be Approved By BOMA
Ordinance 05-51 - 12-19-2005 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 5: Eliminate Subdivision Regulations Requiring Trees be Shown on Plans
Resolution 06-03 - 01-17-2006 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 6: Providing Health Insurance for Retirees of the City (Without Cost Basis)
(This benefit was later terminated unanimously)
Resolution 06-02 - 02-21-2006 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 7: Establish a Committe to Develop a Master Plan for the City
Resolution 06-10 - 02-21-2006 (Comments)
Vote: No
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 8: Motion to Defer Resolution Allowing Property Rights Voting For Developers
(Motion was to defer so that the board could be advised by the election administrators of Williamson and Maury Counties as to

the effect this would have on residents)
Resolution 06-04 - 03-20-2006
Vote: No
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 9: High Density (R4) Rezoning of Heiss property on Depot Street
Ordinance 06-61 - 08-21-2006 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 10: Creating a Historic Commission
Ordinance 07-01 - 02-20-2007 (Comments)
Vote: No
Gorilla Approval:

Gorilla Score (out of 10): 1

Tommy Duncan - Campaign Website
610 Winners Cr - Thompson's Station 615-599-1536 Email
Tennessean Questionnaire Response
Williamson Herald Questionnaire Response

$$ Campaign Finances - Spent: $4,149.18
Disclosure of where the money came from and where it is spent

Rick Graham - Campaign Website
3023 Harrah Dr - Spring Hill 615-400-2730 Email
Tennessean Questionnaire Response
Williamson Herald Questionnaire Response

$$ Campaign Finances - Spent: $5,073.51
Disclosure of where the money came from and where it is spent

Tim Holm - Campaign Website
2161 Spring Hill Cr - Spring Hill 615-599-4673 Email
Tennessean Questionnaire Response
Williamson Herald Questionnaire Response

$$ Campaign Finances - Spent: $4,868.31
Disclosure of where the money came from and where it is spent

Tamra Mezera - Campaign Website
2171 Loudenslager Dr - Thompson's Station 615-591-7916 Email
Tennessean Questionnaire Response
Williamson Herald Questionnaire Response

$$ Campaign Finances
No Campaign Financial Information Filed (Not required if less than $1,000)

Ward 4 Alderman
Bruce Hull
3737 Jay Ln - Spring Hill 931-486-1473 Email
Tennessean Questionnaire Response
Williamson Herald Questionnaire Response

$$ Campaign Finances - Spent: $1,057.76
Disclosure of where the money came from and where it is spent

Viola Pickard (Incumbant)
807 Belle Dr - Spring Hill 931-486-2660
Tennessean Questionnaire Response
Williamson Herald Questionnaire Response

$$ Campaign Finances
No Campaign Financial Information Filed (Not required if less than $1,000)

Voting Record on Specific Issues

Issue 1: Vote To NOT Reapportion Wards
Motion from the bench - February 2004 (Comments)
Vote: N/A
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 2: Vote To NOT Widen Buckner Road and to Also Not Install Sidewalks
Motion from the bench - February 2004
Vote: N/A
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 3: Raise Impact Fee .50 Paid on New Development
Ordinance 05-51 - 5/16/2005 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 4: Require Planning Commission Requirements To First Be Approved By BOMA
Ordinance 05-51 - 12-19-2005 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 5: Eliminate Subdivision Regulations Requiring Trees be Shown on Plans
Resolution 06-03 - 01-17-2006 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 6: Providing Health Insurance for Retirees of the City (Without Cost Basis)
(This benefit was later terminated unanimously)
Resolution 06-02 - 02-21-2006 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 7: Establish a Committe to Develop a Master Plan for the City
Resolution 06-10 - 02-21-2006 (Comments)
Vote: No
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 8: Motion to Defer Resolution Allowing Property Rights Voting For Developers
(Motion was to defer so that the board could be advised by the election administrators of Williamson and Maury Counties as to

the effect this would have on residents)
Resolution 06-04 - 03-20-2006
Vote: No
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 9: High Density (R4) Rezoning of Heiss property on Depot Street
Ordinance 06-61 - 08-21-2006 (Comments)
Vote: Yes
Gorilla Approval:

Issue 10: Creating a Historic Commission
Ordinance 07-01 - 02-20-2007 (Comments)
Vote: No
Gorilla Approval:

Gorilla Score (out of 8): 1

Election Day Voting Information
(This information comes from the Maury County Election Commission)

Tuesday, April 12th
Hours: 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.

Williamson County Residents
Campbell Station Fire Station
4000 Campbell Station Parkway

Maury County Residents
Spring Hill Community Building
Next to Evans Park
Maury Hill Street

Posts Related to the Alderman Election of 2007

  • 04/15/2007 4:17 PM - What a Week!

  • 04/12/2007 7:39 PM - And The Winners Are...

  • 04/12/2007 9:46 AM - Day of Change is Here!

  • 04/10/2007 4:53 PM - Talk is Cheap

  • 04/09/2007 11:45 AM - Committments Indeed!

  • 04/09/2007 11:17 AM - Campaign Finances

  • 04/03/2007 11:32 AM - Deserves Repeating

  • 04/02/2007 11:04 AM - Dissecting Campaign Rhetoric

  • 03/27/2007 08:45 AM - At IT Again!

  • 03/21/2007 03:45 PM - Campaign Event: Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce Luncheon

  • 03/20/2007 03:56 PM - Ward 1 Candidate Tennessean Responses

  • 03/20/2007 03:55 PM - Ward 2 Candidate Tennessean Responses

  • 03/20/2007 03:54 PM - Ward 3 Candidate Tennessean Responses

  • 03/20/2007 03:53 PM - Ward 4 Candidate Tennessean Responses

  • 03/16/2007 08:44 AM - Roll Call!

  • 03/14/2007 09:50 PM - Developer Control?

  • 02/27/2007 12:28 PM - Re-Elect...You Sure About That?

  • 02/23/2007 2:11 PM - A Few Events To Know About!

  • 02/23/2007 11:56 AM - March 20th Candidate Meet and Greet

  • 02/16/2007 5:03 PM - Tim Holm Introduction

  • 02/13/2007 12:15 PM - Kindered Spirits

  • 02/13/2007 11:52 AM - Michael Dinwiddie Introduction

  • 02/07/2007 2:31 PM - Update - The Real Good Ol' Boy Network

  • 01/30/2007 7:03 AM - January 29, 2007 Poll Results

  • 01/29/2007 8:03 AM - Ron DeFrancisco's Letter to the Editor

  • 01/22/2007 8:41 AM - Re-apportionment at Work

  • 01/18/2007 12:01 PM - The Real Good Ol' Boy Network

  • 01/18/2007 12:00 PM - City of Spring Hill 2007 Election Information

  • 01/18/2007 7:02 AM - Tommy Duncan Introduction

  • 01/09/2007 4:17 PM - Tamra Mezera Introduction

  • 01/01/2007 12:10 PM - Rick Graham Introduction

  • 12/04/2006 7:56 AM - Ron DeFrancisco Introduction

  • 11/30/2006 8:58 AM - Want to Run For Alderman?

  • 11/30/2006 8:15 AM - Tim Holm Introduction

  • Click to Return to Spring Hill Alternate Issues

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